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Captain! Captain! Is that an iceberg dead ahead?

Deus X
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Deus X

Deus X

Trump approval jumps ahead of Obama’s midterm approval rating

President Trump's approval rating before the November elections has jumped to a higher level than former President Obama's ahead of the 2010 midterms, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll.

The poll found Trump's approval rating at its highest level for that poll yet, at 47 percent. Obama's approval rating was 45 percent around the same time in 2010, according to a similar NBC/Wall Street Journal poll taken in late October 2010.

Uh oh!


How is that even POSSIBLE in a rational world?? This nation has gone bat shit crazy. And if they still approve of Trump after his continued support of the murderous MBS, and with his having no compunction about saying, in so many words, that any world leader can kill as many journalists as they want as long as they're wealthy and keep doing lucrative business with the USA (and, even more importantly, with the Trump organization)...well, that's just insanely wrong. Disgustingly twisted.

I'm beginning to be ashamed to call this country home. And don't anyone give me all the usual crap about bad stuff the U.S. has done before. What we're seeing now is brazen amorality on a whole new level.

Heaven help the children.



RealLindaL wrote:How is that even POSSIBLE in a rational world??  This nation has gone bat shit crazy. And if they still approve of Trump after his continued support of the murderous MBS, and with his having no compunction about saying, in so many words, that any world leader can kill as many journalists as they want as long as they're wealthy and keep doing lucrative business with the USA (and, even more importantly, with the Trump organization)...well, that's just insanely wrong.  Disgustingly twisted.  

I'm beginning to be ashamed to call this country home.   And don't anyone give me all the usual crap about bad stuff the U.S. has done before.  What we're seeing now is brazen amorality on a whole new level.  

Heaven help the children.

Little wonder that the children of Republicans plot to murder their parents while they sleep in their beds. Beware those boxes of rat poison and keep a tight grip on the key to your gun cabinet Republicans. It's later than you think. Twisted Evil

Deus X

Deus X

RealLindaL wrote:How is that even POSSIBLE in a rational world?

The bullshit about Kavanaugh and the economy. We're at damn near full employment,  the unemployment rate hasn't been this low since the 70s, that's how.



Deus X wrote:
RealLindaL wrote:How is that even POSSIBLE in a rational world?

The bullshit about Kavanaugh and the economy. We're at damn near full employment,  the unemployment rate hasn't been this low since the 70s, that's how.

Captain! Captain! Is that an iceberg dead ahead? Gop_sh11



Deus X wrote:
RealLindaL wrote:How is that even POSSIBLE in a rational world?

The bullshit about Kavanaugh and the economy. We're at damn near full employment,  the unemployment rate hasn't been this low since the 70s, that's how.

Are you nuts?  Don't you know anything about economics?  Thank you, President Obama, for bringing the country back from the precipice we were left on by the previous Republican president.  Have you noticed the stock market lately?  Do you really think the fiscal policies of Drumpf and the Republicans will improve the lot of Americans?  What about the assaults on SS, Medicare and Medicaid?  You have to be an idiot to buy Drumpf's policies, and those of Republican "leadership".

Captain! Captain! Is that an iceberg dead ahead? NATEBEELR1


I think the Republicans are planning to mess around with the vote and they're screwing with polls to try to create a plausible backstory. There's so much crazy gerrymandering going on and voter suppression (supposedly around 10% of people, mostly minorities, have been purged from voter lists) and no way to check them on it. The corruption is off the charts. America isn't America anymore. It's late 20's - early 30's Germany and Trump's followers are too brainwashed and idiotic to see it... or care if they do. Turns out all that "freedom" talk was bullshit and totalitarianism's actually what they want, as long as they get to run it.


Uh oh!

Exactly as I predicted after the confirmation chit storm. I have ranted and raved that the Rachel Maddow effect was in full force again, as if the collective hubris of everybody being smarter than Trump is the issue.........instead we have Booker and Harris showing unbelievable disrespect and arrogance as they broke senate rules, left the hearing in mid hearing to go talk to reporters in the hallway.......I actually like Corey Booker before this display. I find him repulsive now, and the polls tell us what the American Public thinks. The democrats have just crowned Donald Trump emperor for six more years.....and maybe more, all because of a confirmation hearing which could have been positive for democrats.....raise concerns.........question with dignity......stay on relevant evidence.......and lose the vote, but win midterms........instead they just delivered the senate to the republicans, and as I have predicted, the republicans will hold the house. The rachel maddow focus on gender free bathrooms and how stupid trump is just does not play with the average voter, yet they keep trying to do the same thing expecting a different result. I mean I saw this clearly before the hearings began, yet supposedly smarter strategist thought the chit storm was good.......idiocy.



2seaoat wrote:Uh oh!

Exactly as I predicted after the confirmation chit storm.  I have ranted and raved that the Rachel Maddow effect was in full force again, as if the collective hubris of everybody being smarter than Trump is the issue.........instead we have Booker and Harris showing unbelievable disrespect and arrogance as they broke senate rules, left the hearing in mid hearing to go talk to reporters in the hallway.......I actually like Corey Booker before this display.   I find him repulsive now, and the polls tell us what the American Public thinks.   The democrats have just crowned Donald Trump emperor for six more years.....and maybe more, all because of a confirmation hearing which could have been positive for democrats.....raise concerns.........question with dignity......stay on relevant evidence.......and lose the vote, but win midterms........instead they just delivered the senate to the republicans, and as I have predicted, the republicans will hold the house.  The rachel maddow focus on gender free bathrooms and how stupid trump is just does not play with the average voter, yet they keep trying to do the same thing expecting a different result.   I mean I saw this clearly before the hearings began, yet supposedly smarter strategist thought the chit storm was good.......idiocy.

