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Suspect in white hat STILL had his back pack on AFTER the blast....

Margin Call
boards of FL
Hospital Bob
11 posters

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You guys keep calling me a loon and I am going to take my impeccable logic and go home..Then you will be left to wallow in ignorance...oh that's right you love that blissful place....



TEOTWAWKI wrote:You guys keep calling me a loon and I am going to take my impeccable logic and go home..Then you will be left to wallow in ignorance...oh that's right you love that blissful place....

You are not a loon. Keep posting.....

Margin Call

Margin Call

TEOTWAWKI wrote:You guys keep calling me a loon and I am going to take my impeccable logic and go home..Then you will be left to wallow in ignorance...oh that's right you love that blissful place....

You are not a loon. Keep posting.....

I agree. I need to read this stuff. I don't get this info anywhere else. Plus, I'm an ass because I disagree. 'Murica.

Margin Call

Margin Call

Margin Call wrote:BTW, calling me a smart ass is the ultimate compliment. Gracias, mi loco.

Well you have always seemed to me to be a geniuass. I was just telling a friend that I think they want us to feel helpless...why else the show of force in Boston?...I'll give away my gold when you hand over your zillions to the NWO.

I think the chicken coop I am building and the eggs i get from it may be better than gold soon...

I don't think you would consider me rich.


You are not a loon. Keep posting.....

Well, I have loons on the islands.....they are smaller than a Canada goose, and not as colorful as the mallard duck, but even a blind loon can find an occasional acorn.....hmmmm I might have that wrong.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Joanimaroni wrote:

The backpack of the younger bomber was not black. Watch the video.

Welcome back, Joanimaroni! I was starting to think that you had forgotten about this place.



Sal wrote:
Bob wrote:

I just googled it and the first answer I got was 20 seconds.

I just did the same thing and got 13 seconds.

Regardless, I think we're looking at a picture of after both bombs had detonated.

3. I looked several times at what we're being told is the backpack on him in that video. I can see how it might appear to be the backpack but it's definitely not conclusive that's what we're looking at.

I agree completely.

So assuming that is the case, why did the authorities perpetrate a total fraud on all of us? For what motive? To accomplish what?

In some other thread, you said something about conspiracy theories being implausible.

I'd go even further and say that conspiracy theories of the magnitude and complexity that would be required here or in the 9/11 attacks, are not only implausible, they're impossible.

The human species is simply not disciplined enough to pull it off.

You're right that these conspiracy theories will never go away, but I still think if the press would do it's job a little more aggressively, the numbers believing it would be greatly diminished.

A conspiracy by definition requires only two people collaborating. Why is everyone so idiotic about the term? Please...look at 9/11...just the towers, and tell me that the laws of physics don't apply.



Floridatexan wrote:
A conspiracy by definition requires only two people collaborating. Why is everyone so idiotic about the term? Please...look at 9/11...just the towers, and tell me that the laws of physics don't apply.

Oh come on FT, this kind of rhetoric we have come to expect from others here on this forum, but from you? How can you buy into some pipe dream?



Give up FT dumbasses abound here. Lost cause.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Floridatexan wrote:

A conspiracy by definition requires only two people collaborating. Why is everyone so idiotic about the term?

Please...look at 9/11...just the towers, and tell me that the laws of physics don't apply.

If only two people could have blown up the world trade center, fired a missile into the pentagon, faked all the forensics evidence at the pentagon, faked all the cell phone calls from the airliners, convinced the insurance companies to absorb a $7 billion loss following bombing and arson, hired all the Saudi "agents" who really weren't the perps, and done a hundred other things; then there is only one explanation for the abilities of those two persons. They had to be Jesus and his brother Jeebus. Because only those two individuals could perform such miracles all by themselves.

The laws of physics absolutely DO apply to every aspect of it.
When a concrete slab is being held up by steel floor trusses, and when the fire from the jet fuel makes those steel trusses weaken and sag (which is definitely the physics we know), and when those trusses finally pull away from the perimeter columns (the steel beams holding up the fucking building), then that floor slab will collapse and the collapse will begin at that point (which all the evidence shows us is exactly what happened and which is completely in harmony with the physics we know). And physics (the fucking law of gravity) tells us that once that collapse begins, then the collapse will continue until that building is a pile of rubble on the ground.

Physics, on the other hand, absolutely does not allow for a hurricane offshore being used to created holograms of either the buildings or the airliners. Both of which have been proposed as so-called "theories".


A Dumbass



Bob wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:

A conspiracy by definition requires only two people collaborating. Why is everyone so idiotic about the term?

