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Fragile conservatives being spooked out of their freedom

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Good god, they are SO stupid and weak. Let's examine some of this stuff...

It would be wrong to say that the entire ​“national conservatism” movement is a product of repressed psychosexual urges. Some of it is about tariffs. Most of it, though, seems to be what happens when you mix strict religious morality with QAnon, internet porn, Donald Trump’s need for mewling adoration and the American urge to land a high quality internship. Unpredictable things happen.

"National Conservatism" is their new term for themselves, and it's a dog whistle for their neo-Nazi base to hearken back to "National Socialism" -- which is what the Nazis were. Even though the Nazis had fuck-all to do with any kind of "socialism." Not that socialism and Communism are the same thing, but the chief opposition to the Nazis were Communists.

Socialism is okay in moderation... I like a little socialism, a little capitalism, neither one full-blown because at their extremes neither works. I'm not a fan of Communism at all, but today's MAGA right thinks everybody who's not one of them is a "Communist." Remember our resident deadbeat-dad who called us all "comrades" all the time (even while his party's the one who's in love with Russia?). Yep.

Anyway, when you hear "National Conservatism," that's the right's intentional invoking of Nazis. Or NatCees, I guess they'll call it. They're not even really hiding it anymore. Their stated plans, Project 2025 ( ), and Agenda 47, ( ) are straight out of Mein Kampf.

This week, I found myself just blocks away from the White House, in a crowded room at the National Conservatism Conference at Washington’s Capital Hilton, listening to a clean cut assistant Texas attorney general giving a speech entitled ​“Porn’s Penumbras.” This was after the morning lecture against the perils of our ​“feminized” culture,

Notice that everything bad, to conservatives, is female. They really hate women. If culture becomes "feminized," that's BAD.

This is the work of extremely insecure males.

I think it's something to do with the HUGE latent-homosexuality that runs through Christianity. Christian men are almost always kinda effeminate. They have such a need to worship another man that they'll invent one. I mean, honestly, how does any guy get on his knees, clasp his hands in front of his mouth, and not see how gay that is? You're fellating an invisible man. And that's fine if ya wanna do it, I've got no problem with anyone being gay, but when they waste so much of their time having all this gay-fear and gay-hate when it's pretty obvious to anyone who wants to look that they're struggling against something they see in themselves... it gets tiring.

I'm a heterosexual male. I don't feel threatened if society becomes a bit more "feminized." It doesn't make my behavior have to be any different. And it's not a bad thing. Women have always been half of the population. If the culture has a little more of their influence besides just being 85%-geared-toward-men all the time, then... good! Women have good ideas and valuable input. Only some guy who's shaky in his own masculinity has to fear women getting more clout.

from a gray-haired D.C. think tank veteran who had also preached about the need for ​“faith, family, and fertility”; after the Israeli Bible scholar had informed us that ​“the only honorable thing to do is to get married and have children, lots of them — if you’re not doing that, what you’re doing is dishonorable.”

Okay, this "fertility cult" thing is just fucking WEIRD. But they're all over it. Elon Musk, especially, is running around with his special-ed haircut on fire because he thinks declining birthrates are a threat to the world. It's not. It'll do more to save the world than hurt it.

We are an overpopulated planet, using up resources that are finite. We've got about enough petroleum to handle our needs for about 5 years in America, 50 on the whole planet. But a bigger problem than oil is going to likely be water. Texas already is out of the sugar cane business because they don't have enough water to grow it anymore. Arizona is facing possible unlivable conditions in the next couple of decades because they're running out of water. If we have less people needing things... GOOD. We're not gonna go extinct. People like to fuck. Always have, always will. We will reproduce. So pushing for more and more kids is just... stupid.

The only reason they're doing this is because neo-Nazis fear this "great replacement" thing. Tucker Carlson jabbers about it, the Nazis chanted about it in Charlottesville. They aren't fearful of running out of people... they're fearful of running out of WHITE people. Or not running out, just out of being outnumbered.

