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The Big Picture: Putting the Sequester in Context

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"Welcome to the end of Week One in Sequester World, accurately described as a "self-inflicted wound" at a time when the economy is still weak. But it is more than that, more than just a deliberately stupid attempt to deal with the deficit in the worst possible way.

It's a the latest move in a long running campaign to impose an agenda on the country that a majority of Americans do not want and have rejected at the polls. It's only possible because even Democrats have accepted many of the tacit assumptions underlying it, and the press has largely swallowed it down whole, including the need for unnecessary pain that will be felt by millions for years to come.

If the sequester was intended to be so painful for both political parties that they'd hammer out some kind of agreement to avoid it, what went wrong? And why are there people actually cheering it on?

WARNING: This is a long post heavy with links. I've spent days putting it together and polishing the arguments I'm trying to make; don't expect to breeze through it in a couple of minutes. That being said, I hope you will find your time well rewarded if you care to dive in...."




Daily Kos?

Why not just post something from Pravda?



KarlRove wrote:Daily Kos?

Why not just post something from Pravda?

Is it any worse than your prime news source--The Blaze? Glen Beck's digest of manifest truthiness...



KarlRove wrote:Daily Kos?

Why not just post something from Pravda?

Is it any worse than your prime news source--The Blaze? Glen Beck's digest of manifest truthiness...

Name something from THE BLAZE that has been a lie...

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