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For the leaders of the US Military, Honor has become a forgotton word.

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If you don't want to be disgusted, don't read the following piece:



I am sure General Joseph Dunford, USMC--the current Chairman of the JCS--is looking into the matter.

I briefly served with the General when he was a 1stLt in 1980. Even then, folks knew that Dunford had a bright future ahead of him. I kinda wish I could get into a time-machine, and go back to tell my boss, Major B____, that Joe Dunford would one day become Commandant of the Marine Corps, and then be chosen by the President to chair the JCS.

But, I would agree that it is pure hypocrisy for the U.S. to bomb a hospital in Afghanistan, and then complain about the Russians doing it in Syria.

No wonder why the Russians are sending their jets out to buzz our aircraft carriers and do barrel rolls over our spy-planes. If we are not careful, we will end-up with the war with Russia that was predicted to happen decades ago, when they were still the USSR. We both still have enough nukes to wipe each other out--we just don't have enough to do it 3-4 times like before, when our nuclear arsenals were outrageously vast.


The antithesis of common sense has controlled since the end of World War II as we decided to fight the last war all over again, but bigger. The logic was that if our forces were so overwhelming that it would bring peace to the world and America would prosper. However, we lost all sense of scale. We could cut our Military by 40% and still have no nation who would be an immediate threat to North America. The chances of America being invaded are less than one percent, so the logic of WWII has become outdated and unnecessary in a world of drones, missiles and planes. 11 carrier groups is obscene and only serves to portray America as some kind of Imperial power. You cannot bomb hospitals if you have a force reduction and stop creating wars of opportunity for the MIC and special interests. It is time to take high moral ground and make sound economic decisions for America.


Wordslinger wrote:If you don't want to be disgusted, don't read the following piece:

A series of human error's and equipment failures are the reasons regardless of what your fanatically radical source has to say. Those involved (except of course the AFGHAN commandos who called in the strike) were punished appropriately. I'm sure they are punishing themselves - being merely human and all that........



gatorfan wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:If you don't want to be disgusted, don't read the following piece:

A series of human error's and equipment failures are the reasons regardless of what your fanatically radical source has to say. Those involved (except of course the AFGHAN commandos who called in the strike) were punished appropriately. I'm sure they are punishing themselves - being merely human and all that........

There are two problems that need to be dealt with: 1) why was the hospital attacked? 2) how and why was the coverup conducted?

The facts are there have been several coverup attempts made by the U.S. authorities over this event as was reported in the original story by the "fanatical radical source" I originally cited.

The "equipment failures" and the Afghan commandos are not responsible for the multiple coverups. The American authorities in charge of PR for the Pentagon are the dishonorable bastards who deserve to be punished!

Why in hell are you seeking to defend these bastards? What's your point?


Over 100k innocent civilians have died at the hands of American forces and their allies since 911. It is obscene. Now with the strategic goal of neutralizing Syria....America, Israel, and the Saudis have civilian blood on their hands in Syria where the civil war was stoked and ISIS was supported by our allies. I have a young marine renting one of our rental houses, and he told my wife he cannot wait to kill some terrorists.....I wonder if America had been invaded and 100k of our citizens had been killed by the invading military if he would be so gung ho to kill terrorists.....we have lost our minds. Yes honest mistakes are made in combat and we should not judge too harshly, but for those bastards who profit or have our kids die for their national goals.....hell can never be too hot. I will sadly be going north on 65 soon enough and will ride on the section of 65 dedicated to the war on can a criminal justice matter be turned into a war which generates revenues for special interest make campaign contributions.....innocent civilians die....brave young Americans get fooled into military service to kill more civilians, and then they die and a portion of a highway or street are dedicated to them.....insanity....doing the same thing over and over and expecting a differenct result.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I cannot conceive of what it would be like if my family was killed because some superpower country accidentally bombed the hospital they were in.

But I can conceive of this. It would turn me into a terrorist whose only goal in life was to hurt that superpower the biggest way I could.



"Over 100k innocent civilians have died at the hands of American forces and their allies since 911." Seagoat

Link from a reliable source... or it's just another one of the bullshit lies that you say over and over wishing it true.



(Article published April 30, 2010)



PkrBum wrote:"Over 100k innocent civilians have died at the hands of American forces and their allies since 911."  Seagoat

Link from a reliable source... or it's just another one of the bullshit lies that you say over and over wishing it true.

Seaoat's figure is a gross underestimate.


various scientific surveys of Iraqi deaths resulting from the first four years of the Iraq War estimated that between 151,000 to over one million Iraqis died as a result of conflict during this time.[1] A later study, published in 2011, estimated that approximately 500,000 Iraqis had died as a result of the conflict since the invasion.[2] Counts of deaths reported in newspapers collated by projects like the Iraq Body Count project found 174,000 Iraqis reported killed between 2003 and 2013, with between 112,000-123,000 of those killed being civilian noncombatants.