Please...look at 9/11...just the towers, and tell me that the laws of physics don't apply.

If only two people could have blown up the world trade center, fired a missile into the pentagon, faked all the forensics evidence at the pentagon, faked all the cell phone calls from the airliners, convinced the insurance companies to absorb a $7 billion loss following bombing and arson, hired all the Saudi "agents" who really weren't the perps, and done a hundred other things; then there is only one explanation for the abilities of those two persons. They had to be Jesus and his brother Jeebus. Because only those two individuals could perform such miracles all by themselves.

The laws of physics absolutely DO apply to every aspect of it.
When a concrete slab is being held up by steel floor trusses, and when the fire from the jet fuel makes those steel trusses weaken and sag (which is definitely the physics we know), and when those trusses finally pull away from the perimeter columns (the steel beams holding up the fucking building), then that floor slab will collapse and the collapse will begin at that point (which all the evidence shows us is exactly what happened and which is completely in harmony with the physics we know). And physics (the fucking law of gravity) tells us that once that collapse begins, then the collapse will continue until that building is a pile of rubble on the ground.

Physics, on the other hand, absolutely does not allow for a hurricane offshore being used to created holograms of either the buildings or the airliners. Both of which have been proposed as so-called "theories".


A Dumbass

Admitting you have the problem is the first step...

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

By the way, I think everyone here (except for one individual) can now agree that the title of this thread is unadulterated bullshit.

But you'll notice that the author of that thread title has not acknowledged this.
I'm the most imperfect human who ever lived. But I can tell you this, if I had written a thread title that was proven to be bullshit, I would be taking it back. The proof of that is that I have done that more than once before.
So I guess that's also what makes me a "dumbass". lol



Bob wrote:
Sal wrote:

When they release it, if it exists, a lot of this conspiracy stuff will go away.

Hahahahaha. It will "go away". Hahahahaha.

Trust me, even if the kid was to confess when a lie detector is running and it indicates the kid is telling the truth, the conspiracy aint goin away. Because then they would just say the kid is an agent of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy never "goes away". lol

Once that conspiracy seed is planted.....if the images were released...'teo' and others will immediately say...well they (government) had time to edit...Once the Ventura crowd believes something evidence has nothing to do with it...



THE Government is a criminal cabal that has been outright criminal since Kennedy was shot dead...You guys are such wide eyed believers in it you scare me...

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

The government is a necessary evil. It should never be anything more nor anything less. It isn't for me.
And if you don't already understand the "necessary" part of that by now, then no amount of education can overcome that level of ignorance.

What the government is not, however, is a large group of satanic characters with superpowers all trying to fuck over the public who are all the agents of the allmighty fighting the evil satanic overlords with truth and justice and righteousness.

I didn't believe the plot in Plan 9 From Outer Space was real-life and I don't believe that plot is real-life either.


I am not wide eyed.....actually I am pretty sleepy....but even in a sleepy state, you have to recognize how incompetent anything coordinated is and the Government's involvement in the same.......hell, they could not even find these two people with all the photos and all the phone took a common car jacking to find you think the same folks who brought us this highly organized capture of the suspect are going to do year after year complex conspiracies......your belief in conspiracies is an admission of omnipotence of government which is an inherent contradiction in your world view.....does not make a lick of sense.



2seaoat wrote:I am not wide eyed.....actually I am pretty sleepy....but even in a sleepy state, you have to recognize how incompetent anything coordinated is and the Government's involvement in the same.......hell, they could not even find these two people with all the photos and all the phone took a common car jacking to find you think the same folks who brought us this highly organized capture of the suspect are going to do year after year complex conspiracies......your belief in conspiracies is an admission of omnipotence of government which is an inherent contradiction in your world view.....does not make a lick of sense.

There used to be a saying about keeping a secret...if two people know the only way it can remain a secret is that if one kills the other...How many government agencies/personnel would have to be involved?....The easy way out is to simply say...the government did it...



You both seem to lack a grasp of history and the many conspiracies that have lead to many many countless many dead citizens at the hand of their own governments.

A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic. -- Joseph Stalin

In earlier times it was easier to control a million people than physically to kill a million people. Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. -- Zbigniew Brzezinski



We may never know how many died of starvation in 1932-33. Yushchenko and others speak of 10 million, or about a third of the population of Ukraine. However, more reliable estimates in Ukraine and elsewhere suggest that the death toll was three to five million, still a truly staggering figure.

