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Would a big corp risk major environmental disaster just to save a few bucks?

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Can you say BP? Can you say Exxon? Can you say So Cal Gas?

The republicans -- people like Markle who laugh at others' misfortune want to get rid of the EPA and all safety regulations, are only a Trump away from victory.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Let's all take a moment to reflect on the time when our forum conservatives were asked to make their case for the end of the EPA. What a hilarious thread that was!



And Republicans have signed more environmental and safety laws into the Federal Register than Democrats have.

National Environmental Policy Act-Established the EPA. Signed into law in 1969 by Nixon.

Occupational Safety and Health Act--Establishing OSHA. Signed into law in 1970 by Nixon. Nixon also signed the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts into law.

Gerald Ford signed the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).

Reagan Signed the Superfund Reauthorization and Renewal Act (SARA).

Bush41 signed the Oil Pollution Act of 1990.

These laws form the core of what the EPA acts on, and what state environmental agencies also go by.

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