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Already blaming GOP for sequester

Margin Call
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The GOP in the HOR have passed budgets each year and Harry Reid and the Dems in the Senate always shoot them down. Why doesn't he call out Harry?

Margin Call

Margin Call

Imagine this novel scenario: each party blaming the other for all of our nation's woes.

Can you imagine if the typical American political discourse was like this???????

2seaoat is too late for blame......the Gulf Coast is going to get whacked. It is going to be survival time.



Edward • 9 hrs ago aren't emergency responders county and state workers
v1/comments/context/6327c5db-c953-33f2-abe9-91bb9fb73908/comment/1361290295318-05742d0a-9350-4f34-b5d8-0a8fdb3263f9/reply/0008es000000000000000000000000-6c256fc8-11d6-47be-b374-c9645b22805c Jonathan 37 mins ago Paramedics are in the private sector.
More Reply
v1/comments/context/6327c5db-c953-33f2-abe9-91bb9fb73908/comment/1361286170517-41ab6fc4-009d-4a68-99d9-ff17c3ff1c42 Chuck • 10 hrs ago "Derail the economy"? The debt train is moving faster and faster every day. No household or business could spend and spend without making cuts and survive. How can our country?
v1/comments/context/6327c5db-c953-33f2-abe9-91bb9fb73908/comment/1361283949260-17595572-12a5-47f5-9820-7db9d0c2051b Clint • 11 hrs ago We are over $16 trillion in debt. Quit spending.
v1/comments/context/6327c5db-c953-33f2-abe9-91bb9fb73908/comment/1361283720076-90aed669-36a6-488a-9508-ac6b47c9abc7 OLNumber4 • 11 hrs ago Emergency first responders are not paid by the Feds. They are state and local employees.
v1/comments/context/6327c5db-c953-33f2-abe9-91bb9fb73908/comment/1361284509856-53aa12e5-74dc-46f7-867e-b180e495efb5 P • 11 hrs ago First off any multi-year deal is bogus. One Congress is not allowed by law to bind any following congress be it by laws or budgets.

Second the "sequester" was proposed origninally by the white house.

This information is from CBO Chairman Douglas Elmendorf's office and represents best case scenario. The budget is $3.8 trillion. Revenue is $2.3 trillion. The new tax revenue is $620 billion IF and ONLY IF we have 4% growth, in 2013 that will be HIGHLY unlikely, so figure 2% like we have had and that gives us $310 billion. That still leaves us over $1.2 trillion in the hole every year. Its a spending problem not a revenue problem. That is $12 Trillion in additional debt in 0bama's 10 years terms. Congress and the president are only trying to deal with 10% of the total problem hoping we can grow our way out of the rest of it.... which wont happen with current policies.

What congress needs to do is slash EVERY program, department, and payroll by 25% and that will get us close, then next year they can make MORE CUTS to every program and department and balance the budget.

We are out of money, it is that simple.
v1/comments/context/6327c5db-c953-33f2-abe9-91bb9fb73908/comment/1361288639757-036ef758-5686-48c0-899e-52e7e75d706e Presiding Over Decline • 10 hrs ago The sequester - which was Obama's idea in the first - is infinitesimally small.
$85 billion from a "budget" of trillions is a rounding error.
(And Obama has never passed a budget...)
v1/comments/context/6327c5db-c953-33f2-abe9-91bb9fb73908/comment/1361284701365-e258491f-7382-4c57-a5b5-f920678bd4d7 STORMBRINGER • 11 hrs ago I guess it is a hurry up thing after the golf weekend is over
v1/comments/context/6327c5db-c953-33f2-abe9-91bb9fb73908/comment/1361296792954-5e5ca5c7-a8b3-4feb-b555-e16d7830a01c Al • 7 hrs ago Operating without a budget leads to deep cuts that will lead to job losses. Your fault, Obama.
v1/comments/context/6327c5db-c953-33f2-abe9-91bb9fb73908/comment/1361285113289-4ee89e12-1b61-4cf2-8d49-a7bf12495483 Jean and Bill • 11 hrs ago He does have a real flair for dramatics...He wants things HIS WAY, and you better not get in his way...Even if your name is "US Constitution"....
v1/comments/context/6327c5db-c953-33f2-abe9-91bb9fb73908/comment/1361284319218-246ca4fb-c4b4-42ad-a2be-155a44bc1607 Nikola Tesla • 11 hrs ago How many times has President Obama stood with "First responders" and teachers? Yet how many have been laid off due to city/state budget cuts?
You can talk about tax loopholes all you want. But your actions speak louder than words.

What more could we say--I started reading some post undernieth the story



I guess it is a hurry up thing after the golf weekend------that one was kinda funny but true



The "Puppet Master" has spoken. Obey the emperor!



The sequester originated from the WH. . . . . now the American public must decide which is the most principled position . . . . . arbitrary cuts immediately that are nonsensical or choose a path of a long term solution with a balance between sensible closing of tax loop holes along with negotiated long term cuts in spending. That is where we are . . . .



The wh idea? Then why is it the fault of the gop if it happens? I hope it does... but there's no chance it will.



knothead wrote:The sequester originated from the WH. . . . . now the American public must decide which is the most principled position . . . . . arbitrary cuts immediately that are nonsensical or choose a path of a long term solution with a balance between sensible closing of tax loop holes along with negotiated long term cuts in spending. That is where we are . . . .