They want to be able to have the numbers needed to keep treating everybody else shitty. If they can't do it via outbreeding them, they will eventually start ethnic cleansing. Conservatives are that afraid of ever getting treated the way they treated other people when they had the chance.

They're just shitty human beings. It's time to stop catering to them.

All this came after the many mocking remarks about rainbow flags, and the demands for the Ten Commandments on the wall of every classroom, and the dark warning — delivered by a smiling young mother in a flowery dress — that the supposedly trans-crazed Left ​“literally conspired to kidnap struggling, mentally ill children whose parents refused to mutilate them.”

Okay, this thing. Now, if parents were actually getting little kids sex changes, I'd be against that. I don't care if somebody wants trans surgery -- it's weird to me, but weird doesn't necessarily mean bad, and everybody should live the life they want to live as long as they aren't hurting anyone else, and if that's what it takes for them to pursue their happiness, then, go for it, I'm all for it -- but the should wait until they're an age to make up their mind about something that drastic.

And, they are. Because trans surgery on little kids doesn't work anyway. Not to go overmuch into the gory details, but if you've ever seen this done (and I have -- I watched a film called Shocking Asia that showed it graphically, and WOW I don't wanna see that again) you know that you have to have fully matured genitals to have it work. They don't just cut off a penis -- they skin it and tuck it inside to make the vagina. It needs to be as big as possible to make that work. A little kid's wee-wee will not be enough to make a vagina, and it won't "grow into it." And a woman-to-man requires as big a clitoris as possible to create a penis from.

So all this "mutilating kids" stuff is not how things work, anyway -- it's an ignorant conservative fantasy.

And it was after an animated Stephen Miller, dressed in a tan summer suit, spent 10 straight minutes thundering about the most important issue facing this country: the epidemic of military-aged men from foreign countries sneaking across our shamefully porous border to prey upon beautiful, innocent American women. ​“Not one more life should be stolen by illegal immigration!” Miller proclaimed, referring to the American women, not to the immigrants themselves. ​“To the Democrat party I say: I have nothing to discuss with you when you are letting criminal migrants rape and murder American citizens!”

I'm not for immigrants murdering women either. Nobody is. But the incidence of that happening are FAR below native-born conservative men murdering women with unregulated guns, and conservatives don't wanna do a fucking thing about THAT. In fact, they get furious if anyone tries to.

After this entire morning of aggressive admonishments to channel our masculinity into breeding, church, and striking down in cold blood anyone looking sideways at our precious American women, all of us — the men in navy blue suits, the dozens of clean shaven, college-aged conservatives in imitation blue suits and sensible long skirts, and me — packed into Breakout Room C for the ​“Big Tech and Big Porn” session. The room, like the rest of the conference, was freezing cold, presumably to squelch any latent sexual urges that might arise among the youngsters. All attention was focused on the problem of Big Porn, and its Big, Throbbing Penumbras. Together, we wrestled with the hardest problems of our time. ​“The founding, of course, had nothing like Pornhub,” noted the Texas attorney, with a respectful nod to originalism, ​“But I think it’s safe to say the founders would not have considered Pornhub to be constitutionally protected speech.”

I have a friend -- we'll call him an acquaintance now because he went MAGA-Nazi so fuck that guy -- who is very pro-Trump, but extremely ignorant about EVERYTHING. He gets all his "news" from kook websites like conservativetreehouse and AceofSpadesHQ and shuns the "mainstream media" because he doesn't trust any of it. So this guy definitely has NOT heard about them cracking down on porn.

It'll upset the hell out of him if he ever finds out what he's backing, because all this guy does is review books and cries if there isn't enough explicit sexual content in 'em. He LOVES porn.

I'm betting he won't be too thrilled that they're trying to outlaw contraception, either.

