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Just another day at the office

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1Just another day at the office Empty Just another day at the office 11/7/2012, 10:37 am



A few pics of our military at work, with this messy election finally over I thought it would be nice to remember the troops who have been hard at it:



Yep, just another day at the office. I have to get to work and save some souls with my other personality. It really sucks having multiple personalities when you're not on earth. I suppose if I was alive it would also suck, oh it did. I hated wearing those habits at work and having the world press following me around. When I went home at night I just loved bringing the wild one in me out.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

nochain wrote:

Wow. What an ultimate feeling of sheer utter power it must be to be in that cockpit! That photo makes it the closest looking thing to Luke Skywalker I've ever seen.



Bob wrote:
nochain wrote:

Wow. What an ultimate feeling of sheer utter power it must be to be in that cockpit! That photo makes it the closest looking thing to Luke Skywalker I've ever seen.

Here is an F22:

Just another day at the office Raptor-driver-05-2012

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

nochain wrote:

Here is an F22:

Just another day at the office Raptor-driver-05-2012
that one looks more like Darth Vader. lol



Just another day at the office Mosul_Sniper_by_MilitaryPhotos

Just think of the tax dollars we could save by taking out their leaders like this..

Just another day at the office ThCAGWF5QO

Or this... Why kill civilians in Shock-n-Awe then rebuild their country when the ones starting the shit sit on their thrones?

Last edited by Lurch on 11/7/2012, 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Lurch wrote:

Just think of the tax dollars we could save by taking out their leaders like this..
We're not allowed to target the leaders. Only the peons. That was made law with an "Executive Order".
Among heads of state, they call that "professional courtesy". Same way cops don't give other cops ticket.



Bob wrote:
Lurch wrote:

Just think of the tax dollars we could save by taking out their leaders like this..
We're not allowed to target the leaders. Only the peons. That was made law with an "Executive Order".
Among heads of state, they call that "professional courtesy". Same way cops don't give other cops ticket.

It must be nice makin laws to protect yourself while putting your people in harms way..

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