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Akin to a Ruckman boy street preacher...

boards of FL
8 posters

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I've been thinking. If you live in Pensacola, or have ever visited, then you may be aware of the "Ruckman Boys" who street preach. Mind you, their street preaching is on busy traffic corners where they yell to the top of their lungs to vehicles with their ac on and their windows, of course, rolled up. (rolled up - funny from the days before power windows) They keep proclaiming the same message over and over and no one listens.

So, is the continued banter of those who "preach" the same mantra day after day on the forum in the same category of the "Ruckman boys?"


For the love of Pete, offer your own thoughts and discussions. When the topic is at an impasse, move on.

We've argued - as a country - morality issues for as long as I can remember in my 55 years.

In the end you are only accountable for your own actions.

I will not read 50 posts on how bad people perceive President Obama to be based on speculation and conclusions to fit a preconceived thought.

I will not read 50 posts on abortion.

I will not read 50 posts on climate change being a hoax.

Getting the idea of where I stand? Does it matter? Probably not.

Conversation - the art of listening and returning thoughts you have formulated and considered from others. Disagreements? Yes. Backing up the argument from the thoughts of others does not make either side the correct side. Consensus stands for a lot. Of course then when we don't agree with the consensus we dismiss it and see the onslaught of ridiculous postings from off the wall sources.

It goes awry. And it doesn't do one thing to move forward the process of learning.

So, scream at people who are not listening or attempt intellectual conversation?

That should be the choice.



If Boards bolts from the forum, I vote that the admin rights be given to poster SheWries. She has a great outlook and does not belong to either of the left side/right side lunatic fringe.

boards of FL

boards of FL

ZVUGKTUBM wrote:If Boards bolts from the forum, I vote that the admin rights be given to poster SheWries. She has a great outlook and does not belong to either of the left side/right side lunatic fringe.

Reading comprehension apparently isn't your strong suit.



No thanks, Z.

Very Happy



I've suggested a religion section numerous times... not just for those advocating religion... but anti-religion too.



SheWrites wrote:I've been thinking.  If you live in Pensacola, or have ever visited, then you may be aware of the "Ruckman Boys" who street preach.  Mind you, their street preaching is on busy traffic corners where they yell to the top of their lungs to vehicles with their ac on and their windows, of course, rolled up.  (rolled up - funny from the days before power windows)  They keep proclaiming the same message over and over and no one listens.

So, is the continued banter of those who "preach" the same mantra day after day on the forum in the same category of the "Ruckman boys?"  


For the love of Pete, offer your own thoughts and discussions.  When the topic is at an impasse, move on.  

We've argued - as a country - morality issues for as long as I can remember in my 55 years.  

In the end you are only accountable for your own actions.  

I will not read 50 posts on how bad people perceive President Obama to be based on speculation and conclusions to fit a preconceived thought.

I will not read 50 posts on abortion.

I will not read 50 posts on climate change being a hoax.

Getting the idea of where I stand?  Does it matter?  Probably not.

Conversation - the art of listening and returning thoughts you have formulated and considered from others.  Disagreements?  Yes.  Backing up the argument from the thoughts of others does not make either side the correct side.  Consensus stands for a lot.  Of course then when we don't agree with the consensus we dismiss it and see the onslaught of ridiculous postings from off the wall sources.

It goes awry.  And it doesn't do one thing to move forward the process of learning.

So, scream at people who are not listening or attempt intellectual conversation?

That should be the choice.  

I agree with the approach of conversation. What I would like to get from posting and reading here is a view into other's positions and methods of reasoning, reasons for taking one position over another.

It is an educational sharing that, to me, is of great benefit. I don't think many minds are changed and that is not my mission. I just like to see how people choose their positions.



othershoe1030 wrote:
SheWrites wrote:I've been thinking.  If you live in Pensacola, or have ever visited, then you may be aware of the "Ruckman Boys" who street preach.  Mind you, their street preaching is on busy traffic corners where they yell to the top of their lungs to vehicles with their ac on and their windows, of course, rolled up.  (rolled up - funny from the days before power windows)  They keep proclaiming the same message over and over and no one listens.