The greatest accomplishment of those on the panel was getting states to pass laws requiring users to upload their ID to verify their age in order to view porn sites, which the hosts touted as a solid first step down the road to stopping adults from looking at naked pictures of other adults. Emily Jashinsky, a podcaster and editor at The Federalist, lectured on the traps of technology. ​“The internet removed even more friction from the process of sexual gratification, putting cameras and porn stores in our pockets every second of every day,” she said. ​“I think the example of a man walking up to a bodega counter with a pornography magazine is a very interesting one. And comparing that to what it’s like to shop for porn and consume porn on the internet. You’ve got to have a physical interaction with the cashier in that situation.”

The man in front of me nodded vigorously.

During the question-and-answer period, one query about whether ​“ethically sourced pornography” was possible drew a firm ​“No. Just no,” from one policy analyst —

Anybody worked out a scorecard yet on what freedoms we now have that these freedom-lovin' conservatives want to take away? So far the only freedom I know they aren't attacking is the gun thing. They'll get around to that, though, after the right-wingers have killed the liberals. THEN they'll have to hand in their guns. And they will, because they always obey their religious leaders.

 but Adam Candeub, a Michigan State law professor with a scholarly air, pushed back. ​“There’s a danger for American conservatism that we end up seeming anti-male,” he warned of the porn restriction crusade. ​“American conservatism should be pro-male libido.”

Yeah, god forbid the conservatives seem "anti-male." Rolling Eyes (this emoji was created exactly for such moments)

I glanced surreptitiously around the room. Was there hidden sexual tension here? Were the hormones of the young conservatives raging millimeters below the surface of their Brooks Brothers suits? Were we, collectively, doing our part to support the male libido? No matter where I looked, I saw no licking of lips, no shifting of hips, no flickering of eyes to indicate that the thoughts of everyone there were drifting into unseemly territory. The male mood seemed to be more represented by the recent college grad who announced proudly that he had led a ​“rather ecumenical coalition” of students trying to get porn banned on campus. Likewise, the women present gave no indication of falling prey to the ​“trans influencers” that Candeub warned were spreading ​“transsexualism among girls.” No! The libidos in that room were all focused on the proper goal: To wed! To breed! And to create a morally upright army to save America!

From? From… from… from everyone else.

The fun thing is, as soon as these people take over, the religious sectarian wars are going to start. You know where this goes, right? First, they want to make sure the Christians are in charge of the country. Once that happens, we'll start determining which Christians are running the show. Then there's sectarian violence.

Anybody really think right-wing Christians are above being the Christian equivalent of Shias and Sunnis? My small town has five pages in the Yellow Pages for Baptist churches alone, because these assholes can't agree on ANYTHING. Make a "Christian nation" and you'll have LESS peace than ever. Sects and violence...

“The second American revolution”

The Heritage Foundation is one of the defining institutions of Washington, D.C.’s omnipresent political class. Its headquarters are in an impressive eight-story stone building on Massachusetts Avenue just blocks from the U.S. Capitol. It had, as of 2022, more than $100 million in annual revenue and $332 million in net assets. Its president is Kevin Roberts, a tan, bald man with an easy smile, who was paid $622,000 in 2022, not including the value of private jet travel. Roberts, a PhD and former college president, has one big enemy: the elites. ​“I’m sorry that you’ve got to be in the swamp to do this, but this is in fact an imperial city that we’re in the process of taking back,” Roberts told the assembled crowd on the opening morning of the conference, before reeling off a list of D.C. think tank people for special thanks.

“We’re in the second American revolution,” he said. ​“Today’s establishment Washington doesn’t understand this yet.” Roberts, who works in Washington, is a friendly face of an apocalyptic movement. He decried the out of touch ​“coastal elites” and hapless ​“Beltway Republicans” to the room full of Republican Capitol Hill staffers and D.C. foundation executives. The Left, he warned, is ​“totalitarian in its mission” and ​“practically jihadist in its theocratic fanaticism” and has, I was surprised to learn, ​“limitless resources.” If they win, ​“we will cease to be a nation at all” and become ​“subservient to a religion without God, in a land without hope.” Then he wrapped it up to polite applause, and everyone filed out to attack the platters of pastries that were laid out in the Capital Hilton’s mezzanine.

