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12 HOURS and the Dubai towers STILL STANDING! yeah yeah yeah !

Hospital Bob
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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

The claim is there is tons and tons of proof that the WTC buildings were collapsed by bombs.  The "laws of physics",  bombs heard going off,  thermite found in the wreckage,  etc. etc. etc.

BUT,  a consortium of insurance companies headed by a reinsurance company headquartered in Switzerland (called Swiss RE),  even though they were on the hook for one of the biggest insurance payouts in the history of the world;  NEVER ONCE RAISED ANY SUSPICION OR MADE ANY CHALLENGE BASED ON ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANY CLAIM ANY "9/11 truther" EVER MADE. 

They knew about all the "scientists" and "engineers" and pilots who were telling them this was easily proven to be the biggest insurance fraud in the history of the world,  AND YET I REPEAT,  THEY NEVER MADE ANY EFFORT WHATSOEVER TO CHALLENGE THIS.

My girlfriend's house on Bayou Grande was wiped out in Hurricane Ivan.
The insurance company (State Farm) spent the next two years trying to get out of paying her claim anyway they could find a way to do it.

MORAL TO THIS STORY:  Somethings REALLY wrong with this picture.  lol

Either that,  or all those insurance companies were a part of the plot too.  lol



2.3 trillion missing dollars can salve a lot of wounds...quiet a lot of mouths....don't ask don't tell just shutup and take the money...

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote:2.3 trillion missing dollars can salve a lot of wounds...quiet a lot of mouths....don't ask don't tell just shutup and take the money...

How did blowing up the World Trade Center result in 2.3 trillion missing dollars? lol



Bob wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:2.3 trillion missing dollars can salve a lot of wounds...quiet a lot of mouths....don't ask don't tell just shutup and take the money...

How did blowing up the World Trade Center result in 2.3 trillion missing dollars? lol

No Rummy said that amount was missing the day before the event...keep up Bob...

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob


   Newton's First Law of Motion states that in order for the motion of an object to change, a force must act upon it, a concept generally called inertia.

The North Tower is an object.  A very big object.  One of the biggest objects known.  As it was collapsing, the top of the North Tower landed on the Soloman Brothers Building (7 World Trade Center).  There is video showing this happening.  There is also Steve Spak's video showing the enormous gash this made in the south face of the skyscraper which went almost from the top to the bottom of the 48 story building

   Newton's Second Law of Motion defines the relationship between acceleration, force, and mass.

So what? 

   Newton's Third Law of Motion states that any time a force acts from one object to another, there is an equal force acting back on the original object. If you pull on a rope, therefore, the rope is pulling back on you as well.

I didn't know "something was pulling" on the skyscrapers.  Please explain.

The building fell at free fall speeds in spite of the steel supports pushing back on the falling debris...that would have slowed the fall considerably due to didn' was like there were no columns inside and out supporting the building...


Now call lots of names and get the strays back in the herd so you can go on living a childs life trusting big daddy...

Teo,  you are a fine fellow and a good person and a very smart and literate individual but you have a streak of gullibility a mile long.  lol
Excuse me,  I now have to go see what George Bush and Dick Cheney have said because I hang on their every word,  it's the only truthful thing in life.


