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Vectorman -- tell us why you're such a staunch republican. LOL

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Read the following link about a Texas republican who wants to out LGBT children. Then read anything ever written in this forum by the Vectorman creep.



The govt should have no business regarding a person's sexual inclinations... period. Their obligation should only be to record unions (if the persons wish) so that they could settle divorce. Otherwise it's none of its business. In fact... the govt should have no idea what a person's sex is... or race... or religion.

None of it should be factor in any govt policies or actions... period. Unless harm is caused.


Sadly, within the oppression of same sex relations there has throughout history been a dichotomy of the oppressed and the oppressors where displacement and scapegoating turn the more butch grouping of homosexuals into consistent backers of fascist oppression. The brownshirts in Germany were originally almost exclusively under a perverse homosexual Ernst roehm control and were majority homosexual. I worked with a brilliant analyst in my years at Borg Warner who left Borg Warner and went to Arthur Anderson where his analytical skills in consulting implementation of manufacturing systems saved companies millions, yet I have never met a more racist and hateful person toward minorities, as he continually suffered whispers and disdain for his lifestyle. It is a strange psychological process where those who are held in disdain in societies which have historically refuted same sex relations become the fertile ground for fascism and intolerance. Many on this forum are obviously same sex folks who share this fascist outlook where putting down another somehow elevates their personal situation. Very similar in the sociological reality is that blacks who are oppressed have a very low opinion of Jews, and conservative jews in New York have a low opinion of Blacks as the historicallly oppressed find solace by putting down and disrespecting another minority. No our homosexuals on this forum mostly hide their sexual identity and consistently display fascist leanings, which is quite different than most same sex folks I have known who embrace diversity and understand love and tolerance. Our fascist however are classic examples of how the Nazi Party got a foothold in Germany.


These log cabin closet homosexuals have been a reality in my life in the Republican Party. I knew Denny Hasert speaker of the house since 1980 and he was married, had two kids, and two labs. He was an ex wrestling coach, and I first got a call from him concerning one of his former students who needed some help. I never found it strange, and just thought then state rep Denny was just taking care of his constituents and former students.

It took us by shock that this man had hidden his sexual preference and in fact he had been a predator. His displacement and hate was directed at folks who used drugs. He did not ever in my presence show a scintilla of racism, rather he was hateful toward drug users. He felt that putting them all in jail and having zero tolerance for drug use required legislation to be passed to further jail drug use. I was shocked at how fascist and intense this man was in regard to drug users who he felt were defective and had to be removed as scourge on society where they peddled drugs. Well then the truth came out. This man had gone to Christian schools, Wheaton College the premier national christian college where Billy Graham graduated, and he lived his perverse lies in secret, where he would put a chair by the shower and watch his students shower, and where he abused students, not one but many. No fascism and the attraction of the Republican Party to intolerance of minorities has its fair share of hateful same sex folks who usually hide and feel comfortable in the hypocrisy of the hateful umbrella of the new Republican Party.



Cliff notes? Make your point in a concise manner.


Cliff notes? Make your point in a concise manner.

I never had much use for cliff notes. I read the book. I comprehended the long form. I find cliff notes go together with folks who cannot conceptualize. Simple is often just that ....simple.



I guess no one has told you before... my apologies. Your "long form" ramblings wander and roam.

Why inflict that upon a person in conversation? Do you speak in person like that too? A long circling and disconnected diatribe that hides your answer in there... somewhere? Cmon dude... you're making my eyes bleed.



PkrBum wrote:I guess no one has told you before... my apologies. Your "long form" ramblings wander and roam.

Why inflict that upon a person in conversation? Do you speak in person like that too? A long circling and disconnected diatribe that hides your answer in there... somewhere? Cmon dude... you're making my eyes bleed.

Thankful that Seaoat posts his own thoughts. Many come on here and simply quote a ridiculous blogger.

Keep writing, Seaoat.



SheWrites wrote:
PkrBum wrote:I guess no one has told you before... my apologies. Your "long form" ramblings wander and roam.

Why inflict that upon a person in conversation? Do you speak in person like that too? A long circling and disconnected diatribe that hides your answer in there... somewhere? Cmon dude... you're making my eyes bleed.

Thankful that Seaoat posts his own thoughts.  Many come on here and simply quote a ridiculous blogger.  

Keep writing, Seaoat.  

