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PNJ worse than us. Hows that facebook thing working? LOL

5 posters

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If the unemployed, uneducated black members of this community would quit breeding like roaches, you wouldn't have welfare, medicade cost so high and crime like this would be much less.
Reply · 5 · Like · Follow Post · 12 hours ago

Howard Levins · Top Commenter · Pjc, university of W fl
Got to agree with you. Pensacola is getting worst with all these drugs and crime. The western side is all welfare, gangs, drugs, girls getting pregant to get the check, Who you daddy is true. In most cases they have no dad. Just someone knocked them up and left. NOw we taxpayers have to pay for them.
Reply · 4 · Like · 8 hours ago

Rick Hawkins · Top Commenter · Pensacola, Florida
Thug Life.
Reply · 4 · Like · Follow Post · 14 hours ago

Ron Ralph · Top Commenter · Owner/Disc Jockey at A DJ TO GO
First, my condolences go out to his family. No one should suffer the brutal loss of a loved one. With that said, I did look up the victim's name on the Escambia County Clerk of Court online records. This individual had an rap sheet a mile long. A lot are drug related arrests, so he's not new to the system or dealing in illicit drugs. I just wish someone in his family or friendship network could have done an intervention a long time ago to help this individual break the drug habit and rehabilitate himself. Unfortunately, it's probably too late for that. I know we all have negative feelings, but let's not drag any particular race into it, like some posters have done. Drugs and drug dealings is prevalent in all races worldwide.
Reply · 3 · Like · Follow Post · 10 hours ago

Nellie Smith · Subscribe · Valencia Community College
Thank You Ron, well said
Reply · Like · 6 hours ago

Loup Garou · 48 years old
we welcome the black community to our nice quiet fair city
we have good schools low crime and safe streets

(words regretted)
Reply · 3 · Like · Follow Post · 9 hours ago

Buddy Renfroe · Top Commenter · FSU, University of West Florida
Anything new in the 'hood?
Reply · 3 · Like · Follow Post · 9 hours ago

Jeanette Foster · Top Commenter
Buddy when crime stops then it will be something new in the hood, of course elsewhere too
Reply · 2 · Like · 9 hours ago

Ron Ralph · Top Commenter · Owner/Disc Jockey at A DJ TO GO
I've seen crime in prominent neighborhoods too, so let's not judge where they take place.
Reply · 1 · Like · 9 hours ago

Buddy Renfroe · Top Commenter · FSU, University of West Florida
Let's DO judge where they take place! Florida has a black population of 15%. Florida has a black prison population of 54%. One in three black males between the ages of 20 and 29 is under some type of court-ordered jurisdiction, prison, parole, or probation. Approximately 85% of murdered blacks are killed by OTHER blacks. Sanctimonious piety and rectitude do not change such statistics.
Reply · 2 · Like · 7 hours ago
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John Statler · PJC Adult High
except for the gang signs in front of a picture of an escalade, seems like a nice guy. the war on drugs creates a black market. the black market induces inflation directly proportional to the risk and danger involved. more prisons, more time, more deaths and more crime only lead to the price going up. the black market will make it more profitable the more dangerous it is. there will always be someone who is willing to get the money regardless of the consequence. it is incredibly foolish to think that this cycle will ever stop since drugs have been illegal for 60+ years. not to mention prohibition and the havoc it created. we incarcerate more people than any country in the world. do we keep dumping good money after bad or do we take a step back and think it through rationally.
as a society, we need to start thinking of population numbers. you will never escape poverty and the lure of easy money if you have four kids and another on the way. it is a cycle that everyone feels is taboo to discuss. there are more people than jobs. poverty and desperation are sure to follow. Judge Mathis always portrays his mother as a strong woman raising seven boys by herself in the projects. I think she was pretty irresponsible.

