For all their empty rhetoric about "drowning the government in a bathtub" (meaning SS, Medicaid, food stamps, housing assistance, etc.), Republicans NEED the government to play along with their scams to privatize education, the prison system, and even war, all of which can be highly profitable, even when they oppress, rob and even kill people. Here's a good example:
If you're a Republican governor, like say, Rick Scott, you can then point to increased revenues and job creation, but in effect, all you've accomplished is sucking taxpayer money into private coffers. There are many other examples of this tactic, the most egregious of which is the private contracting of military services and even warfare itself to profiteers during the Iraq and Afghan wars. Other examples: bailing out the banks after their casino gambling sprees, ENRON, et al, ad nauseum.
And let's not forget candidate Romney, the vulture capitalist.