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Jeffrey Epstein, Billionaire Long Accused of Molesting Minors, Is Charged

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curiouser and curiouser ...

An autopsy has revealed broken bones in Jeffrey Epstein’s neck, bringing up a flurry of new questions about how he died.

According to experts who talked to the Washington Post, his injuries — including a broken hyoid bone — are typically more consistent with death by homicidal strangulation than by suicidal hanging.

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I seriously, seriously doubt we'll ever know the truth about this death with anything anywhere near certainty.   The only sure thing is that it'll provide fodder for conspiracy theories of all kinds for decades to come.

Speaking of which -- even though it's probably a useless exercise -- it screams for investigation by an independent entity, NOT anyone who reports directly or indirectly to Bill Barr.

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RealLindaL wrote:I seriously, seriously doubt we'll ever know the truth about this death with anything anywhere near certainty.   The only sure thing is that it'll provide fodder for conspiracy theories of all kinds for decades to come.

Speaking of which -- even though it's probably a useless exercise -- it screams for investigation by an independent entity, NOT anyone who reports directly or indirectly to Bill Barr.

Absolutely. I'm not believing a damn thing Barr says. Even if Barr said Trump killed him personally, I'd think he was telling that story because he had some ulterior motive for telling it. Barr's absolute-horseshit portrayal of the Mueller report proves that he's compromised and in the tank.

If they want to investigate this, then it needs to be some outside third party who can be trusted.

Floridatexan likes this post


zsomething wrote:
RealLindaL wrote:I seriously, seriously doubt we'll ever know the truth about this death with anything anywhere near certainty.   The only sure thing is that it'll provide fodder for conspiracy theories of all kinds for decades to come.

Speaking of which -- even though it's probably a useless exercise -- it screams for investigation by an independent entity, NOT anyone who reports directly or indirectly to Bill Barr.

Absolutely.  I'm not believing a damn thing Barr says.   Even if Barr said Trump killed him personally, I'd think he was telling that story because he had some ulterior motive for telling it.  Barr's absolute-horseshit portrayal of the Mueller report proves that he's compromised and in the tank.

If they want to investigate this, then it needs to be some outside third party who can be trusted.  

Abso-positively -- but how to ever get this done the right way??



“It was unbelievable what we had. [Bill] Clinton—we had everything. I tried for three years to get it on to no avail and now it’s all coming out and it’s like these new revelations.”



Yeah, right.  I believe this guy:

Jeffrey Epstein, Billionaire Long Accused of Molesting Minors, Is Charged - Page 4 Sarlin-james-okeefe_77765_pkeqhr


Project Veritas is a group affiliated with James O'Keefe, a right-wing provocateur known for a series of deceptive videos attacking targets like Planned Parenthood and ACORN, a community organizing group.[1] As of 2017, Porject Veritas's main targets were the mainstream news media and left-leaning groups via "undercover 'stings' that involve using false cover stories and covert video recordings meant to expose what the group says is media bias."[2]

In fall 2014, the group "launched a political offshoot with its sights set on high-profile campaigns and organizations" called Project Veritas Action, according to Mother Jones.[3]

In its tax filings, Project Veritas states that its mission "is to train, educate, and inform others to investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society."[4] Some of the primary methods used by O'Keefe and other Project Veritas operatives, however, use disguises and deceptive editing.

1 News and Controversies
1.1 Project Veritas Exposed
1.2 Failed Washington Post "Sting"
1.3 Project Veritas Served with Restraining Order, Latest 'Sting' Blocked
1.4 James O'Keefe, Who Pled Guilty in Federal Case, Threatens WI AG Schimel into Flip Flop on Project Veritas Video
1.5 Botched Sting Attempt on Open Society Foundations
1.6 Operative Refuses Plan to "Dupe" Protesters with "Kill Cops" Script (2015)
1.7 WI Senate President Drops Out of GOP Primary after Project Veritas Video (2014)
1.8 Failed Attempts to Entrap Democrats and Nonprofits During 2014 Midterm Campaigns
1.8.1 $100,000 Paid to Settle Lawsuit over Secret Recording (2013)
1.9 "Probe" of Senator's Office Nets Arrests and Probation for Project Veritas (2010)
1.10 "Disingenuous" Sting on ACORN (2009)
1.11 Former Director of Operations Calls Project Veritas "Nothing More than a PR Machine"

Telstar likes this post



Is it true that Trump ordered a hit on Jeffrey Epstein. Was it to cover up his own sex crimes against young women? Twisted Evil

Floridatexan likes this post



Floridatexan wrote:Yeah, right.  I believe this guy:

Jeffrey Epstein, Billionaire Long Accused of Molesting Minors, Is Charged - Page 4 Sarlin-james-okeefe_77765_pkeqhr


Project Veritas is a group affiliated with James O'Keefe, a right-wing provocateur known for a series of deceptive videos attacking targets like Planned Parenthood and ACORN, a community organizing group.[1] As of 2017, Porject Veritas's main targets were the mainstream news media and left-leaning groups via "undercover 'stings' that involve using false cover stories and covert video recordings meant to expose what the group says is media bias."[2]

In fall 2014, the group "launched a political offshoot with its sights set on high-profile campaigns and organizations" called Project Veritas Action, according to Mother Jones.[3]

In its tax filings, Project Veritas states that its mission "is to train, educate, and inform others to investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society."[4] Some of the primary methods used by O'Keefe and other Project Veritas operatives, however, use disguises and deceptive editing.