Wouldn't it be great if the American public actually could decide/vote on many of the bills/laws those idiots in Washington propose?



NO... true democracy would be an even quicker demise of our country. But it's coming regardless.



Already blaming GOP for sequester Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQiac2fQWb27LnY6C7L8-SckZpu9bP1TWWikP9WPi8JwJ-NAVS2

That is why the United States was set up as a Constitutional Republic.

Unfortunately that falls apart when corruption, greed, and lust for power, takes hold in those who are supposed to represent all in a fair and bipartisan manner.

*****SAD SMILE*****

Crying or Very sad



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
The GOP in the HOR have passed budgets each year and Harry Reid and the Dems in the Senate always shoot them down. Why doesn't he call out Harry?

This is just another example of BHO not acting like a president. I blame both parties for not doing their job over a number of years however BHO chooses to continue his divisive politics and blame the GOP for something HE proposed doing. If BHO had shown some leadership over the past 4 years I believe there would already be a budget solution in play instead of more rock throwing. What a bunch of idiots.



nochain wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:
The GOP in the HOR have passed budgets each year and Harry Reid and the Dems in the Senate always shoot them down. Why doesn't he call out Harry?

This is just another example of BHO not acting like a president. I blame both parties for not doing their job over a number of years however BHO chooses to continue his divisive politics and blame the GOP for something HE proposed doing. If BHO had shown some leadership over the past 4 years I believe there would already be a budget solution in play instead of more rock throwing. What a bunch of idiots.

Perhaps....listening and following the advice of HIS created super committee (made up of dems and reps)....Attending budget/economic meetings....Calling for the advice of business leaders to assist in stimulating the economy...Creating and not just talking about an energy policy...etc., There have been so many missed opportunities...



It's almost too hard to believe Obama has the nerve to be on national TV and tell those bare faced lies. Then again, you have the liberal media backing him up every step of the way. If the liberal media didn't censor the news the sorry bastard would've never been re-elected!

The LIES have it!



Unfortunately for your side, a power point presentation pushing sequestration as a great idea which was produced by Boehner's office has found the light of day.




LOL... The sequestration would be less than 3% of the federal budget and the politicians are yelling DOOMSDAY.

gawd we're dumb.

Margin Call

Margin Call

PkrBum wrote:LOL... The sequestration would be less than 3% of the federal budget and the politicians are yelling DOOMSDAY.

gawd we're dumb.

Well, the less the government spends, the less the Fed needs to print money. The Fed likely confirmed this today; markets are selling off.



Sal wrote:Unfortunately for your side, a power point presentation pushing sequestration as a great idea which was produced by Boehner's office has found the light of day.





Dreamsglore wrote:
Sal wrote:Unfortunately for your side, a power point presentation pushing sequestration as a great idea which was produced by Boehner's office has found the light of day.



Talk about "LOL" you hyper-partisan hacks:

"Obama’s fanciful claim that Congress ‘proposed’ the sequester":



What a fun game!

Remember when some mob who will remain unnamed took the full faith and credit of the United States hostage and demanded concessions from some POTUS who will remain unnamed?

Me neither!



As always the King of Red Herring debating is here in force...(SALLY)



Sal wrote:Unfortunately for your side, a power point presentation pushing sequestration as a great idea which was produced by Boehner's office has found the light of day.


Why is this "unfortunate" for our side?

President Barack Hussein Obama and his White House advisers proposed the Sequestration. Why is a Sequestration Power Point Presentation a negative for Republicans? This shows we are reaching across the aisle and cooperating.

All President Obama is doing now is still campaigning. He cannot be seen governing, that would connect him with the massive failures.

NOW President Obama is railing against the sequestration. He can't bare the thought of ANY cuts in spending anywhere. He honestly doesn't believe we have a spending problem.

The only thing that needs to be done is to give the various agencies the authority to transfer funds from one line item to another. President Obama and Congress could do that in an hour or two. But they do nothing for America.



nochain wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
Sal wrote:Unfortunately for your side, a power point presentation pushing sequestration as a great idea which was produced by Boehner's office has found the light of day.



Talk about "LOL" you hyper-partisan hacks:

"Obama’s fanciful claim that Congress ‘proposed’ the sequester":

When Bob Woodward interviewed the cowh for his book...Woodward said it was the cowh that initially was behind the sequester not Congress...Further Rep Backus (D-Montana) stated that this is a White House mess...not totally but he went on to mention that at least the House has debated/compromised and sent forward legislation only to have it shot down with no further discussion....



Allow me to summarize the wingnut's position on all of this;

"The sequester is Obama's idea, which means it's a disaster of epic proportion.

But the sequester cuts a lot of money from the budget, which means it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

But Obama proposed it, so it will be the end of the world as we know it.

But now Obama wants to take it back, which means it must happen immediately.

But Boehner is saying it's bad, but he talked us into it."

The cognitive dissonance is mind boggling.



Sal wrote:Al

The cognitive dissonance is mind boggling.

On both sides of the aisle.

Already blaming GOP for sequester 20110416_usd000

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