"A religion without God." Ironically, that's MAGA. What in MAGA ideology actually comes from Jesus's teachings? None of it. It's anti-Christian if anything.

Then we have one of the writers of Project 2025 saying it's a new American revolution, and "it will be bloodless... if the left allows it."

Yeah, the rapist won't kill you if you just quit struggling and take it.

The conservatives don't want it to be bloodless. They need blood spilled when people fight back against them so they can justify cracking down and starting pogroms. Will it go as far as building death camps? Wouldn't surprise me. Project 2025 already talks about building camps to put the migrants they're deporting in. Once you've got the camps, you can put anybody in there. And their enemies list is intentionally vague. It's just basically "anybody they don't like," anybody against the "Christian agenda."

And there's also a guy, Ivan Raiklin, an ex-Green Beret neo-Nazi who swears that he has an army of armed thugs all ready to go, and as soon as Trump wins, they're going to start going down their enemies list. He says they'll be visiting Democratic congresspeople and live-streaming it as they haul them and their families out of their homes and slaughter them.

And people are just sitting around, letting this guy talk like that. The right thing to do would be let let it be known that if that guy gets anybody hurt, he's going to be taken out for it. But Democrats are timid about violence so you can't even say you'll retaliate.

And the right still wants to claim they aren't fascist.

If they aren't... what is?

And it goes on, but I babbled enough for now.

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Different topic but I'll just add to this one to avoid spamming the board  (just because it moves slow doesn't mean I should hog all of it!  Wink

So... what a stupid weekend.  Some jerkoff took a shot at Trump, and I'm not sure why, but I know it was idiotic.  First off, political violence is always dumb.  Second, if the guy's a lefty (which would go against all the evidence we have so far), the last thing he'd want to do is take out the Republican Biden is most likely able to beat.  And it'd also make the left look violent (remember, the right always downgrades their own violence, and magnifies the left's).  I'm not going to pretend I don't loathe Trump, but there's no upside to shooting him.  That's just tactically inept, besides all the many other reasons it's bad.  There are leftie nuts perfectly capable of assassination attempts (that asshole at the baseball field, for example), so I'm not discounting the possibility... I'm just saying if the kid was a leftie, WOW was he fucking stupid.

Reportedly the kid was a right-winger.  He did apparently donate $15 to a Democratic group (although there's some doubt it was him and not another guy with a similar name, since the zip codes attached to the name are different), but he was a registered Republican and according to his classmates he was very right-wing.  They'd divide the class for debates and this kid was one of the few who always went to the conservative side.  He was active in a gun club, and those tend to be right-wingers; I know LOADS of gun-totin' lefties (including me) but we don't tend to join clubs because they're usually full of the right-wingers we have to find ways to politely avoid talking to at the range.  There's nothing like having to listen to some grown-up babbling about "Jesus" while you're there to practice.  So, evidence leans toward the guy being Republican.

So, why would a Republican take a shot at Trump?  Maybe because he knew that Trump's the main Republican Biden has a chance to beat, so he wanted him out of the way.  AND to create a groundswell of sympathy and outrage on the right, the whole "we gotta defeat the murderous Commie leftists!" thing, which we're already seeing in play.  

Or, maybe the kid just wanted to do his version of "showing his love for Jodie Foster" and the whole thing wasn't political to begin with, he just wanted to shoot somebody famous.  Coulda been Taylor Swift.  

Who really knows?

