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Fox news....we spend more on foreign aid than we spend on border protection

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The xenophobic racist have hardly let the 2007 tape of Senator Obama talking to black folks clear the screen this morning on Fox and friends and now 76% more spending on foreign aid than border protection......but for the thinking Americans.....they realize the President is spending more than any President has ever spent on border security, and how stupid do they think Americans are by using propoganda 101 techniques which change the all those brown skin mexicans are going to flood the country because President Obama is taking money away from our borders and giving money to those radical Islam know he is a muslim.......You have to be Stupid to watch Fox news......I am sorry, I have been watching it for the last decade, and what they are putting on this morning is pure manipulation for stupid people.....and intelligent people are going to morning joe and actually hear two sides of issues.....i guess I will switch over.



Obama's true colors are out. He is a racist.


The racists calling the victims of racism racist.......I guess one plus one now equals three, and flushing five trillion down the budget rabbit hole will balance the budget......and Romney will win in November......keep thinking you have your finger on America's pulse....but most people do not put their fingers where you have yours to determine a person's pulse.

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