1/ There are two forms of Kelly Futures this morning. Version 1 is that Kelly is finally, really, really the man to Turn This All Around.
2/ In this variation, Kelly-the-General will command Trump's respect and everything will fall in to place.
3/ This is, of course, counter to literally every...single...observed Trump behavior.
4/ But Trumpism requires every new hire be portrayed as heroic, brilliant, loyal, and handsome. Until they're expelled into the darkness.
5/ Version 2 of Kelly Futures is that Ivanka and her consort Prince Jared will continue to have walk-in privs to the Oval but will behave.
6/ That's missing why Kelly will likely fail. Trump views his family and friends as royalty, exempt and exceptional.
7/ Trump's impulsiveness and lack of discipline will blow up every plan. There are no rules of engagement Trump will follow over time.
8/ And if Kelly is an honest broker, there's one word he's going to have to say to this President that will cause the rift; "No."
9/ "No, sir. I cannot fire Mueller." "No, sir. We cannot nuke Finland." "No, sir. We cannot arrest Members of Congress for disrespect."
10/ "No, sir. You may not tweet except for the Message of the Day that we have crafted for you."
Good luck Mr. Kelly