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Seaoat's continued bashing of Escambia County

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If Seaoat is the true disciple of knowing all things that pertain to economic growth and disparity, then a true understanding of the issues of Escambia County are not in his tool box.

If Seaoat is only a mouth then this explains why he places Bob in the statistics of the Escambia County School system by today's measures and not those in place when Bob was a student.

Huge disparity between the prosperous years of the USA - 1950 through 1980 -compared to the years beyond.

What happened in Escambia County?

Middle class has been decimated by the downturn in manufacturing and continued taxing.

Upper class continues to thrive in business, medicine, legal matters and makes the city of Pensacola tourism the main venue while only employing minimum wage workers.

Poor work to make a living while their children struggle in school. Talk to educators in Escambia County. Scores continue to tank. The teachers have the best curriculum and resources but the students, due to social inequalities, are not learning nor testing well. (testing is another subject for a soap box another time)

Completely different demographics without the working middle class.

People who gained a good education in the Escambia County School system, during the years prior to the decimation of the middle class in Pensacola, did not and could not return to Escambia County for employment. The increased emphasis of the tourism industry is akin to a Caribbean island where the rich play off the backs of the poor locals who are poorly paid servants to the rich. Jobs of middle class to upper middle class nature are not available in Pensacola.

Escambia County was rich in diversity for those who wanted to learn and move forward but investors swooped in and continue to keep the county in chains. Good ol' boys keep the politics sewn up. Racism does exist - always has and always will as it does in every region of the country.

I know several of my peers who have made well for themselves and their families who have a desire to return to Pensacola in their retirement years to build back and work toward a prosperous education system. Much could be accomplished by the people of Escambia County with leadership that would focus from the north to south and east to west rather than the bullseye target of the tourism industry.

Escambia County is failing. It will take the return of its native citizens to make the difference. Too many who stayed built their walls and private areas to avoid what has happened in the school district.

Time to roll up some sleeves and work.

If you are not a solution to the issue...then STFU, Mr. Seaoat.


If you are not a solution to the issue...then STFU, Mr. Seaoat.

I spent thirty five years working to improve school districts. I have ran co-curricular activities for kids, organized not for profit organizations to assist schools, and have raised funds to keep schools operating. I have worked with school boards to improve ACT scores, my wife and I have served on citizen committees working on curriculum development, and coordinated dual credits with junior college systems and high schools allowing advanced students to get credits. I stood up at a school board meeting and said I could do a fund raiser to cover their deficit where they proposed to cut all music, band, art, and sports. We set a state record for private fund raising and raised over 500k keeping the kids in classes with full programs. I guess you do not see my secondary meanings in my satire. You see retired people are making a huge difference in our schools, yet on this forum are people who spent their entire life on the sidelines.....never ran for office, never volunteered to improve their community, but were selfish self indulgent folks who think the decline of the Escambia schools and community is simply an economics I will not STFU, if you think I am a squeaky wheel here.....I have spent a lifetime telling people who say we have no options, that in fact we have options, all with the intent to make this world better.......I am a ghost......I deliver potato chips in Kansas.....took the GED......never got married......never got involved in schools and just pretend I am that Seaoat got me again. By the are a smart lady....when was the last time you called the library, school, or Y and asked is there anyway I can guess by your inability to pick up my satire is that you have never done the same.....well it is never too late.



2seaoat wrote:If you are not a solution to the issue...then STFU, Mr. Seaoat.

I spent thirty five years working to improve school districts.  I have ran co-curricular activities for kids, organized not for profit organizations to assist schools, and have raised funds to keep schools operating.  I have worked with school boards to improve ACT scores, my wife and I have served on citizen committees working on curriculum development, and coordinated dual credits with junior college systems and high schools allowing advanced students to get credits.   I stood up at a school board meeting and said I could do a fund raiser to cover their deficit where they proposed to cut all music, band, art, and sports.  We set a state record for private fund raising and raised over 500k keeping the kids in classes with full programs.   I guess you do not see my secondary meanings in my satire.  You see retired people are making a huge difference in our schools, yet on this forum are people who spent their entire life on the sidelines.....never ran for office, never volunteered to improve their community, but were selfish self indulgent folks who think the decline of the Escambia schools and community is simply an economics I will not STFU, if you think I am a squeaky wheel here.....I have spent a lifetime telling people who say we have no options, that in fact we have options, all with the intent to make this world better.......I am a ghost......I deliver potato chips in Kansas.....took the GED......never got married......never got involved in schools and just pretend I am that Seaoat got me again.    By the are a smart lady....when was the last time you called the library, school, or Y and asked is there anyway I can guess by your inability to pick up my satire is that you have never done the same.....well it is never too late.