I'm just jabbing him. I do wish he could make a point tho... lol.


I communicate with those who can comprehend my writings. I fully understand your inability to read my postings. You get confused on the concept of what fascism is, and certainly more complex concepts and discussions which require thought, and think short sentences which contain no facts, concepts or ideas is better communication. In some situations it can be. In most situations it is simply intellectual lazy behavior. The cut and paste and short sentence which says nothing is not a superior vehicle of communication. It can be, just as many of my posts are too long for your attention span or interest, we cannot all dumb down the conversations on the forum.



You tell us why you're such a staunch communist first. LOL

boards of FL

boards of FL

VectorMan wrote:You tell us why you're such a staunch communist first. LOL

I can't speak for communists, but I'm a democrat because their platform more closely mirrors my own personal views. For example, I think the LGBT community should enjoy the same rights as anyone else, and that religious wackos should not be able to discriminate against them.

What about you, VectorMan?

Every time I see Vector posting here, I'm reminded of the old Dave Chappelle skit where he plays a blind black man who happens to hate black people and is a head KKK figure. But VectorMan is much much worse than that because at least the character from the Chappele show is blind, and therefore isn't aware of the irony. The character has the alibi of blindness whereas Vector is fully aware of his own sexual orientation as well as the platform of the party that he supports. Ouch.

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Indiana Governor Mike Pence is a darling of the religious right, and with good reason. Over the course of his political career, he has been a crusader (in his white-bread way) for the right’s pet causes. Chief among these, of course, is stopping the “homosexual agenda.”

While Pence is best known for his bumbling attempt to rebrand antigay bigotry as religious liberty last year, that was hardly his first foray into the fields of homophobia. In fact, both as governor and as a Congressman, Pence took the lead in attacking legal equality. He is far and away the most anti-gay candidate to run on a national GOP ticket, which is saying a lot.

Now that he’s accepted the Republican vice presidential nomination, here’s a roundup of some of his choicest moments. Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of them…

1. Supporting a constitutional amendment to ban marriage equality

In 2006, then-Rep. Pence told 100 of his fellow Republicans that he supported a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex weddings. Or as Pence put it, supported “God’s plan” in the face of the destruction of civilization. “Societal collapse was always brought about following an advent of the deterioration of marriage and family,” Pence complained.

2. Signed a bill to jail same-sex couples for applying for a marriage license

In an effort to make a bad idea even worse, as governor Pence signed a bill in 2013 that would jail same-sex couples in Indiana who applied for a marriage license. To prove that he wasn’t singling gay people out, Pence was also willing to jail marriage clerks who supplied a license or clergy who performed the wedding.

3. Wanted to divert funding from HIV prevention to conversion therapy

This one’s a two-fer: as a Congressional candidate in 2000, Pence wrapped two awful ideas into a single dreadful proposal. He wanted to ensure that “federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus.” So where should the money go? “Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.” In other words, conversion therapy.

4. Opposed repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Longing for the good old days of complete invisibility for gay people, Pence predictably ignored the preponderance of evidence in support of repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Instead, Pence put himself out there as a leading opponent of the policy change. “There’s no question to mainstream homosexuality within active duty military would have an impact on unit cohesion,” Pence argued, dismissing the repeal as “some liberal domestic social agenda.”

5. Complained about the passage of the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes bill

In Pence’s ideal world, there would be zero protections. So it’s no surprise that he groused when the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes bill was signed into law in 2009. Pence didn’t cite legal objections. Instead, he complained that it advanced a “radical social agenda” and would have “a chilling effect on religious expression, from the pulpits, in our temples, in our mosques and in our churches.”

6. Served on the board of an antigay group

Pence has had a close relationship with the antigay leadership in his state. He served on the board of the Indiana Family Institute, an affiliate of Focus on the Family, which has been in the forefront of attacks on LGBT rights in the state, including a state constitutional amendment banning marriage equality. Thanks to its connections to Pence and other Republicans, IFI has been the recipient of funding for the state’s “Health Marriage” program. The former head of IFI has served as an aide to Pence both in Congress and the state house and as a campaign consultant.

