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Can We Please Stop Pretending that Trump Will Not Be the GOP Nominee?

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Just saw some of the latest polling.

Trump has opened a 16 point lead over the big bag of feathers in Florida, and is tied with the guy no one likes for first in Texas.

If he's not caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy, this thing is over.


I can accept Trump over Cruz or Rubio, but Kasich is not giving up and is the most qualified and capable. It does not matter......The demographics will destroy.



2seaoat wrote:I can accept Trump over Cruz or Rubio, but Kasich is not giving up and is the most qualified and capable.  It does not matter......The demographics will destroy.

How the US Went Fascist: Mass Media Make Excuses for Trump Voters

Trump's racism and xenophobia violates America's core beliefs — yet the media and many Americans are okay with it.


"...Donald Trump should have been kicked out of the Republican Party the moment he began talking about violating the Constitution. The first time he hinted about assaulting the journalists covering his rallies, he should have been shown the door. When he openly advocated torture (“worse than waterboarding”), he should have been ushered away. When he began speaking of closing houses of worship, he should have been expelled. He has solemnly pledged to violate the First, Fourth and Eighth Amendments of the Constitution, at the least. If someone’s platform is unconstitutional, it boggles the mind that a major American party would put him or her up for president. How can he take the oath of office with a straight face? The party leaders were afraid he’d mount a third-party campaign. But who knows how that would have turned out? Someone with power needs to say that Trump is unacceptable and to define him out of respectable politics, the same way David Duke is treated (Trump routinely retweets Duke fellow-travellers).

Then there is the mass media. As Amy Goodman has pointed out, corporate television has routinely pumped Trump into our living rooms. They have virtually blacked out Bernie Sanders. Trump seems to have connived to have 10 or 15 minutes at 7:20 every evening on the magazine shows. Chris Matthews of Hardball obligingly cut away to Il Duce II’s rants and gave away his show to him on a nightly basis..."

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Yes this is what happens when technological advance gets ahead of things.
In this case that advance almost overnight morphed our concept of "the press" into becoming "the media".
And what the technology wrought is unfolding before our very eyes and it's called Donald Trump.

It can be characterized and defined in so many ways.  But if I have to pick one,  it would be the marriage between show business and "news" and show business and "politics".

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