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Humans are plague on Earth – Attenborough
Humans are a plague on the Earth that need to be controlled by limiting population growth, according to Sir David Attenborough.

This is why the cursed and damned love abortion...they hate humans.

This is why they hate guns in anyone's hands but government...they believe it is the right of government to cull the helpless herd...



Sorry I had to add conservative cause they hate lotsa folks also...they killed thousands in dumbass wars I guess both camps are full of sociopaths....

Ya know I never signed on to any of this crap or approve of it in any way. Yet they rob me and use my money to murder humans of all ages around the world...and no I don't have to approve of this bullshit criminal government and it's psycho killers that should be locked up right next to Hannibal Lector....

Damned drones....damned hellfire missiles



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Sorry I had to add conservative cause they hate lotsa folks also...they killed thousands in dumbass wars I guess both camps are full of sociopaths....

Ya know I never signed on to any of this crap or approve of it in any way. Yet they rob me and use my money to murder humans of all ages around the world...and no I don't have to approve of this bullshit criminal government and it's psycho killers that should be locked up right next to Hannibal Lector....

Damned drones....damned hellfire missiles

Come on,TEO, you know wars are started to make money. The MIC is rolling in dough. Only a few thousand Americans have died. The masters of war will say its a cheap price to pay when you consider the billions they have amassed.




Blood money in both camps Yella...and so many people love to have that way...You got libs killing 50 million babies and retarded conservatives that thirst for blood and keep the poor of the world churning through the meat grinder of war and the damned ghouls LOVE it....

Guess this cements my place as a libertarian....



Yella wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Sorry I had to add conservative cause they hate lotsa folks also...they killed thousands in dumbass wars I guess both camps are full of sociopaths....

Ya know I never signed on to any of this crap or approve of it in any way. Yet they rob me and use my money to murder humans of all ages around the world...and no I don't have to approve of this bullshit criminal government and it's psycho killers that should be locked up right next to Hannibal Lector....

Damned drones....damned hellfire missiles

Come on,TEO, you know wars are started to make money. The MIC is rolling in dough. Only a few thousand Americans have died. The masters of war will say its a cheap price to pay when you consider the billions they have amassed.

the left starts wars too. They just make you think its for a good cause, when the right starts one the left makes you think its not for a good cause. Its probaly the same cause. there were more babies aborted last year than people killed in all the wars on the planet btw.

kill the people, save the planet.



OK, I have a question. And I'm not talking about Iraq or Afghanistan.

If the USA knows that there is genocide going on somewhere in the world, do we have a moral and human obligation to try and stop it? And if the answer is "yes" then what about innocents who are killed by our military in the process of trying to stop it?

Is there ever a good and moral reason to start a war in another country?



Nekochan wrote:OK, I have a question. And I'm not talking about Iraq or Afghanistan.

If the USA knows that there is genocide going on somewhere in the world, do we have a moral and human obligation to try and stop it? And if the answer is "yes" then what about innocents who are killed by our military in the process of trying to stop it?

Is there ever a good and moral reason to start a war in another country?

Oh let me see Jesus said let him who is without sin cast the first stone....Hey let's ask the American Indians what they think ?THIS IS THE LIBERAL/CONSERVATIVE HEART..A DARK HEART FULL OF HATRED ! 29952210



I don't understand your point, Teo. Native Americans were treated horribly. Who can deny that?

As long as there is sin and wrongdoing in your own family (or in your city, state, country, etc) you should not be involved in trying to help others? Is that what you mean? Or do you mean if violence is necessary to stop wrongdoing in another country, we should keep out of it?



We don't have two political parties... the results make that very clear. It's time for us to recognize it.



Thanks, Pkr.

So the UN decides what is just and unjust.

A state has a responsibility to protect its population from mass atrocities;
The international community has a responsibility to assist the state to fulfill its primary responsibility;
If the state fails to protect its citizens from mass atrocities and peaceful measures have failed, the international community has the responsibility to intervene through coercive measures such as economic sanctions. Military intervention is considered the last resort



Nekochan wrote:Thanks, Pkr.