7. Argued that passing ENDA would ban Bibles from the workplace

Of course, in Congress Pence voted against federal workplace protections. What was unique was his reasoning, which was that ENDA would discriminate against Christians. To comply with the law, Pence claimed, “the employer has to ban employees from having a Bible at the workplace for their break time, or displaying Bible verses.” Foreshadowing the Indiana religious liberty law, he went on: “We must stand for the right of every American to practice their faith according to the dictates of their conscience, whether it be in the public square or in the workplace.”




boards of FL wrote:
VectorMan wrote:You tell us why you're such a staunch communist first. LOL

I can't speak for communists, but I'm a democrat because their platform more closely mirrors my own personal views.  For example, I think the LGBT community should enjoy the same rights as anyone else, and that religious wackos should not be able to discriminate against them.  

What about you, VectorMan?  

Every time I see Vector posting here, I'm reminded of the old Dave Chappelle skit where he plays a blind black man who happens to hate black people and is a head KKK figure.  But VectorMan is much much worse than that because at least the character from the Chappele show is blind, and therefore isn't aware of the irony.  The character has the alibi of blindness whereas Vector is fully aware of his own sexual orientation as well as the platform of the party that he supports.  Ouch.

Speaking of discrimination...a local Pensacola church has an ad on Indeed (job postings) and it states, "You must be a regular church attender and be saved. Don't waste your time or mine."

I wanted to laugh but honestly. Do they think they can advertise on a public job website with that kind of discrimination?

Maybe it's a hoax but I'm doubting that.



VectorMan wrote:You tell us why you're such a staunch communist first. LOL

I'm a democrat socialist, and I vote the democratic ticket, thus far.  One of the reasons is the liberals are against referring to the LGBT community as abnormal, evil, and anti-Jesus.  On the other hand, such claims are absolutely part of the republican agenda.  

Now tell us why a gay man would choose to be part of a political party that hates gays.  If you can.  We're all ears shithead. Tell us why people who hate gays are your kind of people. Do you shoot heroin, sip strychnine, or play Russian Roulette too?

You come across here as an angry, pouting, masochist. Always good for a sneer or laugh ... 



Wordslinger wrote:
VectorMan wrote:You tell us why you're such a staunch communist first. LOL

I'm a democrat socialist, and I vote the democratic ticket, thus far.  One of the reasons is the liberals are against referring to the LGBT community as abnormal, evil, and anti-Jesus.  On the other hand, such claims are absolutely part of the republican agenda.  

Now tell us why a gay man would choose to be part of a political party that hates gays.  If you can.  We're all ears shithead. Tell us why people who hate gays are your kind of people.  Do you shoot heroin, sip strychnine, or play Russian Roulette too?  

You come across here as an angry, pouting, masochist.  Always good for a sneer or laugh ... 

Fuck off you old ass fart. Unless you're gay you don't know shit about it. Hell, even if you were gay you still wouldn't know shit, dumbass!

You're just another fuckin' fake ass libtard that thinks he knows every damn thing. Guess what? You don't scumbag!



VectorMan wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
VectorMan wrote:You tell us why you're such a staunch communist first. LOL

I'm a democrat socialist, and I vote the democratic ticket, thus far.  One of the reasons is the liberals are against referring to the LGBT community as abnormal, evil, and anti-Jesus.  On the other hand, such claims are absolutely part of the republican agenda.  

Now tell us why a gay man would choose to be part of a political party that hates gays.  If you can.  We're all ears shithead. Tell us why people who hate gays are your kind of people.  Do you shoot heroin, sip strychnine, or play Russian Roulette too?  

You come across here as an angry, pouting, masochist.  Always good for a sneer or laugh ... 

Fuck off you old ass fart. Unless you're gay you don't know shit about it. Hell, even if you were gay you still wouldn't know shit, dumbass!

You're just another fuckin' fake ass libtard that thinks he knows every damn thing. Guess what? You don't scumbag!

Wow. Thanks for making my point. Obviously I yanked your chain kiddo, and your response and anger says more than you know. You just stay happy and in the closet, and laugh, and wink wink, nudge nudge and none of the republicans will know. Reality



I am a Republican and I support LGBT. 

Why are you hell bent on harassing Vector?

boards of FL

boards of FL

VectorMan wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
VectorMan wrote:You tell us why you're such a staunch communist first. LOL

I'm a democrat socialist, and I vote the democratic ticket, thus far.  One of the reasons is the liberals are against referring to the LGBT community as abnormal, evil, and anti-Jesus.  On the other hand, such claims are absolutely part of the republican agenda.  

