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Religion caused human beings to strap bombs to their bodies and blow up themselves and other human beings.

Hospital Bob
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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

No markle,  obama didn't make them do it.
No,  flatexan,  bush didn't make them do it.
Hillary didn't make them do it.
Trump didn't make them do it.

Religion made them do it. Period.
They are so retarded they believe the creator of every goddamn thing in this universe wanted them to blow up themselves and others in a fucking airport.
I despise religion.



Bob wrote:No markle,  obama didn't make them do it.
No,  flatexan,  bush didn't make them do it.
Hillary didn't make them do it.
Trump didn't make them do it.

Religion made them do it. Period.
They are so retarded they believe the creator of every goddamn thing in this universe wanted them to blow up themselves and others in a fucking airport.
I despise religion.

Not just any religion, but a specific one. Are you like the President and refusing to say?



If they had any morality they wouldn't target innocents, commit genocide, rape, pillage, and hide among the populace.

Man up you cowardly jihadies. Proudly put on a uniform and attack other militaries... trust in your allah.



PkrBum wrote:If they had any morality they wouldn't target innocents, commit genocide, rape, pillage, and hide among the populace.

Man up you cowardly jihadies. Proudly put on a uniform and attack other militaries... trust in your allah.

We both know that won't happen, putting on a uniform and having a standing conventional army would be a relatively simple task for our armed forces, they're not stupid . . . . crazy? Absolutely!



Bob wrote:No markle,  obama didn't make them do it.
No,  flatexan,  bush didn't make them do it.
Hillary didn't make them do it.
Trump didn't make them do it.

Religion made them do it. Period.
They are so retarded they believe the creator of every goddamn thing in this universe wanted them to blow up themselves and others in a fucking airport.
I despise religion.

The religion of extremism.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

What? wrote:
Not just any religion, but a specific one. Are you like the President and refusing to say?

I thought the religion in question would be obvious from what I wrote. 
But for the retarded,  it's specifically the Allah/Mohammed religion that I was referring to this time.

Does that mean I hate ONLY the Allah/Mohamed religion?  No,  I hate all religion.

So how do I define the word "religion".  Well the best way to understand that is how I DO NOT define religion.
A PERSONAL God IS NOT what I mean when I use the word religion.
I myself have what is tantamount to a personal God. 
For me "religion" is when dumbass humans get together to stuff their gods down the throats of others at the point of a gun (or in this case a bomb).
It can apply to the religion of the Koran or the Bible either one.
That's what I call religion and that's what I despise.


And that is what makes them terrorists.

Let me ask you a question. If 15 years ago, a more powerful Muslim nation invaded America, what would your personal response be? If they were dropping bombs on civilians and killing hundreds of thousands of Americans, what would your response be? Starting in the 1940s the Western World through a United Nation's mandate created a western nation adjacent to some of their religion's most sacred sites, and because the West was more powerful, that nation was protected..........yet to many in the Middle East this was an invasion. Now what made two men strap horrible bombs to their bodies and go and kill westerners? Bob believes that it is solely religion. I believe religion is part of it, but were the kamakazi pilots of WWII religious fanatics, or was the only response to a more powerful nation about to invade their homeland.....suicide? I believe it goes more to the battle of modernity and the clash of cultures than a solely a religious motivation by those who use terrorism in the battle. Now would it be my Christianity which would characterize my resistance to the invading forces, or would it be a more complex analysis when I chose to become a terrorist against those invading forces. Would it simply be Muslim vs Christian, or would it be the powerful against the powerless. All the while for almost a hundred years since the end of WWI the people of the region have seen their autonomy and culture attacked and divided up by the colonial powers as brutal dictatorships were installed to serve the western oligarchies......yep......if you give a simple answer which masks our responsibility for part of the equation of violence in the world sadly only gives us license to abuse the powerless more.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

The two suicide bombers in the Brussels airport were Belgian nationals,  seaoat.  They weren't Iraqis and no Americans or anybody else invaded Belgium and killed Belgians.


The two suicide bombers in the Brussels airport were Belgian nationals, seaoat. They weren't Iraqis and no Americans or anybody else invaded Belgium and killed Belgians.

