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Miranda warnings given by Magistrate.....congressmen tell him he cannot do that

Hospital Bob
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I was watching tv this morning and some congressman was yapping away how the Magistrate had exceeded his powers, and how the Supreme Court has laid down the law that Miranda warnings "can" be suspended by an emergency.....and how out of line the Magistrate was.....he came right in and interfered with our investigation......................................dumb asz.....there has been filed a criminal indictment........once that was filed the buck stops on the Magistrate's bench......maybe if the charges of killing with a weapon of mass destruction had not been filed......some argument....but how do these folks get elected to congress? We are ready for T's Gestapo, and all the blood and guts to secure our constitution and its protections.....just throw them out for Americans because congress wants to take your rights away.....smelling more like the British, and the monied class turning us into simple indentured servants......This has been a huge cluster F, and not one media outlet is talking about this objectively.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

We've now learned that, if the cops had not caught the bombers, their plans were to set off more bombs in Times Square.
I'll be in Times Square a week from now. I'm glad the cops went all out to get these two off the streets.


I'm glad the cops went all out to get these two off the streets.

Really Bob? Does this conclusion proceed or follow your hating of Muslims? Let's take a look at your "all out" interpretation. Law enforcement had good ID on the suspects 24 hours before the release to the public. Tell me Bob why this all out effort delayed that release? So they have a command center in a convention hall in downtown Boston.....chaos would be fair....tough job to coordinate all those phone calls and deal with the video.......but the FBI field office had brought one of the suspects into their office....even had a foreign government raise the red you think the agent made an ID?.......nope. Do you think the task force with the overwhelming evidence pouring in for 48 hours sent a squad out to the person's home to talk to him?.....nope.

So now like a road trip from Animal House, Flounder and Bluto decide to execute an officer in his cruiser.......bam! Did that all out save that officer? nope So the Flounder and Bluto are all gangsta......and they jack a car....gonna get some money......tell the jackee that they are going to party in NY......they said something about Uncle Bob being there in a couple weeks and they wanted to get wasted......but damn....they go into the gas station to hit the ATM....and fill the car with gas.....and damn....the Jackee runs away leaving his phone in the car. A local cop gets the radio message of a couple perps jacking a car and to hold off engagement as they are pinging the cell phone and want reinforcements, but damn Flounder and Bluto got this gangsta going to their head.....they come out shooting on this Leo who was simply doing a routine car jacking pursuit.....1000s a week in the US, and that task force in that hotel convention which Bob is all excited about all out....well they are still trying to figure out who these guys were.......

So about six squads exchange 200 rounds, and unarmed flounder gets in a car and drives a few blocks......gets out of his car bleeding.......walks a little further than he was supposed to........and cuddles up in a boat
.......he is really pissed....gonna be hard to explain all the bullet holes in the car......oh that was Animal House.....lets get back to the real all out deal here which is not a least it is being played as being serious......

The folks after realizing that the dead guy is one of suspects decide hey.....Uncle Bob is coming to NY in a couple weeks.....lets just arrest everybody in the Boston Metropolitan area.....will use some fancy words....hell they will not even realize they are under house arrest.....

Meanwhile Flounder is thinking where are these guys.......Butch and Sundance always said who are those guys....but Flounder is going....where are these guys....I am bleeding....I am walking....they have dogs.....where are these guys......nope....they find the car and arrest Boston......but it gets better......they draw an imaginary line..........some older law enforcement guy who started in a small town called Mayberry....I think his name was Barney....goes lets look in this area.....lets not use the citizens to help find this wounded guy.....and lets not search a large geographic area with the assistance of citizens......nnnnnnnooooooooooo. We be the father figure.....and father knows lets call in some SWAT teams to terrorize law abiding know point guns at them....deny them constitutional protections......hell why not.......this is all in........but damn the media is starting to ask some why is Boston under arrest and why have you not found this guy who simply drove away, parked the car and walked as he was bleeding. So Barney is getting some heat and wise older gentleman named Andy said why don't we lift the house arrest on Boston......and within twenty minutes they had the suspect surrounded because of all out effort by Barney to strip citizens of their constitutional rights and so that guy known as Uncle Bob who had family near Mayberry could go to NY in a couple of weeks.......

It makes all the sense in the world that you are a bigot about Muslims, and you approve of this all out, and you especially like an American citizen who committed a crime and who has been indicted that they have no know Bluto and Flounder......they were those Muslims......they should not get no rights.....cuz America is not Boston Strong.......we are Barney...ized....where fear and overreaction justify the means, and where real Americans gave their blood and guts to protect this country from being Barney....ized......but heck....them Muslims got no rights.

