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Pensacola Seafood Festival

2 posters

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1Pensacola Seafood Festival Empty Pensacola Seafood Festival 9/22/2010, 11:15 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

Who's going? I plan on checking it out Friday night.

2Pensacola Seafood Festival Empty Re: Pensacola Seafood Festival 9/24/2010, 9:33 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

Here now. Molly Ringwalds are about to play!

3Pensacola Seafood Festival Empty Re: Pensacola Seafood Festival 9/24/2010, 10:34 pm



You should video tape that stuff and put it on here. just a thought.

4Pensacola Seafood Festival Empty Re: Pensacola Seafood Festival 9/24/2010, 11:12 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

Too late. Now I'm at the Cabaret - yes, a gay bar. Best bar atmosphere in town, though.

5Pensacola Seafood Festival Empty Re: Pensacola Seafood Festival 9/25/2010, 12:11 am



think i went there once with my neighbor. I just got back from taking a walk to the pier. or should I say towards it. My entire family deciced they also would like to take a walk.

my grandson was a hoot Very Happy

6Pensacola Seafood Festival Empty Re: Pensacola Seafood Festival 9/25/2010, 5:47 pm


boards of FL wrote:Too late. Now I'm at the Cabaret - yes, a gay bar. Best bar atmosphere in town, though.

Where is this Cabaret?

7Pensacola Seafood Festival Empty Re: Pensacola Seafood Festival 9/26/2010, 2:48 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

Azadeh wrote:
boards of FL wrote:Too late. Now I'm at the Cabaret - yes, a gay bar. Best bar atmosphere in town, though.

Where is this Cabaret?

It's next door to sluggos.

8Pensacola Seafood Festival Empty Re: Pensacola Seafood Festival 9/26/2010, 1:21 pm


Oh I didn't know that was a gay bar. LOL

9Pensacola Seafood Festival Empty Re: Pensacola Seafood Festival 9/26/2010, 6:56 pm



I took my family over to navvare beach to see the sand art today and then we went to pbeach. It was a good day

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