I'll give up my guns as soon as the government gets rid of all the criminals that I may need my guns to defend myself against. As well as any enemy that may attack our country. After that, my guns are yours. Peace?
Pensacola Discussion Forum
Sal wrote:lmao
They're all coming for you, ghandi.
I've never seen such a sackless gaggle of pussies as you gun nutz.
The dudes who invented the Bill of Rights didn't put the 2nd Amendment in there to protect us against criminals and furiners. They put it in there to provide us a protection against the people running the government. So even if you get rid of all the criminals and foreigners I still aint givin mine up.Ghandi wrote:I'll give up my guns as soon as the government gets rid of all the criminals that I may need my guns to defend myself against. As well as any enemy that may attack our country. After that, my guns are yours. Peace?
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Sal wrote:lmao
They're all coming for you, ghandi.
I've never seen such a sackless gaggle of pussies as you gun nutz.
Just keep telling yourself that you Communist clod.....remember....
A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
Vladimir Lenin
Sal wrote:TEOTWAWKI wrote:Sal wrote:lmao
They're all coming for you, ghandi.
I've never seen such a sackless gaggle of pussies as you gun nutz.
Just keep telling yourself that you Communist clod.....remember....
A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
Vladimir Lenin
You're going to die cold and alone wearing soiled long johns in your overgrown FEMA trailer surrounded by Mason jars of your own urine and unused ammunition, while I sleep peacefully next to my female comrade in my warm socialist unit stocked with yummy collective potatoes.
Merry Christmas.
Just because you found Dorska your little tractor back in the homeland and brought her to Amerika doesn't mean you are a lucky guy.....Just keep eating your GMO taters and I am sure I will soon have your little Dorska all to myself....
The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people.
Karl Marx
Sal wrote:lmao
They're all coming for you, ghandi.
I've never seen such a sackless gaggle of pussies as you gun nutz.
hallmarkgrad wrote:
Dorota Dorska Radca prawny, specjalizuje się w szeroko rozumianych zagadnieniach prawnych obsługi cyklu inwestycyjnego i procesu budowlanego oraz w prawie pracy. Jej doświadczenie zawodowe obejmuje m.in. doradztwo prawne w zakresie sporządzania i negocjowania umów o roboty budowlane, w tym umów o generalne wykonawstwo, umów o wykonawstwo częściowe i umów o regulujących gospodarkę nieruchomościami. Autorka i współautorka artykułów i publikacji prawnych z zakresu swojej specjalizacji, ostatnio nt: „Solidarnej odpowiedzialność inwestora i wykonawcy za zapłatę wynagrodzenia podwykonawcy”, „Fuszerki wykonawcy” oraz „Kruczków prawnych przy zawieraniu umów o roboty budowlane
Yella wrote:hallmarkgrad wrote:
Dorota Dorska Radca prawny, specjalizuje się w szeroko rozumianych zagadnieniach prawnych obsługi cyklu inwestycyjnego i procesu budowlanego oraz w prawie pracy. Jej doświadczenie zawodowe obejmuje m.in. doradztwo prawne w zakresie sporządzania i negocjowania umów o roboty budowlane, w tym umów o generalne wykonawstwo, umów o wykonawstwo częściowe i umów o regulujących gospodarkę nieruchomościami. Autorka i współautorka artykułów i publikacji prawnych z zakresu swojej specjalizacji, ostatnio nt: „Solidarnej odpowiedzialność inwestora i wykonawcy za zapłatę wynagrodzenia podwykonawcy”, „Fuszerki wykonawcy” oraz „Kruczków prawnych przy zawieraniu umów o roboty budowlane
She left out that czrkldaskyex drglisxklya flostdcknprzy a gnepplxzk!
Sal wrote:TEOTWAWKI wrote:Sal wrote:lmao
They're all coming for you, ghandi.
I've never seen such a sackless gaggle of pussies as you gun nutz.
Just keep telling yourself that you Communist clod.....remember....
A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
Vladimir Lenin
You're going to die cold and alone wearing soiled long johns in your overgrown FEMA trailer surrounded by Mason jars of your own urine and unused ammunition, while I sleep peacefully next to my female comrade in my warm socialist unit stocked with yummy collective potatoes.
Merry Christmas.
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