Reply · 2 · Like · Follow Post · 17 hours ago

Dennis M. Thomas · Top Commenter · George Washington University
Sorry, John, you can't always blame the system. Here, it's a matter of choices...does one want to go down a path that inevitably leads to death and destruction? Or does one want to work hard and play by the time-tested rules a society sets up for the collective good. This is not hard stuff, its all outlined in the Good Book.
Reply · 2 · Like · 9 hours ago

Nellie Smith · Subscribe · Valencia Community College
wait for a crime to be committed so they can spark a debate on how blacks are infesting their precious community. All because they obviously have such a miserable life that they have nothing better to do than talk down on others on Christmas. God bless you all, even if u do believe that I'm a tax money crabbing leach. muah xoxoblah, blah, blah! It's the same people commenting on every post. Can't
Reply · 2 · Like · Follow Post · 6 hours ago

Max Watson · Top Commenter
Yeah Nellie the haters can't even take a day off even for Jesus Christ Birthday.The Guy that preached love of your fellow man and forgiveness.It's sad to hear but it's even worst for the haters that they bring their meanness and hateful attitude on Christmas of all days.Like you stated they must live miserable and unhappy lives.
Reply · 2 · Like · 6 hours ago

Kyle Roberts · Top Commenter
Its hard these days just living on Food stamps, welfare checks and the free things Obama gives. Sometimes you have to sale drugs for some extra christmas money.This is how democrats survive.
Reply · 2 · Like · Follow Post · 8 hours ago

Ron Ralph · Top Commenter · Owner/Disc Jockey at A DJ TO GO
Welfare, food stamps, public assistance, and unemployment were around long before Obama, so don't blame him for that. And "sale" is not the right grammar. It's "sell". Maybe a little education will go a long way.
Reply · 4 · Unlike · 7 hours ago

Buddy Renfroe · Top Commenter · FSU, University of West Florida
Right about the grammar......and true, a little education will go a long way. Here is an idea for you....educate yourself about how the US is burdened with a semi-literate, parasitic, criminal underclass. Do some research. You will not be positively impressed with what you find.
Reply · 1 · Like · 7 hours ago

Dennis M. Thomas · Top Commenter · George Washington University
As of September 2012 (the most recent month the USDA reported), 47,710,324 individuals - or 1 in 7 Americans- were on food stamps. When Obama assumed command in January 2009, 31,983,716 individuals received food stamps meaning roughly 16 million people were added to the food stamp brigade since Obama took office four years earlier. And when Obama's USDA (using taxpayer money) was advertising in Mexico regarding how the food stamps worked and how easy it was to get on the program, yeah, it is time to judge. One can stretch moral relativism only so far...
Reply · 1 · Like · 7 hours ago
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Kyle Roberts · Top Commenter
Hey PNJ, this is why I want my gun.
Reply · 2 · Like · Follow Post · 8 hours ago

Patches Bell · The University of Alabama
i wish they were all in that car in the bottom of the bay. blacks cant swim hey hey hey!
Reply · Like · Follow Post · 5 hours ago
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So. What's the problem? Just a compilation from someone with basic observation skills.



What an embarrassment. Hard to believe these people are willing to use their own names.


Folks continue to argue on this forum that race is no longer an issue......yet clearly a significant portion of people who post on public forums convey a different message.

no stress

no stress

2seaoat wrote:Folks continue to argue on this forum that race is no longer an issue......yet clearly a significant portion of people who post on public forums convey a different message.

15 out of 380,000 in Escambia county. That is your sample to bolster your argument?



Gunz wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Folks continue to argue on this forum that race is no longer an issue......yet clearly a significant portion of people who post on public forums convey a different message.

15 out of 380,000 in Escambia county. That is your sample to bolster your argument?


Are you saying that there are no racists and that race is not an issue in Escambia County....?



Here's a comment from

One Response to “Man Wanted For Stealing iPads, Mac Notebooks From School”

Judi84 on December 27th, 2012 9:16 am

Im glade they have leads on who this low life is both my childern attend Brentwood and being as this is Tech scholl they relie on this ipads and ect…i hp they find him on give him the max…its call look for job and his case if it was nt late to find one it sure is nw…he shld be a shame stealin frm childern and it was things tht can help futher therw education…dnt,steal are childern dreams n hp becuz u lost on urs smh these people these people …i say off wit his fingers lyke they did the thefts in the old days….tht will teach him a lesson



That is your sample to bolster your argument?

yes. I feel pretty comfortable that what I am reading is exactly what I hear every day.......pure and simple prejudice and fear.....nothing new.

no stress

no stress

W_T_M wrote:
Gunz wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Folks continue to argue on this forum that race is no longer an issue......yet clearly a significant portion of people who post on public forums convey a different message.

