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Has Everyone Moved Beyond the "Let's Just Give the Guy a Chance" Phase?? ...

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... just wonderin'.


I certainly am. It would take something short of a Miracle for me to say again "Let's give Trump a chance"


I never said it in the first place, and most definitely will never say it now.


I am going to give him a chance on entitlement reform, and the promised improvements to the ACA. It appears to me after the raid in Yemen, he is a rank rookie who does not have a clue. The ACA replacement......nothing..........but I strongly feel he is the only president in the last 30 years who is in the right place at the right time to fix some of the problems with entitlement.



I think it must be impossible to advise this man. He is not influenced by any of the people in his cabinet we had hopes of moderating his views. He seems to be following Steve Bannon's advice, a person who wants to destroy the system or so he says.

If he could bring down the cost of drugs via negotiating a competitive price that might be something as a business negotiator that he could actually handle.

Other than that I just think he's dangerous and hope he doesn't get us into another war with who knows what country?



2seaoat wrote:I am going to give him a chance on entitlement reform, and the promised improvements to the ACA.  It appears to me after the raid in Yemen, he is a rank  rookie who does not have a clue.   The ACA replacement......nothing..........but I strongly feel he is the only president in the last 30 years who is in the right place at the right time to fix some of the problems with entitlement.

How are you defining "entitlement"? And why to you think entitlements are such a serious problem?

About Trump...he's not going to fix anything. He's only interested in enriching himself and his progeny. And he will be stopped.



Sal wrote:... just wonderin'.


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