Now tell us why a gay man would choose to be part of a political party that hates gays.  If you can.  We're all ears shithead. Tell us why people who hate gays are your kind of people.  Do you shoot heroin, sip strychnine, or play Russian Roulette too?  

You come across here as an angry, pouting, masochist.  Always good for a sneer or laugh ... 

Fuck off you old ass fart. Unless you're gay you don't know shit about it. Hell, even if you were gay you still wouldn't know shit, dumbass!

You're just another fuckin' fake ass libtard that thinks he knows every damn thing. Guess what? You don't scumbag!

So you're not able to come up with any reason as to why you're a republican?   Not one?

To everyone else, it is obvious that VectorMan grew up in a staunchly conservative, southern household where he was heavily indoctrinated into crazy, right-wing politics.   It's actually sad.  I can't imagine the level of self-loathing VectorMan must have gone through during his upbringing (and is likely still going through).   On one hand, he knew what his orientation was.  On the other hand, he saw what his family and, most likely, members of the church were telling him.   I can't even begin to imagine the type of psychological damage that such an environment brings to a kid.  

Vector, allow me to put you at ease and tell you that there is nothing wrong with you.  You have nothing to worry or be ashamed about.  And even better, you're not going to burn in hell because of the way that you were born.   Here is the best part, because hell, heaven, jesus, all of that mythology doesn't really exist.  
I can't stress that last part enough. Now go out there and celebrate!

I approve this message.



boards of FL wrote:
VectorMan wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
VectorMan wrote:You tell us why you're such a staunch communist first. LOL

I'm a democrat socialist, and I vote the democratic ticket, thus far.  One of the reasons is the liberals are against referring to the LGBT community as abnormal, evil, and anti-Jesus.  On the other hand, such claims are absolutely part of the republican agenda.  

Now tell us why a gay man would choose to be part of a political party that hates gays.  If you can.  We're all ears shithead. Tell us why people who hate gays are your kind of people.  Do you shoot heroin, sip strychnine, or play Russian Roulette too?  

You come across here as an angry, pouting, masochist.  Always good for a sneer or laugh ... 

Fuck off you old ass fart. Unless you're gay you don't know shit about it. Hell, even if you were gay you still wouldn't know shit, dumbass!

You're just another fuckin' fake ass libtard that thinks he knows every damn thing. Guess what? You don't scumbag!

So you're not able to come up with any reason as to why you're a republican?   Not one?

To everyone else, it is obvious that VectorMan grew up in a staunchly conservative, southern household where he was heavily indoctrinated into crazy, right-wing politics.   It's actually sad.  I can't imagine the level of self-loathing VectorMan must have gone through during his upbringing (and is likely still going through).   On one hand, he knew what his orientation was.  On the other hand, he saw what his family and, most likely, members of the church were telling him.   I can't even begin to imagine the type of psychological damage that such an environment brings to a kid.  

Vector, allow me to put you at ease and tell you that there is nothing wrong with you.  You have nothing to worry or be ashamed about.  And even better, you're not going to burn in hell because of the way that you were born.   Here is the best part, because hell, heaven, jesus, all of that mythology doesn't really exist.  
I can't stress that last part enough.  Now go out there and celebrate!

Someplace like Texas.



It's odd that dems can create a narrative and condemn it in the pub party... but can neither acknowledge it or condemn it in islam. Talk about being lead around on a leash... lol. It's clear they have no credibility.



PkrBum wrote:It's odd that dems can create a narrative and condemn it in the pub party... but can neither acknowledge it or condemn it in islam. Talk about being lead around on a leash... lol. It's clear they have no credibility.

Yeah ... sure. "I'm gonna build a beautiful wall and Mexico is going to pay for it. I want to ban all Muslims from coming to our shores. I'm going to drain the swamp .... etc.
We may have a leash, but your side wears a choke chain. LOL

boards of FL

boards of FL

PkrBum wrote:It's odd that dems can create a narrative and condemn it in the pub party... but can neither acknowledge it or condemn it in islam. Talk about being lead around on a leash... lol. It's clear they have no credibility.

I dislike islam just as much as any other religion. I'm talking about religious right wing politics now because that's what Vectorman subscribes to.

And on that note, it's odd that you can never contribute anything relevant to the conversation at hand, Pkrbot. Here again, you don't pass the Turing test. You're a random bot spouting idiotic comments that aren't related to the subject at hand. There are bots on reddit that contribute more to conversations than you do.

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