15 out of 380,000 in Escambia county. That is your sample to bolster your argument?


Are you saying that there are no racists and that race is not an issue in Escambia County....?

I'm saying that taking 15 entries from a dying newspaper's comment section to bolster your argument that racism is a problem is ridiculous. Those comments only proved that 15 people have a problem with black on black crime in our area, although I'll concede that some were over the top. I do think we have a problem with racists of ALL colors here but I wouldnt paint the problem as severe based on a few comments in a type article that always brings out those kinds of comments.

Now, after actually going through and reading the comments, (something I rarely do )I have to say that of the 15 or so comments there was only 4 or 5 that were closely racist in nature. The rest were expressing condolences or blaming Obama for drug violence.

Last edited by Gunz on 12/27/2012, 4:14 pm; edited 2 times in total



Watcher wrote:Here's a comment from

One Response to “Man Wanted For Stealing iPads, Mac Notebooks From School”

Judi84 on December 27th, 2012 9:16 am

Im glade they have leads on who this low life is both my childern attend Brentwood and being as this is Tech scholl they relie on this ipads and ect…i hp they find him on give him the max…its call look for job and his case if it was nt late to find one it sure is nw…he shld be a shame stealin frm childern and it was things tht can help futher therw education…dnt,steal are childern dreams n hp becuz u lost on urs smh these people these people …i say off wit his fingers lyke they did the thefts in the old days….tht will teach him a lesson


I'd say that was unbelieveable if I hadn't recently met a 40-something who couldn't read at all.


It's not just the racism in's the snobbery and the holier-than-thou hypocrisy...not to say that I haven't also met some of the most wonderful people in the world here.

Last edited by Floridatexan on 12/27/2012, 1:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : And one more thing...)


I'd say that was unbelieveable if I hadn't recently met a 40-something who couldn't read at all. is a growing problem at all age levels. Literacy is taken for granted, but in a world of spoken word and videos.....people can bluff their way through life with huge deficiencies in written skills, and reading comprehension.



Floridatexan wrote:
Watcher wrote:Here's a comment from

One Response to “Man Wanted For Stealing iPads, Mac Notebooks From School”

Judi84 on December 27th, 2012 9:16 am

Im glade they have leads on who this low life is both my childern attend Brentwood and being as this is Tech scholl they relie on this ipads and ect…i hp they find him on give him the max…its call look for job and his case if it was nt late to find one it sure is nw…he shld be a shame stealin frm childern and it was things tht can help futher therw education…dnt,steal are childern dreams n hp becuz u lost on urs smh these people these people …i say off wit his fingers lyke they did the thefts in the old days….tht will teach him a lesson


I'd say that was unbelieveable if I hadn't recently met a 40-something who couldn't read at all.

I've always been amazed at how people can manage to not learn to read and get through life that way. How do they do it?


I've always been amazed at how people can manage to not learn to read and get through life that way. How do they do it?

My wife and daughter have auditory deficiencies which make it very difficult for them to learn by verbal instruction. My wife has a masters and my daughter is a practicing Attorney, yet these two very intelligent people will score at about the 50th percentile on learning a verbal lesson, yet go off the chart when they can read something. Other people have exceptional auditory comprehension, and they can compensate for their reading deficiencies in most modern environments. Fortunately, my wife tested my daughter for her auditory deficiencies and in preschool on.....her teachers were aware, and she has virtually closed that deficiency......unless of course dad or husband is talking to either one of them......then the comprehension goes to zero. My brother on the other hand has painfully low reading and writing skills based on his hyper active primary years, yet he employs over 100 people and has been a highly successful business owner for the last 30 years. I have seen him in terribly uncomfortable situations where his wife has had to bail him out. However, his ability to do complex math in his head is simply remarkable. In third grade he got the highest score in his class on the Iowa basic testing in the early 60s, and my mother was called in as to why his grades were no better, and why he was having difficulty performing in class. I was called down to his fourth grade class once when he was under the teachers desk with a hat pin stabbing it at teacher and students......he just would get worked up and was very hyperactive which totally interfered with a continuous learning process which is required in the primary grades. Our schools have failures back then, and they certainly fail today, but the question should be how can we make it more probable that every kid can is not that easy today with so many kids having special needs problems.



2seaoat wrote:I've always been amazed at how people can manage to not learn to read and get through life that way. How do they do it?