None of your work has been in Escambia County. Therefore, your work, while a good thing for wherever you live, does not give you the voice for Escambia county to praise or bash.

Yes, I get your "satire" and it's quite old and is not even considered entertainment in my book. You passively and aggressively attack a county in order to get your jabs in at Bob. I get the whole game you two are playing and I roll my eyes. Bob gets it too and that's why he meets your crap with more crap.

Issues are real. And people need to step up.

Basically, Escambia County is a view of so much of what needs to be changed in this country. It has to do with the rich getting off their high horses and realizing that being profitable to the shareholder is destroying education, health, and welfare of the common man.


I have every right to speak freely. I get the south. I get those stares in the pool in North Birmingham. You think that somehow making me silent in regard to the crime of neglect the Escambia County schools represents some uncontrollable force. Nope

It is simple. If some of the people on this forum would take just one hour a week to help the schools, library, Y, or local hospitals the community would be improved, but so many on the PNJ would take hours bashing Mr. Studer who non stop has been improving the community, then instead of making excuses they could make a difference. However, as a product of the Escambia Schools we can see the arrogance of making America great again.....the schools were great.......sorry to inform you they were never great. The dog whistle can never be crushed until some folks tell the truth. I have too little time to be polite to bigotry and hate. Talk is cheap. How about spending fifteen years spending every Saturday morning until 3pm working with kids, reffing 3 on 3 in the projects, giving rides and paying for fees for kids who had horrible circumstances.......and in the end.....every hour of my volunteer time was a gift that I was probably have no idea what I am talking about because we are talking about black kids who need your help, and we both know that is a bridge too far. I helped every kind of kid, I took on bureaucrats, I went to school board hearings where kids were beaten down, and I challenged the status quo.....but now in my decline I can only point out how incredibly selfish I find the folks in Escambia and Santa Rosa County as there is a glaring need for help, but it just is not done outside the context of the church.....and it is clear not too many folks have any beliefs of a higher purpose on this forum.......selfish hedonism.....and Bob is the forum leader, of course being a Escambia County graduate......he knows nothing else.



2seaoat wrote:I have every right to speak freely.  I get the south.  I get those stares in the pool in North Birmingham.   You think that somehow making me silent in regard to the crime of neglect the Escambia County schools represents some uncontrollable force.   Nope    

It is simple.  If some of the people on this forum would take just one hour a week to help the schools, library, Y, or local hospitals the community would be improved, but so many on the PNJ would take hours bashing Mr. Studer who non stop has been improving the community, then instead of making excuses they could make a difference.   However, as a product of the Escambia Schools we can see the arrogance of making America great again.....the schools were great.......sorry to inform you they were never great.   The dog whistle can never be crushed until some folks tell the truth.   I have too little time to be polite to bigotry and hate.   Talk is cheap.   How about spending fifteen years spending every Saturday morning until 3pm working with kids, reffing 3 on 3 in the projects, giving rides and paying for fees for kids who had horrible circumstances.......and in the end.....every hour of my volunteer time was a gift that I was probably have no idea what I am talking about because we are talking about black kids who need your help, and we both know that is a bridge too far.  I helped every kind of kid, I took on bureaucrats, I went to school board hearings where kids were beaten down, and I challenged the status quo.....but now in my decline I can only point out how incredibly selfish I find the folks in Escambia and Santa Rosa County as there is a glaring need for help, but it just is not done outside the context of the church.....and it is clear not too many folks have any beliefs of a higher purpose on this forum.......selfish hedonism.....and Bob is the forum leader, of course being a Escambia County graduate......he knows nothing else.

Yes, you may freely speak. But your conintued bashing does nothing to help the situation but gives an out to many NOT to contribute to the betterment of the county and schools.

And of course you have to toot your own horn and tell us all how wonderful you are...we get it. You are the consumate renaissance man who is all things to all people.

Rolling Eyes

I, too, graduated from the Escambia County Public school system - same high school as Bob. My parents did not pull me out of the public system and place me in a private school when desegregation occurred in 1967. We had a beautiful mix of race. More diverse in those days than now. But due to poor decisions on the part of NW Florida politicians we lost the beauty of the Navy being there and also the working middle class who worked the manufacturing lines. It was not racism that destroyed the colorful working middle class of Escambia County. It was greed.

You can understand that greed, right, Seaoat? Coming to an area to make money off the backs of those who can barely make ends meet? Running for office in order to grease the wheel of dysfunction because we all know that no NWFlorida politician has ever worked for the good of the common man in the area. Only to line the pockets of those already greedy.

