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Scalia Says States Should Be Allowed to Discriminate Against Browns Because They Used to Be Allowed to Discriminate Against Freed Blacks

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Jesus H. Christ on a pogo-stick, if you fence-sitters can't figure out who to vote for after a dissent like this, then gawd help us all ...

Notwithstanding “[t]he myth of an era of unrestricted immigration” in the first 100 years of the Republic, the States enacted numerous laws restricting the immigration of certain classes of aliens, including convicted crimi­nals, indigents, persons with contagious diseases, and (in Southern States) freed blacks. Neuman, The Lost Century of American Immigration (1776–1875), 93 Colum. L. Rev. 1833, 1835, 1841–1880 (1993). State laws not only pro­ vided for the removal of unwanted immigrants but also imposed penalties on unlawfully present aliens and those who aided their immigration.

no stress

no stress

ROMNEY 2012 !!!!!!



We need more Chinese to build our railroads damn-it !



salinsky wrote:Jesus H. Christ on a pogo-stick, if you fence-sitters can't figure out who to vote for after a dissent like this, then gawd help us all ...

Notwithstanding “[t]he myth of an era of unrestricted immigration” in the first 100 years of the Republic, the States enacted numerous laws restricting the immigration of certain classes of aliens, including convicted crimi­nals, indigents, persons with contagious diseases, and (in Southern States) freed blacks. Neuman, The Lost Century of American Immigration (1776–1875), 93 Colum. L. Rev. 1833, 1835, 1841–1880 (1993). State laws not only pro­ vided for the removal of unwanted immigrants but also imposed penalties on unlawfully present aliens and those who aided their immigration.

This has exactly what to do with your false headline?

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