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Absentee CINC

3 posters

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1Absentee CINC Empty Absentee CINC 2/18/2013, 9:33 pm



We've both had the honor to work in the White House. We've seen presidents, vice presidents, chiefs of staff and national security advisers during moments of international crisis. We know that in these moments human beings make mistakes. There are failures of communication and errors of judgment. Perfection certainly isn't the standard to which policy makers should be held.
But there are standards. If Americans are under attack, presidential attention must be paid. Due diligence must be demonstrated. A president must take care that his administration does everything it can do. On Sept. 11, 2012, as Americans were under attack in Benghazi, Libya, President Obama failed in his basic responsibility as president and commander in chief. In a crisis, the president went AWOL.

2Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/18/2013, 9:39 pm


It was an active CIA was handled with the proper chain of command. Presidents do not micro manage active cia operations in most countries, and this was no different than 100 similar incidents over the last 50 years. Watch Zero Dark Thirty, and see the screw up in a fortified base camp where CIA dropped the ball and many more died.......this criticism has more to do with politics than reality. Please see zero, and then let me hear your opinions of who was responsible for CIA active operations.

3Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/18/2013, 9:46 pm



I don't watch movies like Zero Dark Thirty. Hollywood can never come close to what really happens on missions like that. I am more interested in first hand accounts of events like what the Marcus Lattrel, Chris Kyle and the more recent book called , "No Easy Day" described. Hollywood cannot hold a candle to these books or their accountings of what happened. Movies are for people who want a befuddled picture of an event that took place along with embellishment of most every item. NO thanks. You keep watching them if it makes you feel good.

4Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/18/2013, 10:12 pm



What was Obama's involvement? Did he even answer the call? After all... he had a big fundraiser in CA the next day.

5Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/18/2013, 10:22 pm


Hollywood cannot hold a candle

Then why the bipartisan cries for an investigation of how information was obtained for this movie.....?

Presidents do not get involved in CIA operatives day to day operations....period. To suggest that the CIA director even had to be involved is pushing it up about two levels too high, but a good argument could be made for some type of response......if this was not active CIA, so the overall mission sometimes is not known to the public, nor is the response being actively discussed. Now if they had closed sessions.....well that is another animal. Somebody made a decision not to utilize assets at some point, but speculation, or making the absurd proposition that this decision making goes to the presidential level is naive.

Hey......I saw Independence Day.......CIA kept the President in the Dark about area 51.......yessireee.......I am all knowing.

6Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/19/2013, 2:21 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:

We've both had the honor to work in the White House. We've seen presidents, vice presidents, chiefs of staff and national security advisers during moments of international crisis. We know that in these moments human beings make mistakes. There are failures of communication and errors of judgment. Perfection certainly isn't the standard to which policy makers should be held.
But there are standards. If Americans are under attack, presidential attention must be paid. Due diligence must be demonstrated. A president must take care that his administration does everything it can do. On Sept. 11, 2012, as Americans were under attack in Benghazi, Libya, President Obama failed in his basic responsibility as president and commander in chief. In a crisis, the president went AWOL.

Why do you keep harping on this subject? Do you have no memory at all of 9/11/01? Keep digging that hole.

7Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/19/2013, 2:29 pm



Floridatexan wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:

We've both had the honor to work in the White House. We've seen presidents, vice presidents, chiefs of staff and national security advisers during moments of international crisis. We know that in these moments human beings make mistakes. There are failures of communication and errors of judgment. Perfection certainly isn't the standard to which policy makers should be held.
But there are standards. If Americans are under attack, presidential attention must be paid. Due diligence must be demonstrated. A president must take care that his administration does everything it can do. On Sept. 11, 2012, as Americans were under attack in Benghazi, Libya, President Obama failed in his basic responsibility as president and commander in chief. In a crisis, the president went AWOL.

Why do you keep harping on this subject? Do you have no memory at all of 9/11/01? Keep digging that hole.

Bush immediately left the school where he was reading to the kids and began taking care of business.

8Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/19/2013, 2:35 pm


Bush immediately left the school where he was reading to the kids and began taking care of business.

