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Teo ever hear of the "public safety exception" rule in regard to Miranda rights?

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A Justice Department official told the Associated Press that Tsarnaev will not be read his Miranda rights because the government is invoking a public safety exception. That exception allows law enforcement “to engage in a limited and focused unwarned interrogation of a suspect and allows the government to introduce the statement as evidence in court,” the wire service reported.

Also, according to case law, this is not unheard of in doing and actually the courts have allowed this to happen:

The Supreme Court issued the ruling regarding a public safety exception in New York v. Quarles in 1984. Was just reading about it. Of course, some Justices have argued that based upon a strict constructionist view, the Miranda warning requirement is nowhere to be found in the Constitution to begin with.

Wondering....public safety exception = trojan horse for expanding the police state

Watch how quickly the govt class expands the use of these public safety exceptions. Marathon, parade, football game, grocery store, use of major highways....we must subject your home to periodic random searches to protect the homes that are nearby. Before long they will erase what little remains of the Bill of Rights. The masses will support this because it is "to keep us safe."

Oh, and this is a part of a discussion at on the political board.



Of course,it's not found in the constitution. It was based on a case around 1973,I think. Exact date not sure. Some people think they have to be given their Miranda Rights every time they're arrested but the truth is you only have to give them when you intend to question somebody.



Dreamsglore wrote:Of course,it's not found in the constitution. It was based on a case around 1973,I think. Exact date not sure. Some people think they have to be given their Miranda Rights every time they're arrested but the truth is you only have to give them when you intend to question somebody.

Do you think that they are NOT going to question him? Gosh you are a ditz.



The horse is already out of the barn with NDAA there are no's all 24 hours jack bauer stuff now...whatever they think it takes....We are officially being conditioned to a police state and we are doing little to stop it...


They probably have enough to convict just from the videos, but with the shoot out, the defendant could say nothing, and he will be convicted. If he confessed, and later the courts found miranda should have been given because there was not expedient factors........he still does not walk, the confession and any fruits from the same are simply not admissible. His goose is cooked because of the abundance of other evidence collected independently of the confession......if he even talks.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:Of course,it's not found in the constitution. It was based on a case around 1973,I think. Exact date not sure. Some people think they have to be given their Miranda Rights every time they're arrested but the truth is you only have to give them when you intend to question somebody.

Do you think that they are NOT going to question him? Gosh you are a ditz.

Where did I say I thought they weren't going to question him, asswipe?



Dreamsglore wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:Of course,it's not found in the constitution. It was based on a case around 1973,I think. Exact date not sure. Some people think they have to be given their Miranda Rights every time they're arrested but the truth is you only have to give them when you intend to question somebody.

Do you think that they are NOT going to question him? Gosh you are a ditz.

Where did I say I thought they weren't going to question him, asswipe?


Posts: 4589
Join date: 2012-06-17

Of course,it's not found in the constitution. It was based on a case around 1973,I think. Exact date not sure. Some people think they have to be given their Miranda Rights every time they're arrested but the truth is you only have to give them when you intend to question somebody.




PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:Of course,it's not found in the constitution. It was based on a case around 1973,I think. Exact date not sure. Some people think they have to be given their Miranda Rights every time they're arrested but the truth is you only have to give them when you intend to question somebody.

Do you think that they are NOT going to question him? Gosh you are a ditz.

Where did I say I thought they weren't going to question him, asswipe?


Posts: 4589
Join date: 2012-06-17

Of course,it's not found in the constitution. It was based on a case around 1973,I think. Exact date not sure. Some people think they have to be given their Miranda Rights every time they're arrested but the truth is you only have to give them when you intend to question somebody.


And? I fail to see your point. I made a statement about miranda rights period. Dumkoff.



German huh? Bet you have a picture of Hitler over your bed.



2seaoat wrote:They probably have enough to convict just from the videos, but with the shoot out, the defendant could say nothing, and he will be convicted. If he confessed, and later the courts found miranda should have been given because there was not expedient factors........he still does not walk, the confession and any fruits from the same are simply not admissible. His goose is cooked because of the abundance of other evidence collected independently of the confession......if he even talks.

I could be wrong... but this guy didn't travel overseas and I haven't heard of him having contact with radicals other than his brother. There may not be any info to be gained... which means there is no public safety issue after the fact. The enemy combatant status may apply tho.



PkrBum wrote:
2seaoat wrote:They probably have enough to convict just from the videos, but with the shoot out, the defendant could say nothing, and he will be convicted. If he confessed, and later the courts found miranda should have been given because there was not expedient factors........he still does not walk, the confession and any fruits from the same are simply not admissible. His goose is cooked because of the abundance of other evidence collected independently of the confession......if he even talks.

I could be wrong... but this guy didn't travel overseas and I haven't heard of him having contact with radicals other than his brother. There may not be any info to be gained... which means there is no public safety issue after the fact. The enemy combatant status may apply tho.

Nice to see that Sen Feinstein has "regrets" to speaking about the terrorist being labeled or assigned enemy combatant status...yeah we wouldn't want to offend this 'gentleman'...




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