See Tables section below
Hagopian, Amy; Flaxman, Abraham D.; Takaro, Tim K.; Esa Al Shatari, Sahar A.; Rajaratnam, Julie; Becker, Stan; Levin-Rector, Alison; Galway, Lindsay; Hadi Al-Yasseri, Berq J.; Weiss, William M.; Murray, Christopher J.; Burnham, Gilbert; Mills, Edward J. (15 October 2013). "Mortality in Iraq Associated with the 2003–2011 War and Occupation: Findings from a National Cluster Sample Survey by the University Collaborative Iraq Mortality Study". PLoS Medicine 10 (10). doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001533. Retrieved 2013-10-23.
"Operation Iraqi Freedom | Iraq" (PDF). iCasualties. May 28, 2010. Retrieved 2012-10-10.
Staff writer (October 23, 2010). "Iraq War Logs: What the Numbers Reveal". Iraq Body Count. Retrieved November 20, 2010.
"Civilian deaths from violence in 2003–2011". Iraq Body Count. January 2, 2012. Retrieved 2012-10-10.
"Civilian deaths from violence in 2012". Iraq Body Count. January 1, 2013.

These numbers are for Iraq only.....nothing on stan........they are shameful numbers



"Over 100k innocent civilians have died at the hands of American forces and their allies since 911." Seagoat


Way over 100k and more deaths still mounting.......all because we invaded a country which had NOTHING to do with the 911 attack......might as well have attacked Indonesia, MIC would make their money.....there were Muslims there.....and who needs cheap shirts anyway.



That's apparently an acknowledgment that "all because we invaded a country" isn't "at the hands of american forces".

baby steps comrade... baby steps.



Don't forget to also blame our political leaders. My latest Kindle book is on how FDR was talking out of two sides of his mouth when he said this during his 1940 campaign for re-election:

By 1940, FDR was trying his damndest to get us involved in the war. The book is actually about Pear Harbor leading up to December 7, 1941. In 1941, Pear Harbor was considered to be just an advanced anchorage, not a major fleet base, and the Navy was having difficulty supporting and supplying the ships that FDR ordered moved there, ostensibly to deter the Japanese. Oahu was also considered to be difficult to defend from a surprise attack. The military leaders in Hawaii were begging for more patrol aircraft, more anti-aircraft guns, etc. FDR was too busy shipping those items off to Britain under Lend Lease to bother with protecting the fleet that he intentionally put out in harm's way. Key intelligence was also withheld that may have allowed Hawaii to be more alert than it was the day of the attack. It is depressing to read this book, but I intend to finish it.

We are but pawns in a big f-ing game.

The end goal is going to be world government, which when it happens, will not be a democratic one that you or I will be allowed to vote within.



Floridatexan wrote:
PkrBum wrote:"Over 100k innocent civilians have died at the hands of American forces and their allies since 911."  Seagoat

Link from a reliable source... or it's just another one of the bullshit lies that you say over and over wishing it true.

Seaoat's figure is a gross underestimate.

That's what I thought when I read it.

Way too conservative an estimate.



PkrBum wrote:"Over 100k innocent civilians have died at the hands of American forces and their allies since 911."  Seagoat

Link from a reliable source... or it's just another one of the bullshit lies that you say over and over wishing it true.

Why in the world would Seaoat wish it was true for 100k civilians to have died at the hands of American forces and their allies since 911? You are really a sick bastard Pkrbum.



Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:"Over 100k innocent civilians have died at the hands of American forces and their allies since 911."  Seagoat

Link from a reliable source... or it's just another one of the bullshit lies that you say over and over wishing it true.

Why in the world would Seaoat wish it was true for 100k civilians to have died at the hands of American forces and their allies since 911? You are really a sick bastard Pkrbum.

He lied... that's why stupid. The enormous majority of civilian deaths have been by the other side... targeted civilians.


Absurd......but I guess we some really stupid arguments to fill the void Mr. Markle left.



2seaoat wrote:Absurd......but I guess we some really stupid arguments to fill the void Mr. Markle left.

Fuck you asshole. I guess I better shut up before I get run off like markle. Enjoy comrades.


If you think war does not kill civilians, your attempt to justify your paradigm has left you in the twilight zone. Mr.Markle is missed, but his constant spamming had a very certain path. I do not believe you have ever spammed, just some really poor arguments which could hardly get you ran off when you cannot defend your least they are your opinions and not something cut and pasted off a Koch brothers action group's political operatives web site which flooded newspaper blogs and other internet chat rooms.....might as well be selling underwear. You however are only selling your poorly thought out ideas.......and whether it is picking up the banner of T and arguing for years that the dollar is going to fail, and now civilians did not die from America's invasion of Iraq......that is too scatterbrained to fit into the koch brothers initiative......its simply you are completely safe.



PkrBum wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:"Over 100k innocent civilians have died at the hands of American forces and their allies since 911."  Seagoat

Link from a reliable source... or it's just another one of the bullshit lies that you say over and over wishing it true.

Why in the world would Seaoat wish it was true for 100k civilians to have died at the hands of American forces and their allies since 911?  You are really a sick bastard Pkrbum.  

He lied... that's why stupid. The enormous majority of civilian deaths have been by the other side... targeted civilians.

I know it's difficult for you, but try to focus on an entire statement ... like "American forces AND their allies since 911."

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