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"Stop Shaking Your Head." LOL, Spicer Has Meltdown.

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This guy definitely got bullied in school. His wimp factor screams for recognition.





Floridatexan wrote:

Not to praise Mikajoe but this is how tyrants are taken down, when their own supporters come to their senses and turn on them.


Joe and Mika all but eliminated any Republican challengers with all the free tv time they gave candidate Trump. I have lost all respect for all hosts on MSNBC, and no longer watch the same. They made money with ratings, and never did their job. Making fun of President Trump is easy, but doing hard work required in journalism to connect the dots with policy is not a rating generator. I am excited to have rediscovered CNN and my wife and I love Chris Cumo in the morning. He is intelligent and tough, and has NO problem holding guests accountable. I have not watched FOX or MSNBC since the election. They are both political propagandist with zero value as journalist. I find Rachel to be analogous to a diner on the Titanic who is upset about her steak being too rare after they announced women and children to the lifeboats. The worse part is that she weaves a great argument why the steak should be cooked more, but her context and relative weighing of issues is non existent.......she is like the characters in the big bang theory, but that is a comedy and a fiction......she has taken the absurd and replaced all common sense, and it is her hubris like Hillary's which has turned off most Americans and allowed the creature we call President occupy the White House. I hold them responsible.



Fine seaoat, feel better now?


I will not be fine as long as people like Spicer are giving information on behalf of the government. The guy is a joke, and his disrespectful conduct is appalling. I get not liking reporters. However, his first priority is to blow some smoke and obstruct information to the press. I think the way this reporter has been treated is appalling.



2seaoat wrote:I will not be fine as long as people like Spicer are giving information on behalf of the government.   The guy is a joke, and his disrespectful conduct is appalling.  I get not liking reporters.   However, his first priority is to blow some smoke and obstruct information to the press.   I think the way this reporter has been treated is appalling.

I meant "fine" in regards to it being a CNN report. I agree that Spicer is a joke but what other choice does the man at the top have but to surround himself with jokers so that he looks somewhat worthy to hold his position of power?



CNN allows everyone a chance. Even bigoted republican deadbeats like Joe Walsh are invited on to spew their hateful trash just like fake#45 and his fellow deplorables do.



Spicer's job is to defend the indefensible...and it can't be done.



Floridatexan wrote:
Spicer's job is to defend the indefensible...and it can't be done.

See: Jay Carney... and every other wh spokesman.



The White House seems to have a thing for Ryan.



Scott McClellan would be a better example:

"Stop Shaking Your Head." LOL, Spicer Has Meltdown.  51AvSr8iE9L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_



Floridatexan wrote:Scott McClellan would be a better example:

"Stop Shaking Your Head." LOL, Spicer Has Meltdown.  51AvSr8iE9L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_

Well Bush had a good relationship with some members of the press. Rolling Eyes

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