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'Dreamgirls' star Holliday backs out of Trump inauguration performance

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Broadway star Jennifer Holliday is telling President-elect Donald Trump she's not going -- to his inauguration.
A publicist for the the "Dreamgirls" diva said in a statement Saturday that Holliday, who was slated to sing at the ceremony on Friday, changed her tune after the inauguration committee pre-emptively announced her appearance before she decided to perform. The statement also cited outcry from fans and people in the LGBT community who expressed disappointment at her participation.

"It was presented to her as a concert that would heal the wounds of the election season. She was asked to perform 'Hard Times Come No More,' originally recorded by Bob Dylan. The inaugural committee released the information before she officially made a decision," Holliday's publicist, Bill Carpenter, said in a statement.
"Her rep also says that upon the (announcement), Holliday started getting letters from fans that they were disappointed. The LGBTQ community, amongst others, were some that were most upset. In the past, her rep Bill Carpenter explains that she performed for Pres. Reagan, George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, and (Bill) Clinton, but when Jennifer saw the outcry, she pulled out of the inauguration."

Perhaps Trump supporter Ted Nugent will sing 'Hard Times Come No More' instead after smearing his body with feces.



If anyone has any Toby Keith, 3 Doors Down or John Voight discs you may want to toss them into the Ignoreguration Bonfire this weekend. Laughing





Death threats to his future career perhaps.



BTW the fake Bruce Springsteen band bowed out of playing at the fake president's Ignoreguration Gall.  Laughing



So the biggest stars on stage will be... wait for it! Bill & Hillary Clinton!

Has he tried to get Black Oak Arkansas? Somebody go find Jim Dandy.
I guess ted nugent is booked at a airport lounge somewhere, those are hard gigs to get out of.



polecat wrote:So the biggest stars on stage will be... wait for it! Bill & Hillary Clinton!

Has he tried to get Black Oak Arkansas? Somebody go find Jim Dandy.
I guess ted nugent is booked at a airport lounge somewhere, those are hard gigs to get out of.

Toby Keith and 3 Doors Down zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



'Dreamgirls' star Holliday backs out of Trump inauguration performance Captur37

'Dreamgirls' star Holliday backs out of Trump inauguration performance Giphy



Add yahoo Lee Greenwood to the Ignorguration Gall lineup.

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