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Water bridge

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1Water bridge Empty Water bridge 4/3/2013, 5:42 pm



Magdeburg Water Bridge in Germany

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2Water bridge Empty Re: Water bridge 4/3/2013, 6:03 pm


This was the big argument over on the Navarre Beach thread 6 years ago. They have a group who want to open the old Navarre Pass which was closed by Hurricane Betsy which filled the pass in within 6 months of it opening. A group wanted to cut a new pass.

I argued that with the federal Fema money for the Navarre Pier they should create a water bridge from the gulf to the intercoastal with locks on each end. I then argued that the fishing pier would be on both sides of the pier. Donald Skipper reamed my butt off because he argued the noise would scare away all the fish......we argued for a week, and I finally had to concede that he was right the fish probably would be scared off at the Gulf end where people now concentrate for the best fishing.

I still think a water bridge along the Eglin property line of Santa Rosa Island on the furthest Eastern portion of Navarre Beach would be a huge economic boost to the area, would be more environmentally sound that a new pass, and would have pretty good fishing.....but now that the new Navarre Pier is done.....the fishing really is not my concern anymore....and just a straight up project with tolls would pay for it and increase depressed values on the beach, and improve response times to get people off the Gulf in bad weather.

3Water bridge Empty Re: Water bridge 4/3/2013, 7:47 pm



Hallmarkgrad1 wrote:Magdeburg Water Bridge in Germany

Water bridge 151054_406583929411317_416124519_n


That is officially the 2nd coolest thing I've seen today.

4Water bridge Empty Re: Water bridge 4/3/2013, 7:51 pm

Margin Call

Margin Call

Killer lazy river.

5Water bridge Empty Re: Water bridge 4/3/2013, 9:18 pm



The Pont du Sart is a navigable aqueduct in the West of Belgium. This concrete structure has 498 meters long and 46 meters wide. Weigh 65,000 tons and is supported by 28 three meters in diameter concrete columns.

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6Water bridge Empty Re: Water bridge 4/3/2013, 9:24 pm



that's odd. I wonder how they do that and how they fix it when it needs it.


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