So the UN decides what is just and unjust.

A state has a responsibility to protect its population from mass atrocities;
The international community has a responsibility to assist the state to fulfill its primary responsibility;
If the state fails to protect its citizens from mass atrocities and peaceful measures have failed, the international community has the responsibility to intervene through coercive measures such as economic sanctions. Military intervention is considered the last resort

Thats very intersting. Another nail in the sovereignity of the USA and goes ignored as usual. Neutral



Nekochan wrote:Thanks, Pkr.

So the UN decides what is just and unjust.

A state has a responsibility to protect its population from mass atrocities;
The international community has a responsibility to assist the state to fulfill its primary responsibility;
If the state fails to protect its citizens from mass atrocities and peaceful measures have failed, the international community has the responsibility to intervene through coercive measures such as economic sanctions. Military intervention is considered the last resort

Well we all know the UN sucks. NO we should protect our own borders and not intervene in the ways and customs of other countries and also we should not be sending money to any of these countries. Take care of our own.



People more concerned with regulating women's bodies than assault weapons are the ones with dark hearts full of hatred.



Nekochan wrote:I don't understand your point, Teo. Native Americans were treated horribly. Who can deny that?

As long as there is sin and wrongdoing in your own family (or in your city, state, country, etc) you should not be involved in trying to help others? Is that what you mean? Or do you mean if violence is necessary to stop wrongdoing in another country, we should keep out of it?

Native Americans were treated horribly.

Not true. We gave them free blankets and meat.



Sal wrote:People more concerned with regulating women's bodies than assault weapons are the ones with dark hearts full of hatred.

Well where there is a heartbeat there is life. That life is an individual struggling to mature enough to someday walk on it's own. The first rule of the libertarian is initiate no violence against anyone. So your premise is as stupid as abortion itself. Women know where babies come from for the most part and if they don't regulate it at that point why should the separate heatbeat have to cease and die for her lackadaisical attitude ? She invited a guest into her house and now she can kill them ? Naw that's just brainwashed bullshit. If women cared for their dogs like they care for their wombs the country would outraged. I do agree maybe spaying and neutering has a use in our promiscuous damned country.



This is the progressive mother of abortion... it's important to know fully those that you align your ideology with.

Margaret Sanger aligned herself with the eugenicists whose ideology prevailed in the early 20th century. Eugenicists strongly espoused racial supremacy and “purity,” particularly of the “Aryan” race. Eugenicists hoped to purify the bloodlines and improve the race by encouraging the “fit” to reproduce and the “unfit” to restrict their reproduction. They sought to contain the “inferior” races through segregation, sterilization, birth control and abortion.



Sal wrote:People more concerned with regulating women's bodies than assault weapons are the ones with dark hearts full of hatred.

Well where there is a heartbeat there is life. That life is an individual struggling to mature enough to someday walk on it's own. The first rule of the libertarian is initiate no violence against anyone. So your premise is as stupid as abortion itself. Women know where babies come from for the most part and if they don't regulate it at that point why should the separate heatbeat have to cease and die for her lackadaisical attitude ? She invited a guest into her house and now she can kill them ? Naw that's just brainwashed bullshit. If women cared for their dogs like they care for their wombs the country would outraged. I do agree maybe spaying and neutering has a use in our promiscuous damned country.

To equate a stage of biological development to fully-formed human beings who have been denied their ability to live as equals among other fully formed human beings is as stupid as it gets.

It's beyond stupid.

It's sick.



Sal wrote:
Sal wrote:People more concerned with regulating women's bodies than assault weapons are the ones with dark hearts full of hatred.

