seaoat has articulated his point repeatedly and much of his positions are very tenable. What is not credible to me, according to seaoat, is that the GOP simply picked the wrong guy . . . . . Newt? The American people would have repudiated his caustic nature and his history. Newt would have crashed and burned . . . so who would have been better? Perry? Oops! Cain? 999, nonsense! Bachmann? Tea Party soccer Mom, duh . . . . never! Pawlenty? No backbone and refused to stand up to Romney in debates . . . not a leader! Hunstman (my favorite)? Serving as our Ambassador to China under the Obama administration was the kiss of death despite his impeccable resume' (much like Charlie Crist's Obama hug was his kiss of death). Hunstman was smart, informed, but reasonable and that single character quality doomed his candidacy. So welcome to the GOP of today. It is no longer the party of Reagan or Ike or Lincoln, it is the party of divisive social issues, an inability to recognize the demand for immigration reform, a penchant for a trigger happy foreign policy and tax policies that consolidate wealth and pull the rug out from under the working people. Republicanism could survive but conservatism, in its current version, will make the GOP irrelevant over the next decade.