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Oh Oh Mr. Markle....feds throw the book at Baltimore Police

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PkrBum wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Is this the place you've come to since the "enlightened and tolerant" mob rule to permanently ban him?

Knowing you're a far right wingnut, I know that fear is very much a part of your diet.  However, would you point out where above anyone has recommended banning Markle?  If you can't just admit you're a frightened fool.

First you would have to understand my post. Take note of the word "since"... then realize the context.

Second... it's hard to imagine anything more cowardly than silencing another's opinions and rights.

Good work adolf.

Good work Adolf? Do all right wingers resort to name calling?  As was pointed out, while we were complaining about Markle no one was calling for him to be banned. It is making up things out of the clear air that makes carrying on a conversation so difficult sometimes.



othershoe1030 wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Is this the place you've come to since the "enlightened and tolerant" mob rule to permanently ban him?

Knowing you're a far right wingnut, I know that fear is very much a part of your diet.  However, would you point out where above anyone has recommended banning Markle?  If you can't just admit you're a frightened fool.

First you would have to understand my post. Take note of the word "since"... then realize the context.

Second... it's hard to imagine anything more cowardly than silencing another's opinions and rights.

Good work adolf.

Good work Adolf? Do all right wingers resort to name calling?  As was pointed out, while we were complaining about Markle no one was calling for him to be banned. It is making up things out of the clear air that makes carrying on a conversation so difficult sometimes.

Slinger and I trade barbs on occasion.  Did you notice his calling me a wingnut in this thread?

If not... why not? I'd be interested to know.

It wasn't long ago that you were all calling for Markle's banning. Why would I need to remind you of that?



Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Is this the place you've come to since the "enlightened and tolerant" mob rule to permanently ban him?

Knowing you're a far right wingnut, I know that fear is very much a part of your diet.  However, would you point out where above anyone has recommended banning Markle?  If you can't just admit you're a frightened fool.

That would be BoardsofFL, as you know, who repeatedly made efforts to ban me for no good reason.

YOU, personally stepped up in my defense in spite of the fact we agree on very few things.



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Is this the place you've come to since the "enlightened and tolerant" mob rule to permanently ban him?

Knowing you're a far right wingnut, I know that fear is very much a part of your diet.  However, would you point out where above anyone has recommended banning Markle?  If you can't just admit you're a frightened fool.

That would be BoardsofFL, as you know, who repeatedly made efforts to ban me for no good reason.

YOU, personally stepped up in my defense in spite of the fact we agree on very few things.  

For awhile... then the group think mob rule took over and he repeatedly said that HE would no longer participate if you did. As if he was then drawing on sincere conviction... lol. I sometimes wonder how leftists make any decisions without direct supervision. It must be based on " see something... say something"... that is after all one of the most infamous nazi social controls.



othershoe1030 wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Is this the place you've come to since the "enlightened and tolerant" mob rule to permanently ban him?

Knowing you're a far right wingnut, I know that fear is very much a part of your diet. However, would you point out where above anyone has recommended banning Markle? If you can't just admit you're a frightened fool.

First you would have to understand my post. Take note of the word "since"... then realize the context.

Second... it's hard to imagine anything more cowardly than silencing another's opinions and rights.

Good work adolf.

Good work Adolf? Do all right wingers resort to name calling? As was pointed out, while we were complaining about Markle no one was calling for him to be banned. It is making up things out of the clear air that makes carrying on a conversation so difficult sometimes.

No real name calling. As you know, it is Wordslinger himself who years ago adopted the famous name of Adolph Hitler's personal name in his sign offs. Wordslinger self-identifies as a Socialist. Which, as you know too, Adolph Hitler identified with in speeches.



Markle wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Is this the place you've come to since the "enlightened and tolerant" mob rule to permanently ban him?

Knowing you're a far right wingnut, I know that fear is very much a part of your diet.  However, would you point out where above anyone has recommended banning Markle?  If you can't just admit you're a frightened fool.

First you would have to understand my post. Take note of the word "since"... then realize the context.

Second... it's hard to imagine anything more cowardly than silencing another's opinions and rights.

Good work adolf.

Good work Adolf? Do all right wingers resort to name calling?  As was pointed out, while we were complaining about Markle no one was calling for him to be banned. It is making up things out of the clear air that makes carrying on a conversation so difficult sometimes.

No real name calling.  As you know, it is Wordslinger himself who years ago adopted the famous name of Adolph Hitler's personal name in his sign offs.  Wordslinger self-identifies as a Socialist.  Which, as you know too, Adolph Hitler identified with in speeches.

Markle, this forum's resident racist-fascist, claims that Wordslinger's signature line: "Down with Amerika Inc., corporate control of our government through corrupt campaign financing," came from Wordslinger's admiration of things Hitler.  And that both Wordslinger and Hitler claimed they were socialists.  

Hitler, of course, was the greatest fascist the world has seen -- and his war against the Soviet Union speaks oodles about his love of socialism.  

The genuine, indisputable, real truth is that Wordslinger has as much in common with Hitler as Markle has with a decent human being.

Reality.   LOL

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