One thing I do know is, some people on the left keep trying to claim this was "staged" or a "false flag," and it's depressing to see that kind of stupidity from that side.  I mean, shit, I think Republicans are pretty hardcore evil, but killing a guy in the stands just to make it look good?   I don't think they'd do that, any more than I thought George W. Bush arranged those planes to hit the Twin Towers.  Conspiracy theories are almost always shit, and this is definitely one of those cases.  Even if they wanted to pull a "blade job" on Trump's ear like wrestling, it'd be too hard to make it look legit and the risks of getting exposed would far outweigh any rewards, so... yeah, this wasn't "staged" or "fake," that's just dumb.   Sure, Trump capitalized on it, the sniper probably did him a favor politically in the long run (horrible as that is on all levels), but this isn't something they cooked up, and our side's gonna do us no favors if they try to "Alex Jones" the whole thing.

Anyway, Trump's supposed to be putting out message of "unity."   Good fucking luck with that.   We already saw the right excuse away (or, worse, laugh at) violence done by them.  January 6th was "tourists," Nancy Pelosi's husband getting bashed in the head was "hilarious" (and he was probably gay!  Because being gay is funny!).  Charlottesville was just "very good people" getting a little out of hand.   And Kyle Rittenhouse is some kind of "hero" who they throw money at because he murdered some lefties (who were probably gay!)   Etc. etc. etc.  

I mentioned Ivan Raiklin already.  And there's the guy who says the right's doing a "revolution" and it will be "bloodless if the left allows it" and now we've got Jeff Posobiec calling everybody who's not MAGA "unhumans"  (I think in the original German that was "untermensch").

But if you point out all the Nazi shit the right's doing they get REALLY MAD and say you're using "divisive rhetoric."   Sorry, but I don't know what else to call it when you've got Patriot Front and The Proud Boys marching down the street waving flags that have swastikas and "Trump" written on 'em.

Turn the rhetoric down, fine... just don't stop telling the truth.  And the truth is, there are a WHOLE LOT OF NAZIS backing Trump, and being in bed with Nazis isn't enough to turn the rest of the Trump supporters off.  They aren't doing anything to purge their party of violent bigots, so... what is anyone supposed to think?  If they don't like the fleas they better stop laying with the dogs.

********** updated to rant some more: Okay, J. D. Vance? Trump picked the only guy who wears as much makeup as he does? Jesus. Now I REALLY want to vote against Trump, just so I won't have to look at THAT moonfaced eyeliner killer-from-Longlegs-vibey sonofawhore. J. D. Vance is one of the only people whose lack of integrity and sociopathy might equal Trump's. He went from hating Trump and calling him "America's Hitler" and saying "you'd have to be an idiot to vote for him" to being his running mate. J. D. is a complete phony grifter opportunist flip-flopper of the highest magnitude. Trump is a FOOL to have picked that clown, and the nation's in even more trouble if it elects THAT ticket.

Shit. If Trump wins I am going to take very little satisfaction in watching all these people who voted for him lose everything, because I'll be losing all my savings, too. Trump will be a disaster for the economy. But, at least those idiots will have deserved it.

One friend of mine, who's a former Republican, is planning to move to Portugal if Trump wins, because he feels certain Trump will start looting everyone's savings the second he's inaugurated. I'm not certain it'll happen that fast, but I'm pretty sure that everybody will be double taxed with forced-tithing when this gets declared a "Christian-ruled nation." His mom's planning to move with him. She went a little farther than stopping being a Republican, though -- she went from being a churchgoer to an atheist. She saw how easily the people in her church got fooled into believing a cheap con man and decided that Jesus thing was just another con, too.

J. D. fucking Vance. Shit. Even I didn't think Trump would actually be THAT stupid. Picking that stool sample and trying to run on "uniting the country." God, what a sorry joke.

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Good lord, what a beautiful rant!

And more about Jerk-Dick Vance:


Scenes You Didn't Want To See From The Republican National Convention:

That's the illustrious crotch of Kimberly Guilfoyle, the hideous cosmetic surgery disaster who dates Trump's son. I'm not sure exactly what she's doing (maybe getting in the spirit of a Trump rally, she wanted Donald to grab it, but, since his eyes work and she looks like all the nightmares lurking under the bed of every feverish child, she had to do it herself), or why they decided to put it up on the Titantron, but... hey, Republican voters, public groin-fiddlin' fits right in.

