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12 HOURS and the Dubai towers STILL STANDING! yeah yeah yeah !

Hospital Bob
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Bob that question is the most logical starting point in any discussion with tin foilers. say it was bombs in the building......then why the planes? It is the most absurd child like logic that holds that the plan was to run planes into the building, and then set off bombs.....why.......I would love to hear T give a lucid answer to the core question which they always avoid.



2seaoat wrote:Bob that question is the most logical starting point in any discussion with tin foilers. say it was bombs in the building......then why the planes?  It is the most absurd child like logic that holds that the plan was to run planes into the building, and then set off bombs.....why.......I would love to hear T give a lucid answer to the core question which they always avoid.

Unfortunately, that's not the only core question...there are a myriad of them...and more than one motive for the destruction. But, if you're going to destroy buildings...and people...on American soil, you'd want the job loose ends and minimal evidence to point to you. The best way to accomplish that was to completely demolish the Twin halfway destruction...and then a quick cleanup of the crime scene.



Bob wrote:Well let's assume the Twin Towers were collaped with bombs.

So who exactly did it and what was their motive for doing it?  That should always be the starting point.  Can you give me a good answer to that,  teo?

TEOTWAWKI doesn't believe it either. He's simply stirring the pot.

12 HOURS and the Dubai towers STILL STANDING! yeah yeah yeah ! - Page 2 Stirthepot-1



Floridatexan wrote:

Unless you're a person who has no respect for your elders, you will listen to this general about the events of 9/11.  

That is a good video. 9/11 will always remain a "whodunit" just like the JFK assassination.

I don't think the event paid off for the Neocons like they thought it would. They got their "New Pearl Harbor" and U.S. military actions all over the Middle East, including toppling Saddam Hussein. However, the aftermath of the American military actions left the Middle East in a tattered mess. I think the Neocons were set on occupying Iraq interminably, thereby making the American empire larger and controlling Iraq's 143 billion barrel oil reserve-- but that oil is now being sold to China. In the end, the Neocons were left holding the bag--stripped of political power and no one wants them to have it back.



Floridatexan wrote:

Unless you're a person who has no respect for your elders, you will listen to this general about the events of 9/11.  

That is a good video. 9/11 will always remain a "whodunit" just like the JFK assassination.

I don't think the event paid off for the Neocons like they thought it would. They got their "New Pearl Harbor" and U.S. military actions all over the Middle East, including toppling Saddam Hussein. However, the aftermath of the American military actions left the Middle East in a tattered mess. I think the Neocons were set on occupying Iraq interminably, thereby making the American empire larger and controlling Iraq's 143 billion barrel oil reserve-- but that oil is now being sold to China. In the end, the Neocons were left holding the bag--stripped of political power and no one wants them to have it back.

12 HOURS and the Dubai towers STILL STANDING! yeah yeah yeah ! - Page 2 Sohowsyr-448x336_zps66wa9rox



Markle wrote:12 HOURS and the Dubai towers STILL STANDING! yeah yeah yeah ! - Page 2 Sohowsyr-448x336_zps66wa9rox

The Peanut Gallery has spoken......



This is all you need to bring down a building

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Floridatexan wrote:

Unfortunately, that's not the only core question...there are a myriad of them...and more than one motive for the destruction.  But, if you're going to destroy buildings...and people...on American soil, you'd want the job loose ends and minimal evidence to point to you.  The best way to accomplish that was to completely demolish the Twin halfway destruction...and then a quick cleanup of the crime scene.

1.  "Unfortunately, that's not the only core question...there are a myriad of them...and more than one motive for the destruction".

Bob:  "What's the motive?"

Floridatexan:  "There is more than one motive".

Not an answer


"if you're going to destroy buildings...and people...on American soil, you'd want the job loose ends and minimal evidence to point to you.  The best way to accomplish that was to completely demolish the Twin halfway destruction...and then a quick cleanup of the crime scene."

If you had control of the airliners,  and you could crash them into the buildings,  you would know for certain THAT would create two towering infernos of two of the tallest and largest skyscrapers in the world,  located in the heart of America's greatest city.
And there would be no "loose ends" and no "evidence".  Airliners hit buildings,  America is terrorized,  and no evidence is left of anything except airliner wreckage and destruction.   And you would know for certain there would be many fatalities and half the first responders in the whole New York region desperately trying to save the thousands of Americans still trapped in the towers.  And it would go on for days.