1 News and Controversies
1.1 Project Veritas Exposed
1.2 Failed Washington Post "Sting"
1.3 Project Veritas Served with Restraining Order, Latest 'Sting' Blocked
1.4 James O'Keefe, Who Pled Guilty in Federal Case, Threatens WI AG Schimel into Flip Flop on Project Veritas Video
1.5 Botched Sting Attempt on Open Society Foundations
1.6 Operative Refuses Plan to "Dupe" Protesters with "Kill Cops" Script (2015)
1.7 WI Senate President Drops Out of GOP Primary after Project Veritas Video (2014)
1.8 Failed Attempts to Entrap Democrats and Nonprofits During 2014 Midterm Campaigns
1.8.1 $100,000 Paid to Settle Lawsuit over Secret Recording (2013)
1.9 "Probe" of Senator's Office Nets Arrests and Probation for Project Veritas (2010)
1.10 "Disingenuous" Sting on ACORN (2009)
1.11 Former Director of Operations Calls Project Veritas "Nothing More than a PR Machine"

Lmao... it comes directly from her own mouth. It's impressive what you can ignore to remain ignorant.

Btw... the 3 years ago that she said they had pictures and "everything" was 2016 during the campaign.



A picture says a thousand words. Twisted Evil

Jeffrey Epstein, Billionaire Long Accused of Molesting Minors, Is Charged - Page 4 Trump-12

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The president and Epstein were reportedly each other’s “wingmen” until taking opposite sides of a real estate deal.

AUGUST 1, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein, Billionaire Long Accused of Molesting Minors, Is Charged - Page 4 TrumpEpstein

Since Jeffrey Epstein was arrested at a New Jersey airport and charged with sex trafficking, dozens of rich and powerful people long associated with the guy have gone to great lengths to distance themselves from him. One such individual is President Donald Trump, who told reporters last month that he’d had a “falling-out” with the sexual predator (who pleaded guilty to two counts of prostitution in 2008 and has denied the most recent charges) a decade prior. Trump Organization lawyer Alan Garten has also attempted to downplay the connection, telling Fox News in 2016 that the then-candidate had “no relationship” with Epstein, that they “were not friends,” and that they “did not socialize together.” Of course, video footage, investigative reporting, and contemporaneous quotes from Donald Trump himself prove that’s not the case at all.

In 2002, for instance, the real estate developer told New York, “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Per the New York Times, in 1992, Trump directed Florida businessman George Houraney to organize a “calendar girl” competition at Mar-a-Lago, and after 28 female contestants were procured, revealed that the other guests were just “him and Epstein.” Video footage from that same year shows the two men partying together at the Palm Beach resort with cheerleaders for the Buffalo Bills and Miami Dolphins, laughing, chatting, and, in the case of Trump, pawing at women. The friendly relationship continued for more than 10 years after that, with the two men reportedly dining at Epstein’s mansion and attending many of the same dinner parties; according to Epstein’s brother, Mark, Trump would comp Epstein’s mother and aunt at one of his Atlantic City casino hotels and flew on Epstein’s private jet—the one he allegedly used to ferry underage girls to his private island of horrors—“numerous times.” One person who observed both men told the Washington Post that “they were tight” and that, nauseatingly, “they were each other’s wingmen.”

Ultimately, Epstein and Trump did have a falling-out. According to a new report from the Post, however, it didn’t have anything to do with Epstein’s disturbing behavior with underage women, but, naturally, a real estate deal.

In November 2004, Trump, who was starring in NBC’s The Apprentice at the time, declared himself intent on winning “the finest piece of land in Florida and probably the U.S.,” an estate that had been seized as part of the bankruptcy of nursing home magnate Abe Gosman.… Epstein was also enraptured by the property, which Gosman had purchased in 1988 for about $12 million from Leslie Wexner, the Ohio-based retail executive who was a friend and patron of Epstein’s.

At first Epstein pressed to gain the upper hand in the competition for the estate, according to Joseph Luzinski, the bankruptcy trustee. Epstein agreed on a price and terms that were viewed as favorable for Gosman’s creditors if a higher bid didn’t emerge, he said. As the competition heated up, Trump and Epstein began talking each other down to the trustee, Luzinski said. On November 15, 2004, the bidders, their representatives, and a small cavalry of lawyers representing the creditors and the Gosman family gathered in a courtroom at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in West Palm Beach. Trump was connected by phone.

The auction began with an attempt by one of Epstein’s three attorneys to knock Trump out of the bidding. Attorney Andrew Kamensky argued that Trump was not qualified because he demanded that the property have title insurance or he would not close on the sale. “What I’m telling you is that Mr. Epstein will—he will close,” Kamensky said, according to a transcript obtained by the Post.

Ultimately, Trump was the higher bidder at $41.35 million. In an interview with the Post, Luzinski characterized the face-off as “two very large Palm Beach egos going at it.” Four years later, Trump would sell the property to—who else?—a Russian businessman named Dmitry Rybolovlev for $95 million. (Apropos of nothing at all, Rybolovlev was charged with corruption last year, which he denied.) Trump would later ban Epstein from Mar-a-Lago, though the exact timeline—whether this was before or after Florida police began investigating Epstein in 2005—is unclear.

According to the Post, the last known interaction between Trump and Epstein occurred the same month as the sale of the house, when Trump left a pair of messages for Epstein at his Palm Beach home. We can only assume Trump called to gloat over “low-energy” Epstein for losing the deal, and not to warn him to stay away from underage girls.






Sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell sentenced to 20 years in prison

Maxwell, 60, was convicted in December of five federal charges for recruiting and grooming teenage girls to be sexually abused by Jeffrey Epstein.

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Yet not one "client" arrested. Sickening.



Jeffrey Epstein, Billionaire Long Accused of Molesting Minors, Is Charged - Page 4 Dildo_13

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