So, is the continued banter of those who "preach" the same mantra day after day on the forum in the same category of the "Ruckman boys?"  


For the love of Pete, offer your own thoughts and discussions.  When the topic is at an impasse, move on.  

We've argued - as a country - morality issues for as long as I can remember in my 55 years.  

In the end you are only accountable for your own actions.  

I will not read 50 posts on how bad people perceive President Obama to be based on speculation and conclusions to fit a preconceived thought.

I will not read 50 posts on abortion.

I will not read 50 posts on climate change being a hoax.

Getting the idea of where I stand?  Does it matter?  Probably not.

Conversation - the art of listening and returning thoughts you have formulated and considered from others.  Disagreements?  Yes.  Backing up the argument from the thoughts of others does not make either side the correct side.  Consensus stands for a lot.  Of course then when we don't agree with the consensus we dismiss it and see the onslaught of ridiculous postings from off the wall sources.

It goes awry.  And it doesn't do one thing to move forward the process of learning.

So, scream at people who are not listening or attempt intellectual conversation?

That should be the choice.  

I agree with the approach of conversation. What I would like to get from posting and reading here is a view into other's positions and methods of reasoning, reasons for taking one position over another.

It is an educational sharing that, to me, is of great benefit. I don't think many minds are changed and that is not my mission. I just like to see how people choose their positions.

You're both right. What's happened instead is an attempt to derail any rational discussion, and much of that originates with Markle, as much as he would like to deny it.



Floridatexan wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:
SheWrites wrote:I've been thinking.  If you live in Pensacola, or have ever visited, then you may be aware of the "Ruckman Boys" who street preach.  Mind you, their street preaching is on busy traffic corners where they yell to the top of their lungs to vehicles with their ac on and their windows, of course, rolled up.  (rolled up - funny from the days before power windows)  They keep proclaiming the same message over and over and no one listens.

So, is the continued banter of those who "preach" the same mantra day after day on the forum in the same category of the "Ruckman boys?"  


For the love of Pete, offer your own thoughts and discussions.  When the topic is at an impasse, move on.  

We've argued - as a country - morality issues for as long as I can remember in my 55 years.  

In the end you are only accountable for your own actions.  

I will not read 50 posts on how bad people perceive President Obama to be based on speculation and conclusions to fit a preconceived thought.

I will not read 50 posts on abortion.

I will not read 50 posts on climate change being a hoax.

Getting the idea of where I stand?  Does it matter?  Probably not.

Conversation - the art of listening and returning thoughts you have formulated and considered from others.  Disagreements?  Yes.  Backing up the argument from the thoughts of others does not make either side the correct side.  Consensus stands for a lot.  Of course then when we don't agree with the consensus we dismiss it and see the onslaught of ridiculous postings from off the wall sources.

It goes awry.  And it doesn't do one thing to move forward the process of learning.

So, scream at people who are not listening or attempt intellectual conversation?

That should be the choice.  

I agree with the approach of conversation. What I would like to get from posting and reading here is a view into other's positions and methods of reasoning, reasons for taking one position over another.

It is an educational sharing that, to me, is of great benefit. I don't think many minds are changed and that is not my mission. I just like to see how people choose their positions.

You're both right.  What's happened instead is an attempt to derail any rational discussion, and much of that originates with Markle, as much as he would like to deny it.

Boards, as administrator, could put all Markle's posts into one thread. They are all the same anyway. But that's a lot of work on an administrator. Markle could you just step up and not be so annoying with the same old, same old.

I hate to see reasonable people leave the forum.

Yes, I was one that said Markle should stay because everyone has a right to their opinion. But I do understand, from a forum side, how he is uncontrollable - an administrator is not paid, they have a life and a job, so maybe new rules.



I think the question that should be answered is what positive input does Markle contribute? The forum was set up for discussion and dialogue generally so posts should aim to fulfill that goal, right?