Last edited by 2seaoat on 4/25/2013, 9:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I just back from the store and find this book length reply. You'll have to give me a few minutes to take all this in. But first I have to reply to the thread Sal put up which has Rachel Maddow saying the mainstream right-wing politicians and media have embraced Alex Jones and the conspiracy crowd. Which is one of the most wrong-headed commentaries I have ever watched, listened to or read. From that woman or anyone else.
After I deal with that I'll come back to this.


Meanwhile.....Barney was firing up the convention center....planing one of those futile efforts........


A chetzen organizational meeting somewhere in the Caucaus mountains.


The whole point of arresting a metropolitan are is to just enjoy yourself.....


Congressman's vision of American courts.....

I am going to revoke your don't need no stinking rights......

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Dealing with Sal and his infatuation with Rachel Maddow has drained all the energy out of me. I'm too pooped to deal with this too.
So I'm just going to concede all this. The government and the cops are stormtroopers who are shredding the constitution and brutalizing the citizenry, a couple of beat cops could have easily solved this case, and the keystone cop law enforcement authorities shoulda had these two in jail before they ever committed the crime if they weren't all so incompetent.
The government and the cops are a far worse threat to us than any bombers or terrorists or criminals and they're the ones who should be prosecuted. You win.



[quote="Bob"]Dealing with Sal and his infatuation with Rachel Maddow has drained all the energy out of me. I'm too pooped to deal with this too.
So I'm just going to concede all this. The government and the cops are stormtroopers who are shredding the constitution and brutalizing the citizenry, a couple of beat cops could have easily solved this case, and the keystone cop law enforcement authorities shoulda had these two in jail before they ever committed the crime if they weren't all so incompetent.
The government and the cops are a far worse threat to us than any bombers or terrorists or criminals and they're the ones who should be prosecuted. You win.


cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers



Bob wrote:Dealing with Sal and his infatuation with Rachel Maddow has drained all the energy out of me.

I'm not infatuated with Maddow, Bob.

I never even watch her show.

I caught her commentary on a website, and though it was an excellent commentary on the right wing's embrace of insanity.

As it was.


Now we can await the trial of flounder......the very idea.....but one thing is certain.....thousands of our standing army are patrolling on patriots day......and Flounder and Bluto drop bombs and actually pull off their intended you think we can trust you think we can make people aware in America of unattended containers and set in place fast response and proper crowd procedure......nope.....lets wait and arrest another city....lets tell Andy to go to hell.....lets make Barney be in charge.....I simply do not understand how some folks in Southern Illinois can get slaughtered.....two children......and nobody arrested everybody in the town........


The government and the cops are a far worse threat to us than any bombers or terrorists or criminals and they're the ones who should be prosecuted. You win.

five slaughtered.......two children........more people than all of the deaths in Boston.........and you think somebody is winning or losing......I think as we give up liberty for your perceived tidbits of you bend at the alter of are willing to allow fundamental rights of every American in their home and their person to be invaded by government because two run of the mill losers do a criminal act.....God help us if there ever is a real in depth coordinated attack.......maybe it will be easier to nuke the Boston metropolitan area to get two people than to deal with the difficult following of the rules which our forefathers thought were and losers, and false equivalency....sprinkle a little hate for Muslims and we have pure cowardice as Americans sit silent and do not ask questions.........and the next time it just might be you with a gun pointed at you......but then......there may not be anybody who cares.



Maybe everyone should keep in mind that fatal Islamic Terrorist attacks were increasing in frequency leading up to 9/11/2001. There was also another attempt on the World Trade Center in February 26, 1993 which turned into a trial run.

What if there were 20 or 30 bombers with pressure cooker bombs built the same way, dispersed in a larger area, also heavily populated and the bombs were dirty bombs?


What if there were 20 or 30 bombers with pressure cooker bombs built the same way, dispersed in a larger area, also heavily populated and the bombs were dirty bombs?

I would say that even Andy could not save out butts......but Barney would suggest house arrest and turning off the city water and sewer..........and the electric and gas..........but worse of all they would shut down the internet.

If you have not figured it out yet........throwing away our protected rights is getting easier and easier....we just need to ramp up our fear........put a little more fear of what if.........and a dash of it could happen.......and next thing you know you are under house arrest, no water, sewer, electric, gas, and cannot find your way to this forum.......damn......that is a bad day........but its good to know Barney has a solution.



"Maybe everyone should keep in mind that fatal Islamic Terrorist attacks were increasing in frequency leading up to 9/11/2001..."

Somebody should have warned Bush and Cheney...OH, WAIT...they DID. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes


No critical review of this event in the media......just more cheerleading. God help us if actual terrorists decide to harm this country. Hopefully somebody in Congress is going to ask for a committee to review every aspect of what happened in Boston, and hopefully they understand that American citizens have rights.......and are not just air breathers who matter little...........we have just become the United States of Wussification........get your hands up citizens.....and do not ask questions......we will tell you when you can come out of your houses.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote: God help us if actual terrorists decide to harm this country.