The people of the county can work together. They've done it in the past and many are working to bring the county to a good standing once again. Decent people who do not judge others nor condemn them in a broad brush stroke of hate has you do when you call out Bob and Escambia county in your less than glowing terms.

Many, I am sure, on this forum do great things for their fellow man. I'm guessing that they live by the rule of not standing on a soap box and gloating and boasting over their life's accomplishment.


No boasting or gloating. Just facts. You either help to solve problems or you run away. Your make America great it was when there were white middle class folks who looked like me is the problem. You do NOT see
black folks as equals. You do NOT recognize that the game has been stacked against black people who have proven when given a fair level playing field they can excel, live moral lives, and contribute to society. It is your very value system which I am attacking. To the core I am attacking your and Bob's deep seated dog whistle rejection of the very equality and equal protection which are still being fought as you elect your next house representative who will keep that dog whistle alive and well. Neither of you do anything to make positive changes. I have spent a lifetime making positive changes......not because I need some anonymous people on a small forum to pat me on the I did those things because that is my core belief system which is that good deeds are what should define your life, and there have been few good deeds by any of our forum members in the PNJ and here. I was proud when one of our former forum members served on the school board.....he spoke with passion on what had to be done in the schools and the PNJ buried him......he has been the only person on these forums who outlined any attempt to make improvements and gave a and Bob are the had a lifetime to make a difference and you chose to blow that dog yea.....I get why I am resented at so many levels.....I play a dick here, but had I lived in Escambia County, I would just be another hated person who tried to make a difference who was considered like Mr. Studer to be an outsider do gooder......we each choose our life path....and the decline of the Escambia schools is a direct result of people not giving a chit.....the rest of the excuses may make you feel good, but until there is diversity, good people running for office, and people who do not hate because they are different in race, religion, or ethnicity.......I think Bob is the poster boy for a good old boy who is self serving hedonistic and selfish. Now if I met either of you, I would be polite and respectful, but if in real life you spewed the hate you spew here......we would take our separate in ghost world I am what.



2seaoat wrote:No boasting or gloating.  Just facts.  You either help to solve problems or you run away.   Your make America great it was when there were white middle class folks who looked like me is the problem.   You do NOT see
black folks as equals.   You do NOT recognize that the game has been stacked against black people who have proven when given a fair level playing field they can excel, live moral lives, and contribute to society.   It is your very value system which I am attacking.   To the core I am attacking your and Bob's deep seated dog whistle rejection of the very equality and equal protection which are still being fought as you elect your next house representative who will keep that dog whistle alive and well.  Neither of you do anything to make positive changes.  I have spent a lifetime making positive changes......not because I need some anonymous people on a small forum to pat me on the I did those things because that is my core belief system which is that good deeds are what should define your life, and there have been few good deeds by any of our forum members in the PNJ and here.   I was proud when one of our former forum members served on the school board.....he spoke with passion on what had to be done in the schools and the PNJ buried him......he has been the only person on these forums who outlined any attempt to make improvements and gave a and Bob are the had a lifetime to make a difference and you chose to blow that dog yea.....I get why I am resented at so many levels.....I play a dick here, but had I lived in Escambia County, I would just be another hated person who tried to make a difference who was considered like Mr. Studer to be an outsider do gooder......we each choose our life path....and the decline of the Escambia schools is a direct result of people not giving a chit.....the rest of the excuses may make you feel good, but until there is diversity, good people running for office, and people who do not hate because they are different in race, religion, or ethnicity.......I think Bob is the poster boy for a good old boy who is self serving hedonistic and selfish.  Now if I met either of you, I would be polite and respectful, but if in real life you spewed the hate you spew here......we would take our separate in ghost world I am what.

Sure there are those who have and are doing great things for the tourism industry but they are not bringing in jobs needed to reestablish a working middle class. This country and Escambia county NEED a working middle class again.

Speak to me directly, Oat. Tell me exactly, pinpoint the hate I've spewed for any race or religion. Don't bring in anyone else or any other point from decades ago. Tell me today in specific terms where I have shown hate.

If you refer to my speaking ill of the greedy that is not hate. It is disgust with people who love money more than their neighbor.