The whole freedom of speech argument is not relevant since it is not the government coming in and saying he can't say something it is just that largely his comments do not add anything, they just serve to confound and derail.

boards of FL

boards of FL

SheWrites wrote: Markle could you just step up and not be so annoying with the same old, same old.

Believe me, I tried that.  I gave Markle a temporary ban last October when he was posting over-the-top BS that was irrefutably false.  I sent him a PM when the ban was lifted effectively stating that spam-posting the type of things that he was posting at the time - things that anyone can clearly verify are false - will not be tolerated.  Opinions are great, but you can't simply post complete and utter BS while calling others liars for pointing out the BS - which is Markle's MO.

Several months later, he was back at it - this time proclaiming that the narrative from the Planned Parenthood videos was perfectly sound - even though the videos were investigated and no wrongdoing had been found - and proclaiming that he had provided proof that PP was in fact a business that sells fetal tissue for profit.  Anyone can verify that this is false.  Being it the case that PP was losing funding for that very type of narrative, I banned him - permanently.  

But then everyone pitched a fit!  And what was Markle's first post upon being unbanned?  Was he less annoying?  Did he come back and say "Listen, everyone, perhaps I'm a little extreme at times.  I'll do my best to engage with others and will no longer post things that are verifiably false."  

Of course not!  This was Markle's first post back.   He came right back and proclaimed the PP videos as fact!

Markle wrote:Thank you all for your support and convincing BoardofFL of the error of his ways.

BoardsofFL cannot lose graciously.  It galls him, and some of the others here, that while they claim I am lying, I always post the source and link and challenge whoever to post a reliable source refuting what I posted.

Almost without exception, no one has been able to post credible information disproving my post.

Again, I appreciate the support from all of you.  I am certain that were we to be able to meet, we would become close friends.  We would probably agree to disagree on politics and avoid that topic.



boards of FL wrote:
SheWrites wrote: Markle could you just step up and not be so annoying with the same old, same old.

Believe me, I tried that.  I gave Markle a temporary ban last October when he was posting over-the-top BS that was irrefutably false.  I sent him a PM when the ban was lifted effectively stating that spam-posting the type of things that he was posting at the time - things that anyone can clearly verify are false - will not be tolerated.  Opinions are great, but you can't simply post complete and utter BS while calling others liars for pointing out the BS - which is Markle's MO.

Several months later, he was back at it - this time proclaiming that the narrative from the Planned Parenthood videos was perfectly sound - even though the videos were investigated and no wrongdoing had been found - and proclaiming that he had provided proof that PP was in fact a business that sells fetal tissue for profit.  Anyone can verify that this is false.  Being it the case that PP was losing funding for that very type of narrative, I banned him - permanently.  

But then everyone pitched a fit!  And what was Markle's first post upon being unbanned?  Was he less annoying?  Did he come back and say "Listen, everyone, perhaps I'm a little extreme at times.  I'll do my best to engage with others and will no longer post things that are verifiably false."  

Of course not!  This was Markle's first post back.   He came right back and proclaimed the PP videos as fact!

Yet flatex continually copy pastes huge leftist opinion propaganda pieces... wordslinger starts thread after thread of anti-religion diatribe that don't make any new or unique points... all with no apparent notice from you. Double standards or bias?

boards of FL

boards of FL

PkrBum wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
SheWrites wrote: Markle could you just step up and not be so annoying with the same old, same old.

Believe me, I tried that.  I gave Markle a temporary ban last October when he was posting over-the-top BS that was irrefutably false.  I sent him a PM when the ban was lifted effectively stating that spam-posting the type of things that he was posting at the time - things that anyone can clearly verify are false - will not be tolerated.  Opinions are great, but you can't simply post complete and utter BS while calling others liars for pointing out the BS - which is Markle's MO.

