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environmental advocates argue that many of the GOP proposals are more likely to kill people than create jobs.

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Joel Prakken, chairman of Macroeconomic Advisers, warned that any potential job creation from environmental deregulation could be offset by health concerns.

"If you increase employment but you have a lot more sick people, you have to ask yourself, 'What's the trade-off?'" he said. "The highest level of GDP is not necessarily the highest level of national satisfaction or national health."

Indeed, environmental advocates argue that many of the GOP proposals are more likely to kill people than create jobs.

"It won't save them jobs, it won't even save them that much money, but it is going to cause illnesses, deaths, more hospital stays or days lost because of illness,” said Scott Slesinger, legislative director for the Natural Resources Defense Council. “That's why we have all these environmental laws.”



how do you think we made it to this level of evolution and technology?

I'm beginning to think that we're becoming more like hive insects than primates.



Rogue wrote:this person sounds like a nut case

Yes, making regulations to keep people healthy is nutty. OY!

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