Well where there is a heartbeat there is life. That life is an individual struggling to mature enough to someday walk on it's own. The first rule of the libertarian is initiate no violence against anyone. So your premise is as stupid as abortion itself. Women know where babies come from for the most part and if they don't regulate it at that point why should the separate heatbeat have to cease and die for her lackadaisical attitude ? She invited a guest into her house and now she can kill them ? Naw that's just brainwashed bullshit. If women cared for their dogs like they care for their wombs the country would outraged. I do agree maybe spaying and neutering has a use in our promiscuous damned country.

To equate a stage of biological development to fully-formed human beings who have been denied their ability to live as equals among other fully formed human beings is as stupid as it gets.

It's beyond stupid.

It's sick.

Actually it is some thing you probably never will understand It's ethical compassion. It is defending the helpless against the hard hearted haters of humankind. .



Sal wrote:
Sal wrote:People more concerned with regulating women's bodies than assault weapons are the ones with dark hearts full of hatred.

Well where there is a heartbeat there is life. That life is an individual struggling to mature enough to someday walk on it's own. The first rule of the libertarian is initiate no violence against anyone. So your premise is as stupid as abortion itself. Women know where babies come from for the most part and if they don't regulate it at that point why should the separate heatbeat have to cease and die for her lackadaisical attitude ? She invited a guest into her house and now she can kill them ? Naw that's just brainwashed bullshit. If women cared for their dogs like they care for their wombs the country would outraged. I do agree maybe spaying and neutering has a use in our promiscuous damned country.

To equate a stage of biological development to fully-formed human beings who have been denied their ability to live as equals among other fully formed human beings is as stupid as it gets.

It's beyond stupid.

It's sick.

Actually it is some thing you probably never will understand It's ethical compassion. It is defending the helpless against the hard hearted haters of humankind. .

Actually, it's equating a stage of biological development with fully-formed, sentient human beings.

And, it's stupid and sick.



Sal wrote:
Sal wrote:
Sal wrote:People more concerned with regulating women's bodies than assault weapons are the ones with dark hearts full of hatred.

Well where there is a heartbeat there is life. That life is an individual struggling to mature enough to someday walk on it's own. The first rule of the libertarian is initiate no violence against anyone. So your premise is as stupid as abortion itself. Women know where babies come from for the most part and if they don't regulate it at that point why should the separate heatbeat have to cease and die for her lackadaisical attitude ? She invited a guest into her house and now she can kill them ? Naw that's just brainwashed bullshit. If women cared for their dogs like they care for their wombs the country would outraged. I do agree maybe spaying and neutering has a use in our promiscuous damned country.

To equate a stage of biological development to fully-formed human beings who have been denied their ability to live as equals among other fully formed human beings is as stupid as it gets.

It's beyond stupid.

It's sick.

Actually it is some thing you probably never will understand It's ethical compassion. It is defending the helpless against the hard hearted haters of humankind. .

Actually, it's equating a stage of biological development with fully-formed, sentient human beings.

And, it's stupid and sick.

So you were an ugly baby...yeah figures. You must have been a botched partial birth abortion. I think you are demented. How can you be so full of self justified hate and it,s associated murder?



Sal wrote:
Sal wrote:
Sal wrote:People more concerned with regulating women's bodies than assault weapons are the ones with dark hearts full of hatred.

Well where there is a heartbeat there is life. That life is an individual struggling to mature enough to someday walk on it's own. The first rule of the libertarian is initiate no violence against anyone. So your premise is as stupid as abortion itself. Women know where babies come from for the most part and if they don't regulate it at that point why should the separate heatbeat have to cease and die for her lackadaisical attitude ? She invited a guest into her house and now she can kill them ? Naw that's just brainwashed bullshit. If women cared for their dogs like they care for their wombs the country would outraged. I do agree maybe spaying and neutering has a use in our promiscuous damned country.

To equate a stage of biological development to fully-formed human beings who have been denied their ability to live as equals among other fully formed human beings is as stupid as it gets.

It's beyond stupid.

It's sick.

Actually it is some thing you probably never will understand It's ethical compassion. It is defending the helpless against the hard hearted haters of humankind. .