So a person's affinity is determined where they pick up their mail.......that makes me a panhandler......nope, the fact that the folks who are becoming the boogeyman are among us does not change their affinity and loyalty for those suffering civilians and innocents in the Middle East who have been sacrificed at the alter of big oil and the so called westernization of their culture by petty dictators over the last 100 years. So Bob, I am now semi retired, and if I were to move to Costa Rica and become a resident, do I surrender my affinity? Splendid logic, as I watch America invaded, and declare.......not my zip code anymore.



Bob wrote:No markle, obama didn't make them do it.
No, flatexan, bush didn't make them do it.
Hillary didn't make them do it.
Trump didn't make them do it.

Religion made them do it. Period.
They are so retarded they believe the creator of every goddamn thing in this universe wanted them to blow up themselves and others in a fucking airport.
I despise religion.

These are RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS and not your moderate Muslim neighbor.

Just as the RADICAL CHRISTIANS are who attack abortion sites and kill abortion doctors. There is, as you know, a MAJOR difference between the two.

I'm glad you and Wordslinger can seat yourself together in the church of Heathenism. Whatever floats your boat.



Bob wrote:No markle,  obama didn't make them do it.
No,  flatexan,  bush didn't make them do it.
Hillary didn't make them do it.
Trump didn't make them do it.

Religion made them do it. Period.
They are so retarded they believe the creator of every goddamn thing in this universe wanted them to blow up themselves and others in a fucking airport.
I despise religion.

Bush did what they're doing, but he was too much of a weasel to put himself in harm's way...He used "religion" to justify making war on 2 predominately Muslim countries, and he used surrogates to accomplish his nefarious goals.



Floridatexan wrote:Bush did what they're doing, but he was too much of a weasel to put himself in harm's way...He used "religion" to justify making war on 2 predominately Muslim countries, and he used surrogates to accomplish his nefarious goals.    





Religion caused human beings to strap bombs to their bodies and blow up themselves and other human beings. Nothing%20plus%20nothing_zpsp5o32y9v

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Floridatexan wrote:
Bush did what they're doing, but he was too much of a weasel to put himself in harm's way.  

Absolutely agree.  That's why I despise Bush as much as I do these religion nutters.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:
So a person's affinity is determined where they pick up their mail.

My heritage is German.  I guess I should go kill Americans for what they did to my country in World War 2.  Because obviously I'm still German and I just pick up my mail in America.

What horseshit.  lol

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Markle wrote:
Bob wrote:No markle,  obama didn't make them do it.
No,  flatexan,  bush didn't make them do it.
Hillary didn't make them do it.
Trump didn't make them do it.

Religion made them do it. Period.
They are so retarded they believe the creator of every goddamn thing in this universe wanted them to blow up themselves and others in a fucking airport.
I despise religion.

These are RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS and not your moderate Muslim neighbor.

Just as the RADICAL CHRISTIANS are who attack abortion sites and kill abortion doctors.  There is, as you know, a MAJOR difference between the two.

I'm glad you and Wordslinger can seat yourself together in the church of Heathenism.  Whatever floats your boat.

I have no frigging idea what a Church of Hedonism even is.  But no I don't belong to any church.  I do,  however, pray and do so all the time.  Just not to any insane "gods" written up in books by goat herders who lived thousands of years ago.



Bob wrote:
What? wrote:
Not just any religion, but a specific one. Are you like the President and refusing to say?

I thought the religion in question would be obvious from what I wrote. 
But for the retarded,  it's specifically the Allah/Mohammed religion that I was referring to this time.

Does that mean I hate ONLY the Allah/Mohamed religion?  No,  I hate all religion.

So how do I define the word "religion".  Well the best way to understand that is how I DO NOT define religion.
A PERSONAL God IS NOT what I mean when I use the word religion.
I myself have what is tantamount to a personal God. 
For me "religion" is when dumbass humans get together to stuff their gods down the throats of others at the point of a gun (or in this case a bomb).
It can apply to the religion of the Koran or the Bible either one.
That's what I call religion and that's what I despise.

Humor me, where were people that carry Bibles forcing it on people at gunpoint? Please give a modern day example. The only religion at war with the world is the one you referred to. I don't see the rest of the religions acting in the same way.



Bob wrote:
2seaoat wrote:
So a person's affinity is determined where they pick up their mail.