SheWrites wrote:
2seaoat wrote:I have every right to speak freely.  I get the south.  I get those stares in the pool in North Birmingham.   You think that somehow making me silent in regard to the crime of neglect the Escambia County schools represents some uncontrollable force.   Nope    

It is simple.  If some of the people on this forum would take just one hour a week to help the schools, library, Y, or local hospitals the community would be improved, but so many on the PNJ would take hours bashing Mr. Studer who non stop has been improving the community, then instead of making excuses they could make a difference.   However, as a product of the Escambia Schools we can see the arrogance of making America great again.....the schools were great.......sorry to inform you they were never great.   The dog whistle can never be crushed until some folks tell the truth.   I have too little time to be polite to bigotry and hate.   Talk is cheap.   How about spending fifteen years spending every Saturday morning until 3pm working with kids, reffing 3 on 3 in the projects, giving rides and paying for fees for kids who had horrible circumstances.......and in the end.....every hour of my volunteer time was a gift that I was probably have no idea what I am talking about because we are talking about black kids who need your help, and we both know that is a bridge too far.  I helped every kind of kid, I took on bureaucrats, I went to school board hearings where kids were beaten down, and I challenged the status quo.....but now in my decline I can only point out how incredibly selfish I find the folks in Escambia and Santa Rosa County as there is a glaring need for help, but it just is not done outside the context of the church.....and it is clear not too many folks have any beliefs of a higher purpose on this forum.......selfish hedonism.....and Bob is the forum leader, of course being a Escambia County graduate......he knows nothing else.

Yes, you may freely speak.  But your conintued bashing does nothing to help the situation but gives an out to many NOT to contribute to the betterment of the county and schools.

And of course you have to toot your own horn and tell us all how wonderful you are...we get it.  You are the consumate renaissance man who is all things to all people.

Rolling Eyes

I, too, graduated from the Escambia County Public school system - same high school as Bob.  My parents did not pull me out of the public system and place me in a private school when desegregation occurred in 1967.  We had a beautiful mix of race.   More diverse in those days than now.  But due to poor decisions on the part of NW Florida politicians we lost the beauty of the Navy being there and also the working middle class who worked the manufacturing lines.  It was not racism that destroyed the colorful working middle class of Escambia County.  It was greed.  

You can understand that greed, right, Seaoat?  Coming to an area to make money off the backs of those who can barely make ends meet?  Running for office in order to grease the wheel of dysfunction because we all know that no NWFlorida politician has ever worked for the good of the common man in the area.  Only to line the pockets of those already greedy.  

The people of the county can work together.  They've done it in the past and many are working to bring the county to a good standing once again.  Decent people who do not judge others nor condemn them in a broad brush stroke of hate has you do when you call out Bob and Escambia county in your less than glowing terms.

Many, I am sure, on this forum do great things for their fellow man. I'm guessing that they live by the rule of not standing on a soap box and gloating and boasting over their life's accomplishment.  

I agree.....


Tell me exactly, pinpoint the hate I've spewed for any race or religion.

I think you first response on this thread reeked of what I speak. My relatives were never hateful to an individual, much like a good German who stood by watching innocents marched to their death, they simply and silently supported the status quo of Jim Crow and the dog whistle politics which followed. They to their core believed the black man was inferior, and if you were not scotch/Irish and Southern Baptist, you were a furenur. They attended church every Sunday, were well liked in the community, drove to Auburn for home games and had fun tailgating, they spent every new years week at the Holiday Inn where hundreds of folks from Alabama took over the place, as they were quite comfortable in the bubble where no people of diversity came near their world, and they had this over powering desire to defend the south, and the evil of Jim Crow. My Uncle one time languished the demise of slaves picking cotton because the modern harvester wasted so much cotton......he was dead serious. You would have loved him.....Bob would have loved him, I loved him, but my attempts to expose him to concepts of equal protection were futile......his daughters are much more tolerant, and their children a bit more, but it will take generations and a more diverse environment than the very tight knitted society of the dog whistle South.

But due to poor decisions on the part of NW Florida politicians

The essence of your bubble living and detachment from are the politicians you elect. You are the Jim Crow laws which followed. You are the dog whistle politics of today in the and Bob and your mental gymnastics to avoid the reality outside your carefully construct dog whistle bubble. My uncle loved the lily white beach of Navarre and Pensacola Beach......and in the end he did not get buried in the family plot because the street in front of Elmwood Cemetery changed the name to Martin Luther King drive, and it became a "bad" neighborhood.......yep, when your politics become divided like most of the country, I will listen to your denials, but I can only think of Sgt. Schultz.......I know nothing.



Well, I've said what needs to be said. I think the wise thing is to let you continue to blow your own whistle/horn. You speak but do not converse. I tire of you too quickly.


I tire of you too quickly.

Yep, the personal attack is a very convenient way you avoid the issues I raised. Not one word addressed what you have done to help......nothing.....just as I suspected. Of course I would tire if somebody called me out for doing nothing..........and actually being the underlying cause of the problem.......but why would I expect a higher standard from an Escambia County graduate. Just one I give a chit story, would give you some credence, but you think giving a chit is for simply do not get it......its all the fault of the politicians, and Seaoat bores me if he does not appreciate the nihilism of Escambia County residents.....even if they have moved to Niceville which is certainly a good bubble name.