Several months later, he was back at it - this time proclaiming that the narrative from the Planned Parenthood videos was perfectly sound - even though the videos were investigated and no wrongdoing had been found - and proclaiming that he had provided proof that PP was in fact a business that sells fetal tissue for profit.  Anyone can verify that this is false.  Being it the case that PP was losing funding for that very type of narrative, I banned him - permanently.  

But then everyone pitched a fit!  And what was Markle's first post upon being unbanned?  Was he less annoying?  Did he come back and say "Listen, everyone, perhaps I'm a little extreme at times.  I'll do my best to engage with others and will no longer post things that are verifiably false."  

Of course not!  This was Markle's first post back.   He came right back and proclaimed the PP videos as fact!

Yet flatex continually copy pastes huge leftist opinion propaganda pieces... wordslinger starts thread after thread of anti-religion diatribe that don't make any new or unique points... all with no apparent notice from you. Double standards or bias?

Do you honestly not understand the difference between posting an opinion and an objectively false statement?



Do you honestly not understand the difference between posting an opinion and an objectively false statement?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not to their own facts.

Perhaps you have hit upon his real problem but I seriously doubt it.



boards of FL wrote:
SheWrites wrote: Markle could you just step up and not be so annoying with the same old, same old.

Believe me, I tried that.  I gave Markle a temporary ban last October when he was posting over-the-top BS that was irrefutably false.  I sent him a PM when the ban was lifted effectively stating that spam-posting the type of things that he was posting at the time - things that anyone can clearly verify are false - will not be tolerated.  Opinions are great, but you can't simply post complete and utter BS while calling others liars for pointing out the BS - which is Markle's MO.

Several months later, he was back at it - this time proclaiming that the narrative from the Planned Parenthood videos was perfectly sound - even though the videos were investigated and no wrongdoing had been found - and proclaiming that he had provided proof that PP was in fact a business that sells fetal tissue for profit.  Anyone can verify that this is false.  Being it the case that PP was losing funding for that very type of narrative, I banned him - permanently.  

But then everyone pitched a fit!  And what was Markle's first post upon being unbanned?  Was he less annoying?  Did he come back and say "Listen, everyone, perhaps I'm a little extreme at times.  I'll do my best to engage with others and will no longer post things that are verifiably false."  

Of course not!  This was Markle's first post back.   He came right back and proclaimed the PP videos as fact!

Markle wrote:Thank you all for your support and convincing BoardofFL of the error of his ways.

BoardsofFL cannot lose graciously.  It galls him, and some of the others here, that while they claim I am lying, I always post the source and link and challenge whoever to post a reliable source refuting what I posted.

Almost without exception, no one has been able to post credible information disproving my post.

Again, I appreciate the support from all of you.  I am certain that were we to be able to meet, we would become close friends.  We would probably agree to disagree on politics and avoid that topic.

The extent of the PM I received from you was, and I quote:

Ban lifted.

Sorry, I looked back at my emails, where it all that appeared is "unbanned".

I have no PM's from you on my message page.

The "unbanned" email also, I presume accidentally, your name. Something in which I have no interest.

Last edited by Markle on 4/13/2016, 6:47 pm; edited 2 times in total



boards of FL wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
SheWrites wrote: Markle could you just step up and not be so annoying with the same old, same old.

Believe me, I tried that.  I gave Markle a temporary ban last October when he was posting over-the-top BS that was irrefutably false.  I sent him a PM when the ban was lifted effectively stating that spam-posting the type of things that he was posting at the time - things that anyone can clearly verify are false - will not be tolerated.  Opinions are great, but you can't simply post complete and utter BS while calling others liars for pointing out the BS - which is Markle's MO.

Several months later, he was back at it - this time proclaiming that the narrative from the Planned Parenthood videos was perfectly sound - even though the videos were investigated and no wrongdoing had been found - and proclaiming that he had provided proof that PP was in fact a business that sells fetal tissue for profit.  Anyone can verify that this is false.  Being it the case that PP was losing funding for that very type of narrative, I banned him - permanently.  

