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True meaning of "FORWARD"

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1True meaning of "FORWARD" Empty True meaning of "FORWARD" 10/2/2012, 10:36 pm



[img]True meaning of "FORWARD" 29514511[/img]

2True meaning of "FORWARD" Empty Re: True meaning of "FORWARD" 10/2/2012, 10:38 pm



ROFLMAO Razz Razz Razz Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

3True meaning of "FORWARD" Empty Re: True meaning of "FORWARD" 10/2/2012, 11:14 pm



True meaning of "FORWARD" Chart-10

4True meaning of "FORWARD" Empty Re: True meaning of "FORWARD" 10/3/2012, 12:30 am



othershoe1030 wrote:True meaning of "FORWARD" Chart-10

What happened to the chart going back to 2000?

I'm not sure that is something you want to boast about. I take it that you realize it takes 150,000 new jobs per month, just to keep even with population growth. I'm not sure if that includes the illegal aliens.

So please pull up the chart from 2000 and post that one and let's talk.

5True meaning of "FORWARD" Empty Re: True meaning of "FORWARD" 10/3/2012, 7:32 am

Margin Call

Margin Call

True meaning of "FORWARD" 2012-10-03_0631

6True meaning of "FORWARD" Empty Re: True meaning of "FORWARD" 10/3/2012, 8:00 am

Margin Call

Margin Call

Average monthly private sector job growth during Bush's tenure: -7,000 jobs.

1st term: +22,000 per month
2nd term: -53,000 per month

Removing the first two years since we're gonna hear about 9-11, private sector job growth was only +33,000 per month.

Obama 1st term: +10,000

Remove 1st year due to economic crisis: +143,000
Remove 1st two years: +166,000

7True meaning of "FORWARD" Empty Re: True meaning of "FORWARD" 10/3/2012, 8:27 am



With that in mind, we looked at unemployment rates and found that Obama’s numbers are still worse than those of his predecessor. Bush’s average monthly unemployment rate was 5.2 percent, compared to 9.2 percent for the current president.

Let’s see what happens when we credit Bush with the entire period of the Great Recession, which ended in June 2009. He still fares better, averaging an unemployment rate of 5.4 percent, compared to Obama’s 9.3 percent after the economic downturn

8True meaning of "FORWARD" Empty Re: True meaning of "FORWARD" 10/3/2012, 8:33 am

Margin Call

Margin Call

Rogue wrote:With that in mind, we looked at unemployment rates and found that Obama’s numbers are still worse than those of his predecessor. Bush’s average monthly unemployment rate was 5.2 percent, compared to 9.2 percent for the current president.

Let’s see what happens when we credit Bush with the entire period of the Great Recession, which ended in June 2009. He still fares better, averaging an unemployment rate of 5.4 percent, compared to Obama’s 9.3 percent after the economic downturn

If you cut and paste something, at least give them credit!

9True meaning of "FORWARD" Empty Re: True meaning of "FORWARD" 10/3/2012, 8:34 am



Margin Call wrote:
Rogue wrote:With that in mind, we looked at unemployment rates and found that Obama’s numbers are still worse than those of his predecessor. Bush’s average monthly unemployment rate was 5.2 percent, compared to 9.2 percent for the current president.

Let’s see what happens when we credit Bush with the entire period of the Great Recession, which ended in June 2009. He still fares better, averaging an unemployment rate of 5.4 percent, compared to Obama’s 9.3 percent after the economic downturn

If you cut and paste something, at least give them credit!

The Pinocchio Test

There’s no doubt that Bush owns an unimpressive record on job creation. But Obama comes in either last, second-to-last or in the bottom half among presidents since the Great Depression, depending on which way you look at the numbers.

The president said that policies from 2000 through 2008 produced the “most sluggish job growth we’ve ever seen.” Perhaps so, but the worst numbers on record occurred under his watch.

Obama chose a poor metric for measuring past administrations. To make his point with jobs data, he has to point to his own numbers and completely disavow much of them, or else ignore public-sector losses. We came close to thinking this was worth Three Pinocchios, but ultimately decided he was not necessarily including his record in the statement. Still, it’s a very fine line. The president should be much more careful about making such a sweeping claim.

here ya go, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

have a good day

10True meaning of "FORWARD" Empty Re: True meaning of "FORWARD" 10/3/2012, 8:45 am

Margin Call

Margin Call

(Reuters) - Private employers added 162,000 jobs in September, topping economists' expectations, a report by a payrolls processor showed on Wednesday.

11True meaning of "FORWARD" Empty Re: True meaning of "FORWARD" 10/3/2012, 9:51 am



Rogue wrote:[img]True meaning of "FORWARD" 29514511[/img]

The COWH has used this before.....'LEAD FROM BEHIND'...which also indicates where their heads are placed...

12True meaning of "FORWARD" Empty Re: True meaning of "FORWARD" 10/3/2012, 10:22 am



Bush's Budget Blunders (in-depth review of Bush's pathetic economic record, which led directly to where we are today).,28804,1872229_1872230_1872231,00.html


13True meaning of "FORWARD" Empty Re: True meaning of "FORWARD" 10/3/2012, 6:34 pm



Floridatexan wrote:
Bush's Budget Blunders (in-depth review of Bush's pathetic economic record, which led directly to where we are today).,28804,1872229_1872230_1872231,00.html


youre going to have to get in line with the rest of those who cant seem to make up thier minds if its congress at fault or the prez see.

because if its congress to blame for why obama is failing then be prepared to admit that the 2006-2010 dem congress caused the recession. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Surprised

14True meaning of "FORWARD" Empty Re: True meaning of "FORWARD" 10/5/2012, 8:56 am

Margin Call

Margin Call

Markle wrote: I take it that you realize it takes 150,000 new jobs per month, just to keep even with population growth.


"Total employment rose by 873,000 in September, following 3 months of little

15True meaning of "FORWARD" Empty Re: True meaning of "FORWARD" 10/5/2012, 10:15 am

Margin Call

Margin Call

Non-adjusted job gains from the Establishment Survey is +574,000 jobs.

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