My wife and daughter have auditory deficiencies which make it very difficult for them to learn by verbal instruction. My wife has a masters and my daughter is a practicing Attorney, yet these two very intelligent people will score at about the 50th percentile on learning a verbal lesson, yet go off the chart when they can read something. Other people have exceptional auditory comprehension, and they can compensate for their reading deficiencies in most modern environments. Fortunately, my wife tested my daughter for her auditory deficiencies and in preschool on.....her teachers were aware, and she has virtually closed that deficiency......unless of course dad or husband is talking to either one of them......then the comprehension goes to zero. My brother on the other hand has painfully low reading and writing skills based on his hyper active primary years, yet he employs over 100 people and has been a highly successful business owner for the last 30 years. I have seen him in terribly uncomfortable situations where his wife has had to bail him out. However, his ability to do complex math in his head is simply remarkable. In third grade he got the highest score in his class on the Iowa basic testing in the early 60s, and my mother was called in as to why his grades were no better, and why he was having difficulty performing in class. I was called down to his fourth grade class once when he was under the teachers desk with a hat pin stabbing it at teacher and students......he just would get worked up and was very hyperactive which totally interfered with a continuous learning process which is required in the primary grades. Our schools have failures back then, and they certainly fail today, but the question should be how can we make it more probable that every kid can is not that easy today with so many kids having special needs problems.

My brother, in retrospect, was dyslexic. His first-grade teacher didn't notice until late into the school year that he was memorizing the text instead of actually reading it. Let's just say that English is not his forte, but he's a brilliant person in his work and one of the most self-determined people I know.

About autism: A friend of mine had a daughter who was diagnosed as autistic early on. She attributed it to vaccines, which theory may have some validity. Some children are more at risk than others for suffering side effects from immunizations. I believe the solution to that is to vaccinate on a stretched-out schedule. I also highly question the current practice of vaccinating against hepatitis in newborns. Doesn't make sense to me. What do you think, PB?

My friend's prescription for her daughter's condition was making adjustments to her diet, including eliminating wheat gluten, refined sugar and food additives, and putting her child in a hyperbaric chamber for a prescribed length of time each day. I've also heard wonderful things about horseback riding and "swimming with the dolphins", which seem to have a regulating effect on the child's nervous system. There also are special schools for children with autism, including college...although I don't know about the cost. As Seaoat pointed out, many of these children possess special gifts which aren't always readily apparent.

ADHD and dyslexia are obviously not in the same category, but IMHO, can also be improved with good study habits and strict dietary management. There may also be environmental issues, such as lead poisoning.

But there is hope. And there are resources.



Like FT, one of my cousins is very dyslexic. My grandma actually moved down to live with him and his family to tutor him because his school didn't have any programs to help him. Finally they moved him up to live with Granny in my hometown during the school year because our school had better programs, but she still tutored him. Reading and writing are still very, very difficult for him, but he is still one of the quickest, most intelligent people I've ever been around and he now has a very successful career and manages a group of about 25 men. He is a verbal / audial learner... if he hears something once, he retains it easily... much easier than any of the rest of us kids, and none of us were any slouches. But he cannot make sense of the letters on the page in order to learn the way most of us do.

All that being said, he does not write long emails, he's not a member of online forums, and he doesn't comment on online news articles. His wife takes care of any typing, writing, stuff like that that needs done at home.

Regarding the person who commented on the North Escambia article... no doubt they had poor grammar and spelling, but it also seemed that their "o" and "u" keys were not working (and maybe one other... I have CRS). Something that's rly anyng to me is whn ppl wrt lyk ths. I cnt fkng reed it n it pisses me off.



LOL I think Judi84 was Trolling. Dew Ya knew what i mean? These Big lots taubets is a bituch to tipe on.

Judi84 on December 27th, 2012 9:16 am

Im glade they have leads on who this low life is both my childern attend Brentwood and being as this is Tech scholl they relie on this ipads and ect…i hp they find him on give him the max…its call look for job and his case if it was nt late to find one it sure is nw…he shld be a shame stealin frm childern and it was things tht can help futher therw education…dnt,steal are childern dreams n hp becuz u lost on urs smh these people these people …i say off wit his fingers lyke they did the thefts in the old days….tht will teach him a lesson

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