This was a CONSPIRACY to starve people to death, CONSPIRACY !..damn you all are dense...



TEOTWAWKI wrote:THE Government is a criminal cabal that has been outright criminal since Kennedy was shot dead...You guys are such wide eyed believers in it you scare me...

The government didn't have Kennedy killed. A New Orleans mafioso named Carols Marcello probably is responsible for that one. I've been convinced of that since I found out Oswald and Ruby knew each other and both were buddies of Marcello. I know the N Y Post isn't exactly the most reliable of all papers, but a lot of people in New Orleans certainly believe that's what happened. Marcello had a motive and the guys who were loyal to him to carry it out.

I don't think believing that makes me a conspiracy theorist. I don't think anybody thinks Oswald acted alone with no motive.
Believing one conspiracy doesn't mean you have t6 suck up everything you hear later on though. I think that's what some people on this forum tend to do.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

bluemoon wrote: A New Orleans mafioso named Carols Marcello probably is responsible for that one.
I once did a lot of business with a guy in Gulfport MS who had been a bagman for Marcello. He and I went to jail together. First in the Boca Raton city jail and then we were transferred to the Broward County jail.
His name was Bob Bechard. But all his acquaintances called him Bob Bigshot. And it wasn't a term of endearment. He was a bigshot only in his own mind. lol

We went down to Ft. Lauderdale to buy slot machines from a guy and ended up in his trap. He had been smuggling them to the gambling operations in the islands and they had him under surveillance. Bechard and I came down to buy some. I was buying them to sell to doctors and such for their game rooms. Bechard was buying them to sell to his slot machine operator buddies on the Mississippi coast (before legal gambling).

Bechard always carried Marcello's calling card with him. It simply said...
Carlos Marcello - tomato farmer. lol

Last edited by Bob on 4/23/2013, 11:24 am; edited 1 time in total


Conspiracies exist throughout history and exist today......the danger which faces the world is the balance of denial of conspiracies in all things versus the inherent belief that all things are a direct result of a controlled series of events which have been planned........both of these views are naive. It takes the ability to discern facts and events.........which if you start with a world view conclusion, it certainly makes it much more difficult to discern the facts as each view is blinded. To say I am clueless because I do not see any conspiracy in the sad events in Boston usually indicates to me that an individual in understanding their own being have constructed a paradigm which rationalizes their existence, rather than an objective review of the facts in any given historical event their existence has been a series of events which others have controlled.......I liken it to when building blocks and leggos with my grandchildren.....their structure topples over and they say.....Papa...did you knock my building over.....rather than looking at what really happened to their structure...........a child's view of control and responsibility, sometimes correct....because I have knocked their leggos over.....but most conspiracy folks are telling us much more about themselves than they probably care.



Every conspirator has two things in common with every other conspirator. He must be an accomplished liar and a far-seeing planner. Whether you are studying Hitler, Alcibiades, Julius Caesar or some of our contemporary conspirators, you will find that their patient planning is almost overwhelming. We repeat FDR’s statement: “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”



bluemoon wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:THE Government is a criminal cabal that has been outright criminal since Kennedy was shot dead...You guys are such wide eyed believers in it you scare me...

The government didn't have Kennedy killed. A New Orleans mafioso named Carols Marcello probably is responsible for that one. I've been convinced of that since I found out Oswald and Ruby knew each other and both were buddies of Marcello. I know the N Y Post isn't exactly the most reliable of all papers, but a lot of people in New Orleans certainly believe that's what happened. Marcello had a motive and the guys who were loyal to him to carry it out.

I don't think believing that makes me a conspiracy theorist. I don't think anybody thinks Oswald acted alone with no motive.
Believing one conspiracy doesn't mean you have t6 suck up everything you hear later on though. I think that's what some people on this forum tend to do.

Just watched two shows (History Channel) about the Kennedy Assassination and about Jack Ruby...The evidence supports the Warren Commission that Oswald acted alone and had a shot come from the grassy knoll with the same type rifle the President's head would have been taken off and Jackie would have been a victim...The shot that hit the president in the throat lines up with the wounds of the governor...The conspiracy about Oswald glancing and giving a look towards Ruby before the shooting...another camera angle has a reporter taking a step forward asking Oswald a question which explains the glance in that direction...Ruby was a Dallas police groupie and took advantage of that information to get in position and the opportunity for a trial was silenced...It's a fascinating subject and certainly open to many theories as to what agency/individual was involved..



Oswald was a good man and a patsie..Ruby was dying of cancer and his family received a payoff for his services in silencing Oswald..

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