I have lost respect for YOU. You never responded to me about the complaints against him by his PEERS, and you said nothing about the GOP withholding all info about his Bush years. This appointment was clearly partisan, and the man disqualified himself by his demeanor during the hearings. You have aligned yourself with the Trump idiots.


You have aligned yourself with the Trump idiots.

Nope. Just smart enough to know that your group hysteria is neither a strategy to defeat Trump, nor a logical path to improve America. Stick to the issues which 80% of Americans agree, and ignore Trump. He will be defeated. You do not even understand that the republicans were playing chess, and could look three moves ahead, you want to focus on the first move.......stop the nominee no matter what..........well, that is now biting you in the butt, and you want to attack the messenger.



2seaoat wrote:Uh oh!

Exactly as I predicted after the confirmation chit storm.  I have ranted and raved that the Rachel Maddow effect was in full force again, as if the collective hubris of everybody being smarter than Trump is the issue.........instead we have Booker and Harris showing unbelievable disrespect and arrogance as they broke senate rules, left the hearing in mid hearing to go talk to reporters in the hallway.......I actually like Corey Booker before this display.   I find him repulsive now, and the polls tell us what the American Public thinks.   The democrats have just crowned Donald Trump emperor for six more years.....and maybe more, all because of a confirmation hearing which could have been positive for democrats.....raise concerns.........question with dignity......stay on relevant evidence.......and lose the vote, but win midterms........instead they just delivered the senate to the republicans, and as I have predicted, the republicans will hold the house.  The rachel maddow focus on gender free bathrooms and how stupid trump is just does not play with the average voter, yet they keep trying to do the same thing expecting a different result.   I mean I saw this clearly before the hearings began, yet supposedly smarter strategist thought the chit storm was good.......idiocy.

I hear these masks are all the rage with the kids. The feeble old men don't know but the little girls understand...

Captain! Captain! Is that an iceberg dead ahead? Seaoat10



Deus X wrote:
RealLindaL wrote:How is that even POSSIBLE in a rational world?

The bullshit about Kavanaugh and the economy. We're at damn near full employment,  the unemployment rate hasn't been this low since the 70s, that's how.

The tax breaks that fueled the current economy went to the wealthiest and most powerful Americans not to the Middle Class, for whom McConnell wants to slash endowment programs like medicare and social security because the tax breaks haven't lessened the national debt a whit.

And the biggest fear for today's American citizen is climate change and the worsening firestorms, hurricanes and sea rise -- while the Pussy Grabber pushes coal sales.




Wordslinger wrote:
Deus X wrote:
RealLindaL wrote:How is that even POSSIBLE in a rational world?

The bullshit about Kavanaugh and the economy. We're at damn near full employment,  the unemployment rate hasn't been this low since the 70s, that's how.

The tax breaks that fueled the current economy went to the wealthiest and most powerful Americans not to the Middle Class, for whom McConnell wants to slash endowment programs like medicare and social security because the tax breaks haven't lessened the national debt a whit.  

And the biggest fear for today's American citizen is climate change and the worsening firestorms, hurricanes and sea rise -- while the Pussy Grabber pushes coal sales.


Not reality:

Tax plan’s effect on ‘middle class’

A DCCC ad in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District misleadingly says Rep. Barbara Comstock voted for “the Trump tax plan that gives almost all the benefits to the richest 1 percent, while middle-class families pay higher taxes.” Actually, most middle-income families will see a tax cut in the first years of the plan. When and if many of the individual income tax changes expire after 2025, those middle-income tax cuts disappear.

But the ad cherry-picks to make the point that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act — which Comstock supported — “gives almost all the benefits to the richest 1 percent, while middle-class families pay higher taxes.”

According to an analysis of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, taxes will decline on average across all income groups in 2018. While “middle-class families” is a subjective classification, TPC noted that in 2018 “taxpayers in the middle income quintile (those with income between about $49,000 and $86,000) would receive an average tax cut of about $900, or 1.6 percent of after-tax income.” Upper-income taxpayers, especially those in the top 1 percent, would benefit even more as a share of after-tax income.

Those middle-income taxpayers would continue to see tax cuts through 2025, TPC said, on average about $900 that year, or 1.3 percent of after-tax income. However, because most of the individual income tax provisions are scheduled to sunset after 2025, TPC found that by 2027, “taxpayers in the middle income quintile would see no material change on average.” Those in the bottom two quintiles, after seeing a small tax cut through 2025 “would face an average tax increase of 0.1 percent of after-tax income.” Some of those could be considered “middle class.”

Republicans added sunset provisions to most of the individual tax cut provisions so that the bill could pass through budget reconciliation, a process requiring only a majority vote in the Senate. In order to do that, Republican lawmakers could not add more than $1.5 trillion to the deficit over 10 years. Nor could they have a bill that added to the deficit beyond that 10-year window. However, Republicans say they expect a future Congress will extend those cuts.

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