Free Fall

According to Roedy Green's How You Know 9-11 Was an Inside Job:
All three World Trade Towers fell faster over the first half of the collapse than physics allows by free fall. That meant they had to have an assist, e.g. an explosive push from pre-planted demolition charges, not just gravity pulling them down. The maximum collapse for free fall is computed by
distance = g t
where g is the acceleration due to gravity 32 feet per second per second, and t is time in seconds. In other words, free fall collapse should start out slowly and accelerate faster and faster for the big finale.
This is just plain weird. Whether a building falls by deliberate demolition or catastrophic failure, the collapse will be governed by gravity. Even if you used a teleporter to magically make several stories vanish, the part above would only fall as fast as gravity would accelerate it. Only if there was some kind of thruster pushing the building down could it fall faster. Why install a useless Rube Goldberg device? Once the building begins to collapse, who needs anything to accelerate it? Gravity has a pretty reliable record of pulling things down. And where's the evidence for faster than free fall collapse?
The videos show that the towers took 15 seconds to collapse. The free-fall time for something to fall 400 meters is about 9 seconds. So, no, the towers did not fall faster than free fall.
911Research claims:
This rate is still much too fast to be explained by a gravity-driven collapse given that the descending rubble would have to crush and accelerate almost 1000 feet of vertical intact structure. It is especially revealing that each tower disappeared at about the same rate as the rubble fell through the air, as if the tower's structure provided no more resistance to the descent of rubble than did air.
12 HOURS and the Dubai towers STILL STANDING! yeah yeah yeah ! - Page 3 Wtc_collapse2All photos of the collapse show a plume of debris extending far below the main level of collapse. So the debris did  fall appreciably faster than the building itself. The building provided little more resistance than air for the simple reason that a skyscraper is mostly air.
In the photo at left the collapse is about where the cloud fills the entire width of the picture, but the debris in free fall has almost reached the ground.
Note that the debris is at least a building width beyond the building itself. No competent controlled demolition flings debris that far.
The fall doesn't have to crush the stories beneath. It merely has to stress the structural elements until the fasteners pop and the welds break. The impact of that pancaking material will cause the outer vertical members to bow outward, then fly outward violently when failure occurs. There's no need to appeal to explosives to fling material outward from the buildings.
If a story is 4 meters high, it will take an object about 0.9 seconds to fall one story, by which time it will be going 9 m/sec. So once the collapse starts, the overlying structure will be falling at 9 m/sec by the time it has fallen one story. If we crush the collapsing story into rubble half a meter thick and expect the collapse to stop at that point, what kinds of forces are involved? We go from 9 m/sec to zero in half a meter, or 1/18 of a second. However, during that deceleration the velocity is decreasing, and the average velocity turns out to be half of the initial velocity, so the crunch time is 1/9 second. So the acceleration is -9 m/sec divided by 1/9 sec = -81 m/sec2, or about 8 g's.
This is the difference between a static load and a dynamic load. In the north tower, with about ten stories above the impact, the dynamic load was about equivalent not to ten stories but to eighty, nearly the total height of the building. I doubt if the tower at that level was engineered to support eighty stories - why waste the steel? Actually the loads are much greater because the initial collapse involved a fall of about three or four stories, not just one, and the dynamic loads on the points that actually resist the fall - the welds and the rivets, will be far greater. If you try to stop the collapse in the millimeter or so a rivet or weld can deform before failing, you're talking hundreds of g's. In the south tower, where the top 25 or so stories fell, the impact load at eight g's would be equivalent to 200 stories, or twice the total height of the building. Some conspiracy buffs argue that engineering standards require a safety factor several times the actual load on the structure, but the dynamic loads would far overwhelm those standards.
This, by the way, is the reason controlled demolition works at all. If physics worked the way 9-11 conspiracy buffs think, once you blew the lower stories of a building, the upper part would just drop and remain intact. Of course it doesn't because once the building begins to fall, the dynamic loads are far beyond the static strength of the building.
911Research devotes a lot of effort to debunking what it regards as disinformation campaigns designed to deflect attention from the theory of controlled demolition. But we keep coming back to the fundamental issue how any building can fall faster than gravity or why a conspirator would feel the need to set up a mechanism to do something so useless.

P.S.  I would suggest you read the rest of what's on that website too.  But I know you won't.



Bob we were talking about WTC7 which was a standard you throw in some gobblely gook about the twin towers which were not standard implosions...incidentally the towers were erected back in 66 with an eye and provisions on how to bring them down in the future...that article from back then in Popular mechanics has conveniently disappeared...

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Bob wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:2.3 trillion missing dollars can salve a lot of wounds...quiet a lot of mouths....don't ask don't tell just shutup and take the money...

How did blowing up the World Trade Center result in 2.3 trillion missing dollars? lol

No Rummy said that amount was missing the day before the event...keep up Bob...

I thought Rumsfeld was supposed to be part of the plot to blow up the buildings.
Are you now telling me that after he conspired to blow up the buildings,  Rumsfeld admitted that he and the others stole $2.3 trillion?

I never thought Rumsfeld was the brightest bulb in that chandelier,  but I didn't think his IQ put him in the retarded category either.
Shit,  the rest of the conspirators sure were taking a big risk by getting in cahoots with some retard. 

But then again it always seemed so odd to me that that kike Silverstein would conspire to commit the worst mass murder and treason and insurance fraud in the history of the world,  and then shazaam he goes right on national television and confesses to the whole thing.  At least that's what all you truthers interpret his words "pull it" to mean. 
Here all my life I've heard about how smart kikes are.  But now all of a sudden they've turned into retards.  lol

Last edited by Bob on 1/4/2016, 1:54 pm; edited 1 time in total



Bob wrote:It's not a joke and that's why I didn't put the usual "lol" after that reply.
What it is is the worst example of a lack of common sense in the entire modern world.  It results from a dumbed down,  gullible,  mentallity that permeates through just about every thought process in America.
It's sad,  not funny.

Common sense would have dictated that the Supremes would not decide the outcome of a state recount in 2000...or make it a one-time-only proposition...Common sense would dictate that buildings don't fall into their own footprint except in the case of controlled demolition or that jet fuel would burn hot enough to melt steel, which could be seen pouring out the sides of the buildings before they "fell". Common sense would not call what happened to the Twin Towers "falling"...when debris was scattered over several city blocks, because the buildings really IMPLODED. Common sense would question the presence of thermate in the dust samples. Common sense would look at motive, means and opportunity, all of which were present.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote:Bob we were talking about WTC7 which was a standard you throw in some gobblely gook about the twin towers which were not standard implosions...incidentally the towers were erected back in 66 with an eye and provisions on how to bring them down in the future...that article from back then in Popular mechanics has conveniently disappeared...

