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Elect a Pro-war Chickenhawk Who Never Served to Congress: Vote for Matt Gaetz

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We Pensacolians have a number of folks trying to replace retiring Representative Jeff Miller in Florida’s 1ST Congressional District. I received a campaign email from State Representative Matt Gaetz this morning, filled with anti-Obama rhetoric, and how if elected, Gaetz will help lead the way to expand the U.S. military, while destroying ISIS, confronting Iran, protecting Israel, and containing Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and any Muslim country with a big military of its own.

Gaetz’s platform is right out of the playbook failed presidential candidate Senator Lindsey Graham. A wingnut conservative ready to throw U.S. military might all over the world.

Gaetz is only 34 years old, and for someone who loves the military so much, you would think he would throw some skin in the game—you know, serve in the military and make a deployment or two to one of the recent war zones. But no, Gaetz is your typical Republican rah-rah chickenhawk—ready to let others in his generation do the dirty work in the GWOT while he cheerleads from the side.



No one in Congress has any blood in any game other than what benefits their wallet. They say what they have to say to hold office and then do whatever to make hay while the sun shines.

Democrats and Repubs alike.

Suggestions other than Gaetz?



SheWrites wrote:Suggestions other than Gaetz?

I am a still a registered Republican, and my primary vote will go to Rebekah Johansen Bydlak.

From her platform:

I agree with Admiral Mike Mullen, the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: The national debt is the biggest threat to our nation’s security. Every child born today is already tens of thousands of dollars in debt thanks to career politicians who can’t say no.

Voters are tired of business as usual. The First District deserves a Representative who will slash spending and taxes, fight for educational freedom, and continue Representative Miller’s push to ensure better veteran care.

I will be that Representative.

In a recent debate covered by the Pensacola News Journal's Andy Marlette, Bydlak was the only one of three candidates present (Greg Evers, Matt Gaetz, and Bydlak) to address the national debt. The other two were too wrapped-up in their rhetoric.

A young, female member of the Millennial Generation. I have given up on the Baby Boomers or Generation Xers solving this country's multitude of issues.



Elect a Pro-war Chickenhawk Who Never Served to Congress: Vote for Matt Gaetz 13043310_1707120002877203_2564900780568047952_n-768x284

My name is Steven Specht, and I’m running as a candidate for Florida’s First Congressional District. I want to lead through intelligent dialogue and ideas, not partisan rhetoric and brinkmanship. The country I love is intensely divided. Our starting point should be as Americans, not as members of any political party.

We need to stop the bickering and fix the dysfunction in federal government that threatens to compromise our national security, endangers our public infrastructure, and has added trillions to an overflowing national debt. This would not happen if politicians were less concerned with holding power and more concerned with representing the people who elected them. Sequestration, government shutdowns, and constant threats of further government shutdowns have economically impacted our district dramatically.

As a U.S. Air Force veteran and fluent speaker of two Afghan languages, I served my country in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Service before self is one of the most important values in the military, and I know what it means to put others first. Today, I want to bring those values and a veteran’s voice to represent the interests of Northwest Florida residents in Washington.

From the slow economic growth and unacceptably high unemployment in the region, to outdated infrastructure, I want to focus on the issues that matter most to those in the district. I’m running as a member of the Democratic Party, but I’m not here to use party line talking points. I want to lead this district, not blindly follow political leaders who have no connection to the concerns of Northwest Florida residents. My personal mission is to find ways to tackle the district’s needs in a manner that gets to the heart of the issues, and build coalitions to agree on the best path forward. Great leaders have done this many times in history, and I am committed to doing it again.

In addition to my military background, I’m a graduate of Florida State University’s College of Law. I live in Pensacola with my son, Wolf, my wife Lauren, and our Labrador retriever, Charcoal. Lauren works full time, serving in the U.S. Navy, and we are members of the First Presbyterian Church of Pensacola. I’m a great father who supports her career, and we both understand the stresses that long term deployments place on military families. As long as I have my wife on board with this campaign, I know I’ll be doing the right thing for the First Congressional District of Florida.


(only Democrat in the race...qualified by petition)



Floridatexan wrote:

Elect a Pro-war Chickenhawk Who Never Served to Congress: Vote for Matt Gaetz 13043310_1707120002877203_2564900780568047952_n-768x284

My name is Steven Specht, and I’m running as a candidate for Florida’s First Congressional District. I want to lead through intelligent dialogue and ideas, not partisan rhetoric and brinkmanship. The country I love is intensely divided. Our starting point should be as Americans, not as members of any political party.

We need to stop the bickering and fix the dysfunction in federal government that threatens to compromise our national security, endangers our public infrastructure, and has added trillions to an overflowing national debt. This would not happen if politicians were less concerned with holding power and more concerned with representing the people who elected them. Sequestration, government shutdowns, and constant threats of further government shutdowns have economically impacted our district dramatically.

As a U.S. Air Force veteran and fluent speaker of two Afghan languages, I served my country in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Service before self is one of the most important values in the military, and I know what it means to put others first. Today, I want to bring those values and a veteran’s voice to represent the interests of Northwest Florida residents in Washington.

From the slow economic growth and unacceptably high unemployment in the region, to outdated infrastructure, I want to focus on the issues that matter most to those in the district. I’m running as a member of the Democratic Party, but I’m not here to use party line talking points. I want to lead this district, not blindly follow political leaders who have no connection to the concerns of Northwest Florida residents. My personal mission is to find ways to tackle the district’s needs in a manner that gets to the heart of the issues, and build coalitions to agree on the best path forward. Great leaders have done this many times in history, and I am committed to doing it again.

In addition to my military background, I’m a graduate of Florida State University’s College of Law. I live in Pensacola with my son, Wolf, my wife Lauren, and our Labrador retriever, Charcoal. Lauren works full time, serving in the U.S. Navy, and we are members of the First Presbyterian Church of Pensacola. I’m a great father who supports her career, and we both understand the stresses that long term deployments place on military families. As long as I have my wife on board with this campaign, I know I’ll be doing the right thing for the First Congressional District of Florida.


(only Democrat in the race...qualified by petition)

I hope to see Specht debate Gaetz or Evers. Both of the Republicans will talk-up their support for the military, even though the only uniforms they may have worn were from the Boy Scouts.

Specht is a real vet, with experience from a combat zone; the other two are chickenhawks.

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