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Can anyone who's watched the Baton Rouge video think of a possible defense the cop might have?

Hospital Bob
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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Looks like murder to me.


Looks like murder to me too. The store owner said he did not see that the man had a gun.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

In the words of Donald Trump,  "this,  I can tell you".  I spent 25 years doing business with folks in and around BR and southern Louisiana.  And that is absolutely THE most racist place in the country.  And if anyone posting here challenges me on this,  it's only because you don't have a clue what you're talking about.  And that means you,  seaoat.
I know a State Farm agent over there who has two mannequins in his living room dressed in authentic Ku Klux Klan costumes. And he puts racist statements on the sign in front of his insurance business.



He did have a gun ...

... in his pocket.

Witnesses saw the cops remove it after executing him.



Salinsky wrote:He did have a gun ...

... in his pocket.

Witnesses saw the cops remove it after executing him.

Q: Was it the victim's gun, or one the police planted?


So even if he had a gun in his pocket they found it after they murdered him.


Yes they shot the guy because he was struggling w/ them. They had him pinned down and the cop pulled out his gun when there was no lethal threat. Cops now day think they can shoot you for resisting.It appears to be a really bad shooting.



What kind of an adult wants to be a COP, and why?



Unless the guy was legally carrying the concealed weapon... this looks like a win/win to me.

One less criminal and however many unfit cops they can convict or fire.


Open carry of firearms in Louisiana is permitted without a permit, as long as the user is of at least 17 years of age and legally able to possess a firearm under state and federal law. Louisiana has state preemption of firearms laws, except for local laws passed before July 15, 1985.


PkrBum wrote:Unless the guy was legally carrying the concealed weapon... this looks like a win/win to me.

One less criminal and however many unfit cops they can convict or fire.

Nobody's surprised.



I finally watched the video. The policeman murdered this man...there is no doubt. I spent some time in Baton Rouge as a child. My uncle lived cousin was shot there by her stepbrother when she was 8. I was a little older than she was; she has suffered from those injuries (from a supposedly unloaded gun) her entire life. While I was visiting, I witnessed my aunt have a seizure and fall to the floor with a knife in her hand. My uncle was robbed much later after he put his inheritance into a wall safe. His sister thought it was his stepson...the same one that shot my cousin. He wasn't killed by bullets; he suffered a heart attack during the robbery. I could tell you many more stories about the time in 2008, when I was returning to Florida from Texas, and at Junction was run off the road by a truck with a temporary tag. That is just a small sampling of my experiences in Louisiana, which go way back. I still have friends there, but I wouldn't live there if you paid me.



I watched the video yesterday. The cop reached for his gun like a carpenter would reach for a tool from his tool belt. It was just too automatic and routine looking. It was as if he thought, "Oh wait, I can fix this." My god, what is the mentality behind that sort of thing and what, should we all ask, is the training these cops get regarding the use of deadly force? Obviously it is grossly inadequate.


The cops did not murder the man. We did. We sit like the pussies this nation has become and allow racist and cowards to take over the politics of this nation selling hate and fear, which starts with the proposition that immigrants are rapists, Muslims are terrorists, and black people are dangerous and get a free lunch in America. We go along with elevating the second amendment into the only amendment that cannot be regulated by government, where police departments have doubled in size while our jails fill up with mostly non violent crime.........and it goes on and on......a rep thinking we need fully automatic weapons in our home to protect us from the government and black people. No, it us who are murdering these unarmed citizens with our militarization and creation of a police state......more will be killed, more war on terrorism, more war on drugs, more war on the middle class, and more war on people of color......I am had been building, but I can no longer be civil or constructive.....we see how rotten to the core Fox News is, and yet this is the most popular network in please do not talk about the officers.....the problem is systemic and it is us.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:The cops did not murder the man.  We did.  

What's this "we" shit. If you murdered this person then turn yourself in. But leave me out of it.



2seaoat wrote:The cops did not murder the man.  We did.   We sit like the pussies this nation has become and allow racist and cowards to take over the politics of this nation selling hate and fear, which starts with the proposition that immigrants are rapists, Muslims are terrorists, and black people are dangerous and get a free lunch in America.  We go along with elevating the second amendment into the only amendment that cannot be regulated by government, where police departments have doubled in size while our jails fill up with mostly non violent crime.........and it goes on and on......a rep thinking we need fully automatic weapons in our home to protect us from the government and black people.   No, it us who are murdering these unarmed citizens with our militarization and creation of a police state......more will be killed, more war on terrorism, more war on drugs, more war on the middle class, and more war on people of color......I am had been building, but I can no longer be civil or constructive.....we see how rotten to the core Fox News is, and yet this is the most popular network in please do not talk about the officers.....the problem is systemic and it is us.

