knothead wrote:The voters will decide . . . . . . personally it seemed to be a tie to me.
Don't know about a tie but I doubt this debate will have swayed very many if any votes, one way or the other. So I guess that's the same thing.
I realize I'm very biased at this point, but have to say that both my husband and myself separately came to the same judgement of Pence -- that he sounded phony and all sweet-preachy, if you know what I mean. And yes, that continual head shaking at the things Kaine pointed out -- the things everyone knows Trump said at one time or another -- came across to us as just blind loyalty to The Donald. Pence accused Kaine of being a "good soldier" or something belittling to that effect, but yet he himself played the same role for Trump, big time.
Kaine may've overdone things somewhat, but the words will stick. And personally I was happy to hear his stance on a couple of social issues, especially as to how he will follow the law and not foist his own religious beliefs on others, which is a big concern with Pence -- though certainly not Trump, whose supposed Christianity I find hard to buy at all.
Again, though, I think it's doubtful there'll be much of any impact to the bottom line election results of anything that happened tonight.
As for the ties, Z-man, yes, I noticed, because someone on the radio today -- I'm thinking it was Rick Outzen on Pensacola Speaks on WCOA -- said he could hardly tell the two veep candidates apart and that he hoped they'd wear a red tie and a blue tie to designate their parties. lol