But then everyone pitched a fit!  And what was Markle's first post upon being unbanned?  Was he less annoying?  Did he come back and say "Listen, everyone, perhaps I'm a little extreme at times.  I'll do my best to engage with others and will no longer post things that are verifiably false."  

Of course not!  This was Markle's first post back.   He came right back and proclaimed the PP videos as fact!

Yet flatex continually copy pastes huge leftist opinion propaganda pieces... wordslinger starts thread after thread of anti-religion diatribe that don't make any new or unique points... all with no apparent notice from you. Double standards or bias?

Do you honestly not understand the difference between posting an opinion and an objectively false statement?

There was never anything not true in any of my posts about Planned Parenthood.  The entire tapes were available and showed nothing different from what I posted.

Please show us a reliable source and link saying that what was shown in the video's was not in the video's.

I really do not understand your anger.

These are your words: " and proclaiming that he had provided proof that PP was in fact a business that sells fetal tissue for profit".

I never said, that I know of, that what they were doing was illegal, I said that is what they were doing without informing their patients. All true.

Why this gets you in such a twist, I have no clue.



Boards, while I started this thread I have to say it's not POLITICS.  There needs to be a section for personal gripes and arguments.   Get out of the mire and clean up the place. This has gone on long enough.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

othershoe1030 wrote:I think the question that should be answered is what positive input does Markle contribute?

Even though Markle resides in Tallahassee,  Markle's ideas represent the ideas of a great many people who live in the Florida panhandle.
To know this,  all you need do is turn on any local talk radio.  For example,  I'll be turning on WEBY in about 5 minutes from now.
What you will hear is the same obsessive and constant Obama hating.

So we can ban Markle and be in denial that he represents this point of view.  But since the rest of you don't listen to talk radio,  you'll stay ignorant about how this point of view permeates the local area.
And frankly,  I see no virtue in being ignorant.  Just as I see no value in some internet message board that does nothing else but preach to the choir
Especially since in this case,  the choir is not the voice of this community as a whole..


Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Interestingly,  one of the regular callers I'll be hearing while listening to WEBY for the next hour was mentored by Peter Ruckman.  He goes by the name "Marshall".



Once again, as I've posted elsewhere in today's forum comments, if Markle stays, I go.


Bob wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:I think the question that should be answered is what positive input does Markle contribute?

Even though Markle resides in Tallahassee,  Markle's ideas represent the ideas of a great many people who live in the Florida panhandle.
To know this,  all you need do is turn on any local talk radio.  For example,  I'll be turning on WEBY in about 5 minutes from now.
What you will hear is the same obsessive and constant Obama hating.

So we can ban Markle and be in denial that he represents this point of view.  But since the rest of you don't listen to talk radio,  you'll stay ignorant about how this point of view permeates the local area.
And frankly,  I see no virtue in being ignorant.  Just as I see no value in some internet message board that does nothing else but preach to the choir
Especially since in this case,  the choir is not the voice of this community as a whole..


So you're saying because the voice of this community is ignorant and propagates false rhetoric the forum should allow the status quo? Why do you listen to such ignorance? I would think in time you would be brainwashed by this?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Vikingwoman wrote:

So you're saying because the voice of this community is ignorant and propagates false rhetoric the forum should allow the status quo? Why do you listen to such ignorance? I would think in time you would be brainwashed by this?

I've had a complete change of heart.  From now on I will listen only to progressive media like NPR.  Any input other than that is just plain ignorance and brainwashing.


I'm just curious as to why you listen to that extreme rhetoric, that's all. Considering how the brain absorbs messages it would stand to reason that it would eventually rub off. I hope you do listen to an equally opposite viewpoint so you can maintain your middle of the road status informatively.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Vikingwoman wrote:I'm just curious as to why you listen to that extreme rhetoric, that's all. Considering how the brain absorbs messages it would stand to reason that it would eventually rub off. I hope you do listen to an equally opposite viewpoint so you can maintain your middle of the road status informatively.

I now listen only to the fair and balanced media,  NPR and MSNBC.

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