Yes, despair is the correct emotion.

But, to suggest that we shouldn't directly identify and target the symptoms is absurd.

To think that we have the capacity as a nation to engage with the root of the disease belies history and reality.


If a person self identifies as a Christian, and Bob listens on the radio to the fella at Hickory Hammock who one of his sheep stopped and told me his minister introduced Donald Trump......when leadership in the house actually has a rep from LA who had Klan and white power it is each of us who when we speak the truth get told that everybody will lose respect....that going along will allow you to get along.......I would rather be the most hated man in America with the knowledge that speaking the truth might have ever so slightly impacted the way we treat other human beings, and hate is so pervasive around me now, that I am losing my mind. I rarely get angry as I have never been happier in my life, but how can anybody sit back and watch this just continue....90 people a day die of gun violence......our police are scared to death on every traffic stop and interaction with citizens.......we need to cut budgets and start sending people to congress who will govern.....not just obstruct. NO PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO VOTE FOR TRUMP AND WE THINK WE SHOULD BLAME SCARED TO DEATH POLICE OFFICERS WHOSE JOB GETS MORE DIFFICULT BY THE DAY. Cut budgets, train, and attack the lies.



I'm all for speaking the truth.

But, when the corporatists have successfully convinced working class whites that minorities are their enemies and are undermining their economic well-being ...

Well, these divisions are hard to overcome.

Because, nothing in America is about race even though everything in America is about race and always has been ...

When police are trained to act as an occupying military force in minority neighborhoods, this is a problem than can be specifically identified and eliminated.

Maybe, it playing a game of whack-a-mole when looking at the big picture ...

... but dammit, those moles need whacking.



Why the side tracks? The guy was a felon in possession of a gun? Where's the vitriol and slurs heaped on lawful gun owners?


WTH is wrong w/ you, Pkr? Seriously? It's people like you that is what's wrong w/ this country. You think it's a win/win situation when a man gets executed for having a gun. You're sick!



He's dead before he killed someone else. One or two unfit yahoo cops are off patrol and either fired or convicted.

What's not to like?



In 1967, I spent some time with my cousin in Algiers. I was amazed that I could buy alcohol in LA at 17. We went to the French Quarter and watched MOUNTAIN. As we arrived and again as we left, my cousin warned me, "Don't even spit on the sidewalk." Long hair (her husband's) was frowned upon. "Hippies" were frowned upon. Fast forward to Katrina, and the cops were shooting "looters" indiscriminately, while Bush's lackeys allowed people to die needlessly, and Barbara couldn't worry her "beautiful mind". It's like being stuck in that TWILIGHT ZONE episode, doomed to repeat the same set of circumstances over and over again. Well...NEVER AGAIN...and then you hear how someone supports Trump...and very few have grasped that "we" "elected" a 4th generation fascist to the office of the President 16 years ago.



And nearly eight years ago you elected the most decorated fascist so far. Shoved the largest fascist program to date down our throat against pubic approval (obamacaid)... bailed out to large to fail corporations with public funds... threw our tax dollars to crony green business models that were designed to fail... he continually assails our basic constitutional rights from due process to our right to protect ourselves (all while growing the police state and enjoying armed security for himself and his family).

Congratulations comrade... very useful for you to be obsessed with something other than current events.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Floridatexan wrote: "we" "elected" a 4th generation fascist to the office of the President 16 years ago.  

The majority of the other politicians and a majority of the people went along with the Bush/Cheney folly, tex.

You call Bush a fascist. And the owner of WEBY calls Obama a "dictator".
Bush may be an empty headed hayseed who was manipulated by neocons, but he's not a fascist and neither is Obama a dictator.



PkrBum wrote:And nearly eight years ago you elected the most decorated fascist so far. Shoved the largest fascist program to date down our throat against pubic approval (obamacaid)... bailed out to large to fail corporations with public funds... threw our tax dollars to crony green business models that were designed to fail... he continually assails our basic constitutional rights from due process to our right to protect ourselves (all while growing the police state and enjoying armed security for himself and his family).

Congratulations comrade... very useful for you to be obsessed with something other than current events.

You are a stupid, stupid man. Fascists don't do social programs; they start wars of aggression. The "bailouts" were passed 4 months before Obama took office and (supposedly) necessitated by Bush's fascist policies. Solyndra was also a Bush investment...look it up. Your 2nd Amendment rights (and mine) are not freedom is absolute when it harms others. You need to get a voted for Bush in 2000...didn't you? How did that turn out? Dumbass.

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