A Cycle of Injustice?
by Ryne Ziemba
A 1974 Death Reflects Present-Day Frustrations with Steen Case
"Alphonse de Lamartine once claimed that "History teaches everything, including the future."
Many who have either witnessed or been a part of the protests involving the death of local teen Victor Steen have viewed the marches, city council meetings, and recently, the coroner's inquest with both awe and frustration.
At times, it isn't difficult to compare similarities between the protests that have happened as a result of Steen's death to the marches and protests that occurred surrounding the death rattle of segregation in the South.
While there have been many local incidents in the past several decades of deaths at the hands of law enforcement officers with no indictment by the State Attorney's Office, there is one incident which transpired in Pensacola in 1974 that particularly brings to mind the frustrations felt by those calling for further investigation into the death of Victor Steen..."
(more, including corroboration of Seaoat's assertion about the use of coroner's inquests to avoid prosecuting police.)