Actually, it's equating a stage of biological development with fully-formed, sentient human beings.

And, it's stupid and sick.

So you were an ugly baby...yeah figures. You must have been a botched partial birth abortion. I think you are demented. How can you be so full of self justified hate and it,s associated murder?

Do you know how many pregnancies spontaneously abort?

It's something like 50%.

Is god a murderer, or is every human being with a uterus who has ever engaged in sexual intercourse potentially guilty of manslaughter.

You're a troglodyte.



Sal wrote:
Sal wrote:
Sal wrote:
Sal wrote:People more concerned with regulating women's bodies than assault weapons are the ones with dark hearts full of hatred.

Well where there is a heartbeat there is life. That life is an individual struggling to mature enough to someday walk on it's own. The first rule of the libertarian is initiate no violence against anyone. So your premise is as stupid as abortion itself. Women know where babies come from for the most part and if they don't regulate it at that point why should the separate heatbeat have to cease and die for her lackadaisical attitude ? She invited a guest into her house and now she can kill them ? Naw that's just brainwashed bullshit. If women cared for their dogs like they care for their wombs the country would outraged. I do agree maybe spaying and neutering has a use in our promiscuous damned country.

To equate a stage of biological development to fully-formed human beings who have been denied their ability to live as equals among other fully formed human beings is as stupid as it gets.

It's beyond stupid.

It's sick.

Actually it is some thing you probably never will understand It's ethical compassion. It is defending the helpless against the hard hearted haters of humankind. .

Actually, it's equating a stage of biological development with fully-formed, sentient human beings.

And, it's stupid and sick.

So you were an ugly baby...yeah figures. You must have been a botched partial birth abortion. I think you are demented. How can you be so full of self justified hate and it,s associated murder?

Do you know how many pregnancies spontaneously abort?

It's something like 50%.

Is god a murderer, or is every human being with a uterus who has ever engaged in sexual intercourse potentially guilty of manslaughter.

You're a troglodyte.

When a man is hit in the head with a board in a tornado we call that death by natural causes. When a man is hit in the head by a board by another man we call that murder. I know the distinction is lost in your little reptile brain. You probably have always eaten your young like a good lizard.




When a man is hit in the head with a board in a tornado we call that death by natural causes. When a man is hit in the head by a board by another man we call that murder. I know the distinction is lost in your little reptile brain. You probably have always eaten your young like a good lizard.

Again, you are confusing a human being with what is at best the potential for a human being.

According rights and/or personhood to a zygote, or non-viable fetus is borne of fairy-tale religious beliefs and a gross ignorance of human embryology.

Given your history on this forum, it's not surprising that you would believe such nonsense.

You are an ignoramus.



Sal wrote:

When a man is hit in the head with a board in a tornado we call that death by natural causes. When a man is hit in the head by a board by another man we call that murder. I know the distinction is lost in your little reptile brain. You probably have always eaten your young like a good lizard.

Again, you are confusing a human being with what is at best the potential for a human being.

According rights and/or personhood to a zygote, or non-viable fetus is borne of fairy-tale religious beliefs and a gross ignorance of human embryology.

Given your history on this forum, it's not surprising that you would believe such nonsense.

You are an ignoramus.

LOL thanks it's like a serial killer telling me I am stupid because I don't understand his rational for murder.



bigt wrote:
Nekochan wrote:Thanks, Pkr.

So the UN decides what is just and unjust.

A state has a responsibility to protect its population from mass atrocities;
The international community has a responsibility to assist the state to fulfill its primary responsibility;
If the state fails to protect its citizens from mass atrocities and peaceful measures have failed, the international community has the responsibility to intervene through coercive measures such as economic sanctions. Military intervention is considered the last resort

Well we all know the UN sucks. NO we should protect our own borders and not intervene in the ways and customs of other countries and also we should not be sending money to any of these countries. Take care of our own.

No longer possible or feasible. We live in a global economy where countries were once separated by months of sailing, they are now separated by minutes.

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