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let the bastards responsible for not funding the Children's chip program rot in hell

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This is pure evil. Hurt children to get a fricking wall built. Playing chicken with nine million kids.



As if anyone in their right mind expects the party that considers Milo Yiannopoulos one of it's guiding lights to care about the well being of children. Twisted Evil



Hardly. I have known children in that program over the last twenty years. It is an amazing program for those kids who slip through the crack. With the 2008 crash, I saw family after family who could not insure the parents but the chips program kept their kids insured.

This was a bipartisan program in the nineties. The alt right fascist agenda of huge defense budgets, billions for walls, and nothing for children is pure evil. If nobody is familiar with this issue and the I sadly am becoming hateful to the evil of the Republican Party. I will die a registered Republican, but I will die a Lincoln Republican, and not a dixiecrat hateful terrorist.....tear down, and tear down, but soon righteous people will quit being fooled.

Deus X

Deus X

Telstar wrote:As if anyone in their right mind expects the party that considers Milo Yiannopoulos one of it's guiding lights to care about the well being of children.

Hey! Milo loves children.

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