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1/2 off Melting Pot Deal

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11/2 off Melting Pot Deal Empty 1/2 off Melting Pot Deal 10/20/2012, 6:02 pm



1/2 off at the melting pot for a limited time!

LivingSocial Melting Pot deal

21/2 off Melting Pot Deal Empty Re: 1/2 off Melting Pot Deal 10/20/2012, 6:34 pm



akakak wrote:1/2 off at the melting pot for a limited time!

LivingSocial Melting Pot deal

Another Spammer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

31/2 off Melting Pot Deal Empty Re: 1/2 off Melting Pot Deal 10/21/2012, 12:15 pm


Actually, that deal is valid. I received it in my email. Interestingly, the owner of The Melting Pot also owns Rodizio. Wonder if The Melting Pot is losing business as well.

41/2 off Melting Pot Deal Empty Re: 1/2 off Melting Pot Deal 10/21/2012, 1:26 pm



Lisa12 wrote:Actually, that deal is valid. I received it in my email. Interestingly, the owner of The Melting Pot also owns Rodizio. Wonder if The Melting Pot is losing business as well.

Whether legitimate or not, from the time it was posted, there was a "SOLD OUT" banner across the ad, then it started popping up recommendations that the viewer my be interested in.

So as far as I am concerned it is still spam or a bait and switch at the least.

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