My heritage is German.  I guess I should go kill Americans for what they did to my country in World War 2.  Because obviously I'm still German and I just pick up my mail in America.

What horseshit.  lol

Actually Herr Bob you brought that war on yourself if you want to use that analogy. Americans just responded to acts of aggression by the Germans. Germany declared war on the United States.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

What? wrote:
Bob wrote:
What? wrote:
Not just any religion, but a specific one. Are you like the President and refusing to say?

I thought the religion in question would be obvious from what I wrote. 
But for the retarded,  it's specifically the Allah/Mohammed religion that I was referring to this time.

Does that mean I hate ONLY the Allah/Mohamed religion?  No,  I hate all religion.

So how do I define the word "religion".  Well the best way to understand that is how I DO NOT define religion.
A PERSONAL God IS NOT what I mean when I use the word religion.
I myself have what is tantamount to a personal God. 
For me "religion" is when dumbass humans get together to stuff their gods down the throats of others at the point of a gun (or in this case a bomb).
It can apply to the religion of the Koran or the Bible either one.
That's what I call religion and that's what I despise.

Humor me, where were people that carry Bibles forcing it on people at gunpoint? Please give a modern day example. The only religion at war with the world is the one you referred to. I don't see the rest of the religions acting in the same way.

I never said Bible thumpers are forcing their god on people at the point of a gun in the present day.  But boy have they done so in the past.  In spades. 
I suggest you learn some history.  And you might start by learning the history of the Americas.  Especially the part about what happened when the European bible thumpers came over here.


Let me help you have never had a true affinity with Germany, but then again you would have to understand the word first.

a spontaneous or natural liking or sympathy for someone or something.

I am half German and have letters from a grandmother I never met telling my father and Uncle who fought against Germany in the Second WWW that Americans bombed civilians and hospitals..........I never had an affinity to my German roots and what America did to Germany. However, a person of Middle East descent in the Western World faces daily discrimination and ridicule and in fact does have an affinity toward what the western world has done to the region since the end of WWI.



Bob wrote:
What? wrote:
Bob wrote:
What? wrote:
Not just any religion, but a specific one. Are you like the President and refusing to say?

I thought the religion in question would be obvious from what I wrote. 
But for the retarded,  it's specifically the Allah/Mohammed religion that I was referring to this time.

Does that mean I hate ONLY the Allah/Mohamed religion?  No,  I hate all religion.

So how do I define the word "religion".  Well the best way to understand that is how I DO NOT define religion.
A PERSONAL God IS NOT what I mean when I use the word religion.
I myself have what is tantamount to a personal God. 
For me "religion" is when dumbass humans get together to stuff their gods down the throats of others at the point of a gun (or in this case a bomb).
It can apply to the religion of the Koran or the Bible either one.
That's what I call religion and that's what I despise.

Humor me, where were people that carry Bibles forcing it on people at gunpoint? Please give a modern day example. The only religion at war with the world is the one you referred to. I don't see the rest of the religions acting in the same way.

I never said Bible thumpers are forcing their god on people at the point of a gun in the present day.  But boy have they done so in the past.  In spades. 
I suggest you learn some history.  And you might start by learning the history of the Americas.  Especially the part about what happened when the European bible thumpers came over here.

PLEASE tell us exactly when that occurred and how that affected you today.

Why are you so intimidated by the Holy Bible that you are driven to denigrate anyone who reads the book? How does that help you?



Bob wrote:
2seaoat wrote:
So a person's affinity is determined where they pick up their mail.

My heritage is German.  I guess I should go kill Americans for what they did to my country in World War 2.  Because obviously I'm still German and I just pick up my mail in America.

What horseshit.  lol

You're joking are you not?

Are you alleging that it was the United who started the war on Germany?

Many Norwegians still have a deep resentment toward Germany and Sweden.

Kill American's for what they did to...GERMANY?

You sure do have a morbid sense of humor.

According to you, this is what was DONE TO GERMANY BY THE US.

Religion caused human beings to strap bombs to their bodies and blow up themselves and other human beings. Auschwitz-death-camp1_zps2tpk76vx

Last edited by Markle on 3/24/2016, 11:42 pm; edited 1 time in total


I guess Dresden and Hiroshima were the results of total war.....a war America did not start but finished.....however fire bombing civilians......well let me say German civilians suffered greatly.

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