Meanwhile, back to J. D. Vance. Anybody catch his charming story about how when his meemaw died they found 19 loaded firearms hidden all over the house?

A few things:

1. J.D.'s whole origin story is about how he comes from desperate poverty. What poor folk can afford NINETEEN GUNS? I don't care if they're all Hi-Point 9mms, ain't no poor family gonna be able to afford nineteen fucking guns when they're supposedly "hot dog poor."

2. Yer meemaw's not a charming American, she's a paranoid lunatic if she doesn't dare to ever be more than three feet away from a loaded weapon in her own house. Tony goddamn Soprano wasn't THAT full of fear and he had professional crews after him all the time. Jesus. What a vision for America.

3. If you're a responsible gun owner, in even a basic way, having loaded weapons scattered all over the house is not a thing you do. J. D. likes to present this as she was "always ready to protect her family," but if she had grandkids in that house, they were FAR more likely to get hurt from finding one of her guns than of her fighting off some attacker.

Since J. D. tells his pillbilly tales of woe and glory (while leaving out the part where he went to Yale and became a venture capitalist, under a series of more fake names than your average bank robber), here's a personal anecdote: my family's mostly a bunch of rednecks. My cousins lived out in the middle of fucking nowhere. They could all drive by the time they were about 8 years old, because they had to to get back and forth to their uncle's trailer a couple miles off through the woods. They regularly ate roadkill because they knew it was fresh, 'cuz they were always going up and down the same roads every hour, so they'd be making armadillo chili and stuff. They started hunting as soon as they were old enough to not be killed by the recoil. So, yeah, they know guns. And still one of 'em shot his brother through the knee because they were playing around with their dumb drunk-ass daddy's unsecured firearm. So... there's that.

Now, back to J. D. Here's how a lot of Trump's base feels about him:

Take a good look at that. Screaming about intermarrying not being able to protect "American identity." THAT is what Trump's base is primarily motivated by -- "white identity." And the ones who claim not to be, well, finding themselves in bed with actual Nazis is not a deal-breaker. They may think they aren't racists, but they're pretty comfortable supporting a guy who very much appeals to racists. And that is NOT DEBATABLE, there's way too much evidence, everybody from Richard Spenser to David Duke has declared Trump to be their "savior," so, yeah, Trump is The Racist Candidate. The Threepers and Patriot Front and the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, etc. march in the streets supporting this motherfucker because they see him as supporting their "white identity" and hopes for an "ethnostate." It's not just a handful of kooks. And if being in a party with people like that doesn't give a person pause, then... they're one, too. Maybe softer about it, but they're still okay with it. That's a non-negotiable point. People were waving "Mass Deportation Now" signs at the RNC, because they want to get rid of as many non-white people as they can.

Then, of course, they'll start on the "Marxists" and the "woke," which, to them, means absolutely-anybody-and-everybody-they-disagree-with. Don't go to church? You're a woke commie, death to you. Married someone of a different race or the same sex? Woke commie, auslander raus. Like to read books? I dunno, that seems like something a commie would do, may have to put you in a camp. Oh, and if you're a woman, gay, or a person of any color at all, and you have a job, then you're obviously at "D.E.I. hire" and they need to get you out of there.

I have yet to find any black person or woman holding a job that Republicans haven't accuse of being a "D.E.I. hire." They say they want to hire "the best person for the job," but you notice, no matter how qualified someone is, if they aren't white, it's always a "D.E.I hire." Kamala Harris is about as qualified for the position she holds as anybody who's ever held it, but they all claim she got it only because she's a black woman (or they accuse her of having slept her way to the top, which is another consistent conservative trick -- any woman who gets anywhere didn't get it through hard work, they just whored their way there).