Do you understand why one event required presidential attention and one did not?

9Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/19/2013, 2:50 pm



A terrorist attack is a terrorist attack unless I guess that the COWH decides that it isn't but it will be at a later time.

10Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/19/2013, 2:51 pm



2seaoat wrote:It was an active CIA was handled with the proper chain of command. Presidents do not micro manage active cia operations in most countries, and this was no different than 100 similar incidents over the last 50 years. Watch Zero Dark Thirty, and see the screw up in a fortified base camp where CIA dropped the ball and many more died.......this criticism has more to do with politics than reality. Please see zero, and then let me hear your opinions of who was responsible for CIA active operations.

So now we are allowing Hollywood to tell us the truth? I put zero credence in any supposedly "fact based" movie and that includes Zero Dark Thirty, which I have seen and was not very impressed with it.

11Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/19/2013, 3:13 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:

We've both had the honor to work in the White House. We've seen presidents, vice presidents, chiefs of staff and national security advisers during moments of international crisis. We know that in these moments human beings make mistakes. There are failures of communication and errors of judgment. Perfection certainly isn't the standard to which policy makers should be held.
But there are standards. If Americans are under attack, presidential attention must be paid. Due diligence must be demonstrated. A president must take care that his administration does everything it can do. On Sept. 11, 2012, as Americans were under attack in Benghazi, Libya, President Obama failed in his basic responsibility as president and commander in chief. In a crisis, the president went AWOL.

Why do you keep harping on this subject? Do you have no memory at all of 9/11/01? Keep digging that hole.

Bush immediately left the school where he was reading to the kids and began taking care of business.

Your hero Bush wasn't in control of anything that day....

12Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/19/2013, 3:16 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:

We've both had the honor to work in the White House. We've seen presidents, vice presidents, chiefs of staff and national security advisers during moments of international crisis. We know that in these moments human beings make mistakes. There are failures of communication and errors of judgment. Perfection certainly isn't the standard to which policy makers should be held.
But there are standards. If Americans are under attack, presidential attention must be paid. Due diligence must be demonstrated. A president must take care that his administration does everything it can do. On Sept. 11, 2012, as Americans were under attack in Benghazi, Libya, President Obama failed in his basic responsibility as president and commander in chief. In a crisis, the president went AWOL.

Why do you keep harping on this subject? Do you have no memory at all of 9/11/01? Keep digging that hole.

Bush immediately left the school where he was reading to the kids and began taking care of business.

No...he didn't.

13Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/19/2013, 3:22 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:

We've both had the honor to work in the White House. We've seen presidents, vice presidents, chiefs of staff and national security advisers during moments of international crisis. We know that in these moments human beings make mistakes. There are failures of communication and errors of judgment. Perfection certainly isn't the standard to which policy makers should be held.
But there are standards. If Americans are under attack, presidential attention must be paid. Due diligence must be demonstrated. A president must take care that his administration does everything it can do. On Sept. 11, 2012, as Americans were under attack in Benghazi, Libya, President Obama failed in his basic responsibility as president and commander in chief. In a crisis, the president went AWOL.

Why do you keep harping on this subject? Do you have no memory at all of 9/11/01? Keep digging that hole.

Bush immediately left the school where he was reading to the kids and began taking care of business.

Your hero Bush wasn't in control of anything that day....
Whatever butterbar

14Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/19/2013, 3:23 pm



Floridatexan wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:

We've both had the honor to work in the White House. We've seen presidents, vice presidents, chiefs of staff and national security advisers during moments of international crisis. We know that in these moments human beings make mistakes. There are failures of communication and errors of judgment. Perfection certainly isn't the standard to which policy makers should be held.
But there are standards. If Americans are under attack, presidential attention must be paid. Due diligence must be demonstrated. A president must take care that his administration does everything it can do. On Sept. 11, 2012, as Americans were under attack in Benghazi, Libya, President Obama failed in his basic responsibility as president and commander in chief. In a crisis, the president went AWOL.