No I told you that there is video showing us the top of one of the largest "objects" in the world falling onto 7 World Trade Center.  And I told you there is video showing us the enormous gash this made in 7 WTC.

But about this "incidentally the towers were erected back in 66 with an eye and provisions on how to bring them down in the future...that article from back then in Popular mechanics has conveniently disappeared"

In 1966,  Popular Mechanics had a circulation of hundreds of thousands of printed copies.
So if "that article has disappeared",  it would mean that Bush and Cheney and Count Rothschild somehow managed to find every surviving example of that magazine issue and make them all disappear. 

I gotta tell you,  teo,  that up until now I've been tongue-in-cheek with comparing this silliness to the plot of Plan 9 From Outer Space.
But now I see that alongside this shit,  Plan 9 actually looks plausible.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Enough.  Time to move on to something else.  See you in the next truther thread.  Stay tuned.  Same bat time.  Same bat channel.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

One other thing.  I think there's a decent chance either the West Florida Library System or UWF library or PSC library will have that Popular Mechanics issue on microform.  

Here's a way you can win this whole debate and shut me up forever.
If you go to any of these libraries,  and you can get any employee to confirm to you that,  yes the library had microfilm of this issue,  but that sometime after 9/11,  it just up and disappeared out of the library,  you win.

edit:  actually the libraries often have bound issues of periodicals of that era.  So you might not even have to look at it on microfilm.  You might can hold the magazine in your hands and read it.



Bob wrote:One other thing.  I think there's a decent chance either the West Florida Library System or UWF library or PSC library will have that Popular Mechanics issue on microform.  

Here's a way you can win this whole debate and shut me up forever.
If you go to any of these libraries,  and you can get any employee to confirm to you that,  yes the library had microfilm of this issue,  but that sometime after 9/11,  it just up and disappeared out of the library,  you win.

edit:  actually the libraries often have bound issues of periodicals of that era.  So you might not even have to look at it on microfilm.  You might can hold the magazine in your hands and read it.

Arguing with a truther is like wrestling with a pig in mud. In the end, you're both exhausted and filthy but the pig enjoyed the experience.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

That was a pretty darn funny response,  markle.  Made the point.  lol

But the truth is,  the human loves wrastlin in the mud on this too. 
I was lying when I said I want the the discussion to end.  I just said that to try to make an emphatic "last word" on it.  It's a debate tactic.  lol
The truth is I'm like a pig in slop arguing this shit.  Give me more.



"The Hearst-owned Popular Mechanics targeted the 9/11 Truth Movement (without ever acknowledging it by that name) with a cover story in its March 2005 edition. [1] Sandwiched between ads and features for monster trucks, NASCAR paraphernalia, and off-road racing are twelve dense and brilliantly designed pages purporting to debunk the myths of 9/11.

The article's approach is to identify and attack a series of claims which it asserts represent the whole of 9/11 skepticism. It gives the false impression that these claims, several of which are clearly absurd, represent the breadth of challenges to the official account of the flights, the World Trade Center attack, and the Pentagon attack. Thus it purports to debunk conspiracy theorists' physical-evidence-based claims, without even acknowledging that there are other grounds on which to question the official story. Indeed many 9/11 researchers don't even address the physical evidence, preferring instead to focus on who had the the means, motive, and opportunity to carry out the attack. I summarize some of this evidence at the end of this article.

While ignoring these and many other facts belying the official story, PM attacks a mere 16 claims of its choosing, which it asserts are the most prevalent among conspiracy theorists. PM groups these claims into four topics, each of which is given a richly illustrated two- or four-page spread. Since nearly all the physical-evidence-based challenges to the official story fall within one or another of these topics, the article gives the impression that it addresses the breadth of these challenges. However, for each topic, the article presents specious claims to divert the reader from understanding the issue. For example, the three pages devoted to attacking the Twin Towers' demolition present three red-herring claims and avoid the dozens of points I feature in my presentations, such as The Twin Towers' Demolition [2]

The article brackets its distortion of the issues highlighted by 9/11 skeptics with smears against the skeptics themselves, whom it dehumanizes and accuses of disgracing the memories of the victims, and repeatedly accuses of harassing individuals who responded to the attack. More important, it misrepresents skeptics' views by implying that the skeptics' community is an undifferentiated army that wholly embraces the article's sixteen poisonous claims, which it asserts are at the root of virtually every 9/11 alternative scenario. In fact much of the 9/11 truth community has been working to expose many of these claims as disinformation..."


Floridatexan wrote:

Jim Hoffman? Seriously?

An unqualified blogger who$e only intere$t i$ $tirring "truther$" up to contribute to hi$ pitiful web $ite?


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