I know I'm preaching to the choir here (unless our one resident shitbag is still lurking instead of spending his every lonely waking moment screaming things on Twitter that nobody's ever responded to or faved him for despite the fact that he's there all the time), but... yeah, it's maddening.

I'm pretty misanthropic but I still thought people would be better than this. Even the conservative ones, who've always been the dumb-nasty end of the spectrum. It's amazing that they've flocked to something this stupid and vile. Even a personality cult should have some standards.

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More Fun With Freedom™, starring America's Republicans!

Y'know how they LURRRRVVVEEEE Viktor Orban?  They invite him to headline their Fuckwit Hoedowns  Conservative Politcal Action Committee fests.  Trump has him on speed-dial and talks about him at the RNC like a 14-year-old boy talks about Taylor Swift.

Conservatives are super-eager-horny to turn America into Hungary.

They might wanna look into that.

They may also wanna look into the kind of gun control Russia (Donne's other best fwiend!) has.  Pretty tight!  

There's no right conservatives won't eagerly give away for free if you just flick that little Jesus switch in their head.  They like to give power to the fed and just... trust them not to use it against them.

But, they LOVE capitalism, right?

How 'bout... for-profit prisons?

Biden's against 'em, because any intelligent person would be.   Making prisons profitable?   If you make money off a thing, you need customers,  right?  So it becomes profitable to incarcerate people.  Think that's not gonna get abused?

Could be why Trump also wants to make police immune to prosecution.

Cops who can do whatever the fuck they want, whenever and to whoever they want, and prisons who make their money by having more prisoners.   Sure, what could go wrong?  

But, back to Hungary.  Hungary has the lowest life-expectancy rate in Europe.  They also have a pay rate that's twice as low as other developed European countries.  The average salary there is $25,409. Education there is fer-shit.  It's the most corrupt country in the EU, and the poorest country in the EU.

Here's what the Republicans really like about Orban.  He's a fucking cheat.   We all know how Republicans love to gerrymander.  Well, Orban takes that to the craziest extremes.  He rigs the game so nobody can win but him.   And that's what Republicans want to do here.  They wouldn't dare come up with plans like Project 2025 or Agenda 47 if they hadn't made dam sure there was no way a Democrat could ever wield such power.

They also like the way he's turned the courts into a thing that protects his own criminality, while prosecuting anybody he doesn't like.   Conservatives DREAM of being able to do that.   And Orban shut down journalism so nobody in Hungary can report on what he's doing.  Keep people ignorant and docile.

It includes gaming the electoral system and districts to favor the ruling party; subordinating intelligence services to political control, aligning the prosecutor’s office with political will, undermining judicial independence, hollowing out the constitutional court and filling it with party loyalists, and seizing control of the media through a propaganda ministry. These measures, taken together, can yield near-unlimited power, and help an aspiring autocrat maintain their influence over the long-term, while democratic institutions are hollowed out.

Again, conservatives are certain that only they will get to wield this kind of power.  They'd scream like hell if even a tenth of it was turned against them, but, like believers trusting a televangelist to pray for them, they trust their betters not to crush them.  Faithful little children.

Our conservative friends think Trump will benevolently use all the mighty powers they're going to hand over to him on their behalf, and they won't need their rights because their big bully buddy will do all the crushing-down for them.  They never think it'll turn on them.

Fragile conservatives being spooked out of their freedom Cute_white_coat_t3539
Just grinning while waitin' for the club to come down.

As a side note... what's this crazy obsession from Republicans to know where Joe Biden is? They hate the guy, but if three days goes by and they don't see him, they start freaking out, thinking he's dead and being replaced by a robot or whatever other bizarre thing they believe.

That's just fucking strange. Trump could disappear for six months and I wouldn't give a damn, I'd be glad I wasn't having to look at him or hear "The Snake" recited again or have him tell that damn "Hannibal Lector likes to have you for dinner" joke for the ten thousandth time...

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