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Liberals are gonna hate this

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26Liberals are gonna hate this - Page 2 Empty Re: Liberals are gonna hate this 1/29/2013, 2:42 am



boards of FL wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:Uh, who really cares? When grammar corrections are placed on forums, it is usually a sign than the person commenting cannot hold their own within the debate. That is quite true here. There is never a response about the thread itself, just an attack on someone's post that has nothing to do with the topic.


Debate? You call this debate?

PACEDOG#1 wrote:Maybe your an idiot troll.

Sal's comment was on point and directly addressed the question from your previous post. Rather than directly respond to the substance of his post, you gave us the above quote. Oddly enough, you are now trying to explain to all of us that you were somehow winning a debate by saying "Maybe your an idiot troll" and that it is everyone else who is trying to change the subject. I guess you don't follow threads all that well.

He's more off task with the most sarcastic comments with the exception of WTM.

He earned his title.

27Liberals are gonna hate this - Page 2 Empty Re: Liberals are gonna hate this 1/29/2013, 2:45 am



W_T_M wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:Can't add to the debate... nice job Grammar Nazi.

Seriously, though. Aren't you a school teacher? Don't you see the irony in someone confusing 'you're' and 'your' within very sentence in which they proclaim someone else to be an idiot?

It's no different than if I were to say, "Hey, PACEDOG! Yor dum and you kan't spel good!"

Uh, who really cares? When grammar corrections are placed on forums, it is usually a sign than the person commenting cannot hold their own within the debate. That is quite true here. There is never a response about the thread itself, just an attack on someone's post that has nothing to do with the topic.


............................ .............................................

What debate...? You start an inflammatory thread using that broad brush invective you like to employ, then question the manhood or intelligence of those who respond. If you cannot recognize the delicious irony of your pathetic attack, you seriously have zero business in a classroom teaching kids.

You don'thave to respond if you don't like the topic. You've got a lot of threads I never bother to look at.... period.
I'm willing to bet the same tude you display on this forum is a mirror to what you bring to the classroom. The mirror may be a little foggy, but it's there, nonetheless.

Keep hating bully. You're the most caustic poster here and about -500 in the hate column proves it.

Nothing funnier than watching a troll defend his stupidity and hypocrisy by not admitting the real issue....your grammar was off.

How many curse words will you now drop in response? Most every post you write is full of cussing and tripe.

28Liberals are gonna hate this - Page 2 Empty Re: Liberals are gonna hate this 1/29/2013, 12:37 pm



Totally untrue.

I reserve that for troll's like you.

So you once again exaggerate the truth.


29Liberals are gonna hate this - Page 2 Empty Re: Liberals are gonna hate this 1/31/2013, 11:52 pm



Floridatexan wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:what sally and the liberals don't get is that background checks are already standard. Requiring law abiding gun owners to check the background of someone that wants to buy their guns as a resale item is unconstitutional. Criminals and such aren't getting their weapons from gun shows or private sales. They are getting them from One Eyed Mafia dude who is skirting the law.

No, they're not standard. My daughter in Montana recently bought a handgun at a gun show, with absolutely no waiting period and no registration. And don't be so sure criminals don't attend gun shows. There should be a background check and waiting period on every single gun purchase. There will always be a black market, but at least making the law apply to ALL legal gun purchases would improve the odds.
Well can i ask if your daughter was law enforcement or owned a concealed carry permit. If she had her badge and id/carry permit then she would not have to wait the waiting period by law. A FFL dealer would still do a background check but not have to hold the gun for 3 days. And they do attend gun show but only a very small percentage. and i am actually for having the background checks at all gun shows even for non FFL holders since you have about 100 (ok exaggeration for some shows) FFL dealers there. But requiring it in private sale or even trades (which are very common) opens up a whole different can of worms so to speak. This will be incredibly burdensome on not only the people with having to go get an FFL dealer to run said check, but also problematic in that it creats the potential for the creation of a gun registry for future gun confiscation.

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