So glad , Knot.
Pensacola Discussion Forum
PkrBum wrote:Wow... thank you for sharing that. I'm so sorry for the difficulties. I wish i had something to offer... but i think that you know what's best... even more so than the doctors. I hope that you're in the best possible shape heading into such a complex operation. I'm guessing that they wanted that too. But a man can only take so much and it sounds like you're making the call that's best for your quality of life. My uncle had a similar radical prostectomy and has the same urinary setup. That was 20 years ago and he's doing quite well. No cancer... but he still has a slowly rising psa... which concerns them because as i said the prostate was removed. Oh well... i just hope for the best for you. Please let us know how the next appointment goes and the tests. Don't forget... they work for you..!!
RealLindaL wrote:Thanks very much for sharing more of your difficult story with us, knot. And, while of course no one else can make the decision for you, it sure sounds as if you've arrived at a solid, well-informed choice, and I, for one, applaud you. Please remind us closer to Aug. 15 so we can send you off to surgery with resounding good wishes for a much easier time than you or anyone else expects, and for the fastest recovery on the planet. You deserve it all!
Just hate that you have to wait so long in discomfort, but seeing potential relief ahead must surely be of some help, yes?
Thinking of you!
RealLindaL wrote:Knot, I have no doubt that it's scary as hell, especially when the doc keeps repeating the warnings. Still, you've got solid reasons for proceeding (and yes, avoiding even a long-shot wheel chair is surely good reason in itself!). You are visibly strong in your resolve despite the natural fears, and that's so, so admirable, and evidence that you've made the right decision for yourself. Fingers AND toes crossed here!!
Joanimaroni wrote:You do what you have to do! We will be with you in spirit and prayers!
RealLindaL wrote:Knot, I'm sure that no one considers your updates whining. Nothing of the sort! Did you consider Seaoat's updates as whining? No! He was simply sharing his experiences with long-time cyber-friends, for the benefit of whoever cared, or for whomever his information could eventually help. Your posts are viewed the same, I assure you.
Would be very interested to know what you didn't like about the iPad. My son gifted me and his m.i.l. each with a discontinued H-P tablet at his wedding a number of years back, and hubby and I tried to get used to it but just couldn't seem to get the hang of it. Too heavy on the fingering, probably. Also, we couldn't update it because it was obsolete, so eventually found some our favorite websites unreachable, plus it began to lose the ability to retain date and time. Just frustrating, and we gave up and stuck it on a shelf.
We really don't need it anyway - my desktop (and my husband's laptop, handy in evacuations) are sufficient.
So what was your beef with the iPad?
knothead wrote:while I am at the confessional I do enjoy texting immensely. .
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