Why do you keep harping on this subject? Do you have no memory at all of 9/11/01? Keep digging that hole.

Bush immediately left the school where he was reading to the kids and began taking care of business.

No...he didn't.

Yep, as soon as he finished the story he left. He was told of the attacks during the reading of said story to the kids. In a manner to not produce PANIC, he didn't leave until he was done.

15Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/19/2013, 3:25 pm



16Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/19/2013, 4:56 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:

We've both had the honor to work in the White House. We've seen presidents, vice presidents, chiefs of staff and national security advisers during moments of international crisis. We know that in these moments human beings make mistakes. There are failures of communication and errors of judgment. Perfection certainly isn't the standard to which policy makers should be held.
But there are standards. If Americans are under attack, presidential attention must be paid. Due diligence must be demonstrated. A president must take care that his administration does everything it can do. On Sept. 11, 2012, as Americans were under attack in Benghazi, Libya, President Obama failed in his basic responsibility as president and commander in chief. In a crisis, the president went AWOL.

Why do you keep harping on this subject? Do you have no memory at all of 9/11/01? Keep digging that hole.

Bush immediately left the school where he was reading to the kids and began taking care of business.

No...he didn't.

Yep, as soon as he finished the story he left. He was told of the attacks during the reading of said story to the kids. In a manner to not produce PANIC, he didn't leave until he was done.

LOL...., Yes, this is the image indelibly written into the memories of every American on that fateful day....

Absentee CINC Ex-president-george-bush-reading-my-pet-goat

17Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/19/2013, 4:58 pm



Lurch wrote:

Very good one!

18Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/19/2013, 5:00 pm


A terrorist attack is a terrorist attack unless I guess that the COWH decides that it isn't but it will be at a later time.

Lets put this into a framework which you deal with everyday. Let say you have a child who starts to melt down in your class. Would you pick up the phone and call the super and expect him to intervene in the child's situation.

You would try to solve the problem yourself. If you needed a social would make the call. You might even call the an assistant principal or the principal. You would be laughed out of your school if you were picking up the phone talking to the top guy on day to day operations. Now, you think it would be a good thing to have the Sup micro managing your classroom and looking over your tell me.....

19Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/19/2013, 7:59 pm



2seaoat wrote:A terrorist attack is a terrorist attack unless I guess that the COWH decides that it isn't but it will be at a later time.

Lets put this into a framework which you deal with everyday. Let say you have a child who starts to melt down in your class. Would you pick up the phone and call the super and expect him to intervene in the child's situation.

You would try to solve the problem yourself. If you needed a social would make the call. You might even call the an assistant principal or the principal. You would be laughed out of your school if you were picking up the phone talking to the top guy on day to day operations. Now, you think it would be a good thing to have the Sup micro managing your classroom and looking over your tell me.....

Depends on the issue. Now, with these kids totally included in the gen ed classrooom, I would call for one of the school counselors to deal with it while the remaining kids and I stay on the pacing guide for the daily lesson.

Comparing a classroom dilemma to a national crisis where people are dying is apples and oranges. If people are dying in my class, you better believe I am calling 9-11 and everyone else to hurry up and get there as fast as possible.
Making excuses for Obama is ruining your credibility.

20Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/19/2013, 8:40 pm



Why are y'all begrudging the president of the United States of America a good nights sleep before a fundraiser?

21Absentee CINC Empty Re: Absentee CINC 2/19/2013, 8:56 pm



PkrBum wrote:What was Obama's involvement? Did he even answer the call? After all... he had a big fundraiser in CA the next day.


He wasn't even in the loop when they did the deed.. The whole thing was a rogue operation. I'm surprised he didn't react by flying the Flags at half mast to honor his fallen comrade.

I heard he was very busy with scheduling for the next week's White House tennis courts...trying to be fair and bipartisan.

It required a lot of focus.

And to celebrate when he saw the report on CNN, he launched a drone to kill a bunch of kids, to cover his Muslimist agenda.

And he did it all while searching for his real birth certificate.

He should take a personal day and get together with the folk who wrote "his" last budget.

In short-hand sanskrit.

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