What if actual terrorists start blowing real peoples' legs off and it's not just fake actors put there by the government like in Boston.


No, this was real. My sister in law's brother is a doctor who was running in the Marathon, and saw just a part of the carnage. The folks who want to make this crap up have a special place in hell. They are the bookend for the folks that are heaping praise on Law enforcement for saving the day. I remember going to a senior pga event when Chi Chi Rodriguez teed off. The crowd around him let out a big cheer after his drive........he stopped and waited to let the crowd quiet down, and he took the time to explain that the shot he just made was a not very good lay up. You need to know the game. Cheer when I do something good, otherwise your cheers mean nothing. That day he took a liking to my son, and would give him his tees after teeing off, but his wisdom at that moment was deep and applicable.

We have become this idiot nation with a bookend of stone cold stupid saying this was a staged event, and the other bookend of stone cold stupid leaping with joy on what a professional job law enforcement did that day. It was one big fail. We cannot learn without a critical review of that day......but sadly the book ends are yapping, and everything in between is not being can bet this will happen again......people will die, and we will be spending more precious resources feeding this massive concept that government will keep folks night lights burning bright and that they can justify taking our rights away to keep that boogey man in the closet.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

You missed the point of my sarcasm. Actual terrorists did harm us.


I am cranky. I am tired of stupid and the acceptance of what has happened in Boston. Our newspapers and our journalists have been gutted, and if I had to listen to one more minute of some talking head heaping praise without having a clue what really happened.....I was going to throw up. No journalism......just one big reality show without even understanding reality.....I simply do not understand the wusification of America....I take crap on this forum all the time about ranting on this subject, but real patriots gave guts and blood that we live under a free society, yet we are being financially exploited, and now we can easily be manipulated by government like all those visions of group think we never thought possible in America. We need people willing to walk against the grain.........not some outrageous nonsense which these conspiracy theories represent, but we need Billy Mitchells who are telling America about real risks and providing real solutions......instead we have created this battleship military industrial complex in this huge criminal justice system which has finally started feeding on law abiding citizens.......and not a word.



Miranda warnings given by Magistrate.....congressmen tell him he cannot do that Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcROreMRdszY5dxBFjkiSwFOeQ4FyXqSE-8fBpnp1BfR-Ppv3oQO

Putting a lock on something only keeps the honest man honest.

The same can be said about creating legislation in a vain attempt to control something. I cite the 18th Amendment as a prime example. Creating legislation to prohibit a honest citizen from purchasing, owning, or doing something; i.e. alcohol, firearms, drugs, 1st Amendment restrictions(?), etc... does not cure the underlying problem, which is caused by the perpetrator of the criminal activity.

*****SAD SMILE*****


no stress

no stress

2seaoat wrote:Bob,
I am cranky. I am tired of stupid and the acceptance of what has happened in Boston. Our newspapers and our journalists have been gutted, and if I had to listen to one more minute of some talking head heaping praise without having a clue what really happened.....I was going to throw up. No journalism......just one big reality show without even understanding reality.....I simply do not understand the wusification of America....I take crap on this forum all the time about ranting on this subject, but real patriots gave guts and blood that we live under a free society, yet we are being financially exploited, and now we can easily be manipulated by government like all those visions of group think we never thought possible in America. We need people willing to walk against the grain.........not some outrageous nonsense which these conspiracy theories represent, but we need Billy Mitchells who are telling America about real risks and providing real solutions......instead we have created this battleship military industrial complex in this huge criminal justice system which has finally started feeding on law abiding citizens.......and not a word.

cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers



Gunz wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Bob,
I am cranky. I am tired of stupid and the acceptance of what has happened in Boston. Our newspapers and our journalists have been gutted, and if I had to listen to one more minute of some talking head heaping praise without having a clue what really happened.....I was going to throw up. No journalism......just one big reality show without even understanding reality.....I simply do not understand the wusification of America....I take crap on this forum all the time about ranting on this subject, but real patriots gave guts and blood that we live under a free society, yet we are being financially exploited, and now we can easily be manipulated by government like all those visions of group think we never thought possible in America. We need people willing to walk against the grain.........not some outrageous nonsense which these conspiracy theories represent, but we need Billy Mitchells who are telling America about real risks and providing real solutions......instead we have created this battleship military industrial complex in this huge criminal justice system which has finally started feeding on law abiding citizens.......and not a word.

cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers

Billy Mitchell was treated so well........I'll stay locked and loaded.


Billy Mitchell was treated so well........I'll stay locked and loaded.

Nobody said it was easy, and the man had a great deal to do with why we are not speaking Japanese after Pearl Harbor......his belief in air power and aircraft carriers was a battle which had to be took courage. There is no courage.....just talking heads and politicians who do not give a rat's tail about this country, rather where their next pay check will come from.

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