I can only point out how incredibly selfish I find the folks in Escambia and Santa Rosa County as there is a glaring need for help, Being ladies read this forum I will refrain from posting what I think of your comment....Fat cat, gambler, Country club golfer lecturing me and the others on being selfish? LOL Phuk you!!!!



2seaoat wrote:I tire of you too quickly.

Yep, the personal attack is a very convenient way you avoid the issues I raised.  Not one word addressed what you have done to help......nothing.....just as I suspected.   Of course I would tire if somebody called me out for doing nothing..........and actually being the underlying cause of the problem.......but why would I expect a higher standard from an Escambia County graduate.  Just one I give a chit story, would give you some credence, but you think giving a chit is for simply do not get it......its all the fault of the politicians, and Seaoat bores me if he does not appreciate the nihilism of Escambia County residents.....even if they have moved to Niceville which is certainly a good bubble name.

I laid out the issues at hand for why Escambia County is in the place they are today with low education outcomes and joblessness/poverty. You turn the conversation to yourself and continue to denigrate others.

Sorry fella...there's only room on the boasting platform for Seaoat.


I can only point out how incredibly selfish I find the folks in Escambia and Santa Rosa County as there is a glaring need for help, Being ladies read this forum I will refrain from posting what I think of your comment....Fat cat, gambler, Country club golfer lecturing me and the others on being selfish? LOL Phuk you!!!!

It took a little longer than usual......but you forgot to add incredibly good poker player and mutt lover........none of that pure breed kennel club dog owner.....mutt know when you can love a dog who came from the pound and did not have papers......maybe a kid in Escambia County could get a little love from some citizens who watch the train wreck and blame politicians might learn to love the new Escambia County, and not having dog whistle politicians tell you how great America was.....America is great right now, and the only thing between even greater days is somebody giving a chit......but you knew that already......


I rent my house out to a couple with 2 children trying to get on their feet. I pay the Electric, water,Ecua and Cable bills. $425.... is what I receive from them.......Life isn't about money , it is about helping others and thereby enhancing your own life. Many others in my area do much more then me. But every day we try,. A new day is dawning in Escambia county.
We have just started to take back what others have tried to take from us. Hard questions are being asked and we are seeing the difference. Better go play with your miles of private roads, rain is coming..



"Incredibly good poker player"? Where'd you get that idea?


PkrBum wrote:"Incredibly good poker player"? Where'd you get that idea?

From the people that takes his money LOL


From the people that takes his money LOL

ok......maybe former incredible poker player.



2seaoat wrote:From the people that takes his money LOL

ok......maybe former incredible poker player.

Only in your own mind. I'd already know you if you were half as good as you think.


Only in your own mind. I'd already know you if you were half as good as you think.

I won $600 Friday morning, but not one player at the table would be in the top 1000 players in the country........I play terrible when I play in Pensacola where actually there are some very good players who go from Biloxi to Pensacola. I beat the Pensacola Player of the year out of about a $250 hand and he was indignant that I did not see his photo on the wall and that I slow played the bully until he was all in........and then after winning the hand showed no emotion. He went nutso on me for a half hour, but I learned a long time ago when you have quads on the flop, do not confuse the same with playing good poker, and never bet them......there is always one guy at the table who has his photo on the wall.

I am getting very uncomfortable sitting at the poker used to be one place I could find relief, but if I last an hour or two I am lucky. I was playing the eight seat in a nine seat game Friday.....I was way up when this very small man sits in the 9 seat to the right of the dealer and immediately starts whinning passively aggressive about squaring thee table. Everybody ignored him and then he got louder and louder at the dealer. The guy next to me moves one inch symbolically and he expects me to squish up so his leg does not bump the tip box. I explained two other players sat there for hours who were large men and never complained, and now we have somebody who thinks he is a lineman for the bears who needs more room. I told him I will not move and would rather get up and leave, when the supervisor jumps up and says seaoat why are you leaving.....Tom we have the first 5 foot middle linebacker in the NFL playing poker with us and look at the room he is taking at the table....went home with my winnings and laughed at the comments hurled at the dumb chit.....we send a limo for that poker player and you just let him leave.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

SheWrites wrote:  I think the wise thing is to let you continue to blow your own whistle/horn.  

That strategy eventually got Donald Trump to reveal what is actually inside his head. Should work with this character as well.
It's already shown us that someone who is always accusing others of bigotry can himself be the most bigoted of all. lol


Bigots are fearful........most bigoted........not when you are in the

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