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Obama Increased Foreign Aid 80%; Spent 76% More on Foreign Aid Than Border Security

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In fiscal 2008, the government spent a total of $11.427 billion in international assistance programs, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement. In fiscal 2011, according to the statement, it spent $20.599 billion—an increase of $9.172 billion, or 80 percent, from 2008.

Prior to Obama taking office, international assistance spending had been trending down for three years, according to the Treasury. In fiscal 2005, it was $14.787. In fiscal 2006, it dropped to $13.914 billion. In fiscal 2007, it dropped again to $12.764 billion. And, in fiscal 2008, it dropped yet again to $11.427 billion.

Since 2008, international assistance spending has increased each year. In fiscal 2009, it climbed to $14.827 billion. In fiscal 2010, it jumped to $20.038 billion. And, in fiscal 2011, it climbed again to $20.599 billion.

By the end of August, after the first eleven months of fiscal 2012, the federal government had already spent $20.058 on foreign aid in that fiscal year. That was well ahead of the $18.439 billion the federal government had spent on foreign aid through August of last year. The Treasury has not yet published the final amount that was spent on foreign aid in fiscal 2012, which ended on Sunday.

..........................................Foreign Aid...Customs & Border

FY 2012 (first 11 months)..........$20.058 $11.259

FY 2011.....................................$20.599 $11.698

FY 2010.....................................$20.038 $11.376

FY 2009 ....................................$14.827 $12.122

FY 2008 ....................................$11.427 $9.984

FY 2007 ....................................$12.764 $7.948

FY 2006 ....................................$13.914 $7.069

FY 2005 ....................................$14.787 $6.278

FY 2004 ....................................$13.788 $6.660



Nothing about this from any of you? wow.

I really thought you guys were big on not giving away our money...



it's ok... we're just borrowing and printing that money.

we'll probably be dead before the govt defaults or hyperinflation hits... hopefully.



PkrBum wrote:it's ok... we're just borrowing and printing that money.

we'll probably be dead before the govt defaults or hyperinflation hits... hopefully.

hey Id like to live another 20 years if thats ok lol



me too... but a "managed decline of the dollar" takes time. soros sayes that the USA is the biggest obstacle to a one world govt... so we'll prolly exist on life support for a decade or so... progressively growing weaker.

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