Alll the
"loose ends" and all the "evidence" would come into play if you did the most goddamn retarded thing anyone could ever do.  And that is to do the most difficult and risky thing anyone could ever do,  which is to wire/prepare (or whatever you want to call it) the collapse of two of the world's largest and tallest skyscraper via an explosive demolition.
  However the method,  that would require lots of people being in on it.  And there would always be the chance that the plot would be discovered as the buildings were being prepared for explosive demolition.  Or during the demolition.  Or in the aftermath of the demolition.  It would leave EVIDENCE all over the place.
No one would ever attempt anything so stupid.

Especially not when there would be no reason to attempt that.   The two towering infernos would be all you would need to accomplish whatever the motive might be.


Bob owns this subject. My only addition is why are those responsible for these so called bombs not taking credit for the same and offering proof of the same......if you understand what terrorist do, then you would understand how important taking credit for the demolition of two buildings would magnify their terror......there are no logical answers, just childish speculation.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:My only addition is why are those responsible for these so called bombs not taking credit for the same and offering proof of the same......if you understand what terrorist do, then you would understand how important taking credit for the demolition of two buildings would magnify their terror......there are no logical answers, just childish speculation.

I'll try to answer that the way a "truther" would.

The perps are a shadowy bunch of powerful people working behind the scenes to control the events of the world.  They take many forms.  Sometimes it's said they're a cartel of international bankers going back to Count Rothschild.  Sometimes it's said they're jews and particularly the Jewish Mossad.  Sometimes they're referred to as "the globalists",  or "the illuminatti. 
It's usually believed the "neocons" and Bush/Cheney are part of this diabolical organization.  And so are many others in the American government AND in the American media.
That's the "who".

They never claim responsibility for anything because that's the point.  They don't want the masses to even know they exist.  But they're back there behind the scenes creating 9/11's,  and mass shootings,  and the Boston Massacre,  and the Paris massacre,  and Sandy Hook and Aurora and all the rest. 

Which brings us to the "why" (the motive).  The motive so far suggested is that they executed 9/11 as a "false flag".  By staging a fake attack on the U.S.,  that gave them impetus to win over the American people to the side of invading Iraq.

What has been suggested as the motive for all the other mass shootings,  mass bombings,  etc,  is to convince the American people to accept gun control or to give up their guns.  Because once they give up their guns,  they will be helpless to prevent the "perps" from completely enslaving them.



Bob wrote:
2seaoat wrote:My only addition is why are those responsible for these so called bombs not taking credit for the same and offering proof of the same......if you understand what terrorist do, then you would understand how important taking credit for the demolition of two buildings would magnify their terror......there are no logical answers, just childish speculation.

I'll try to answer that the way a "truther" would.

The perps are a shadowy bunch of powerful people working behind the scenes to control the events of the world.  They take many forms.  Sometimes it's said they're a cartel of international bankers going back to Count Rothschild.  Sometimes it's said they're jews and particularly the Jewish Mossad.  Sometimes they're referred to as "the globalists",  or "the illuminatti. 
It's usually believed the "neocons" and Bush/Cheney are part of this diabolical organization.  And so are many others in the American government AND in the American media.
That's the "who".

They never claim responsibility for anything because that's the point.  They don't want the masses to even know they exist.  But they're back there behind the scenes creating 9/11's,  and mass shootings,  and the Boston Massacre,  and the Paris massacre,  and Sandy Hook and Aurora and all the rest. 

Which brings us to the "why" (the motive).  The motive so far suggested is that they executed 9/11 as a "false flag".  By staging a fake attack on the U.S.,  that gave them impetus to win over the American people to the side of invading Iraq.

What has been suggested as the motive for all the other mass shootings,  mass bombings,  etc,  is to convince the American people to accept gun control or to give up their guns.  Because once they give up their guns,  they will be helpless to prevent the "perps" from completely enslaving them.

I didn't say anything about Sandy Hook or Boston or any other incident that might be called a false flag.  We're talking about 9/11.  Bush's approval ratings were tanking.  He wanted to invade least two reasons for that are obvious...Iraqi oil and the fact that Saddam had tried to assassinate Poppy.  The Bushes had a long association with both the CIA and the Saudi Royals...and Bush was more than cozy with the Israelis, including American Zionists in league with the Israeli government, many of whom served in high level government positions...Zacheim, Wolfowitz, Perle, et al.  The Towers, recently acquired by Silverstein, were in need of asbestos remediation.  Government agencies and private companies who were in the process of investigating stock market irregularities and money missing from the Pentagon were directly hit, including the hit at the Pentagon, for which the "plane" had to make a 360 degree turn.  Building 7 was reported down by the BBC long before it actually fell.  Jeb Bush was a member of PNAC, which called for "a new Pearl Harbor".  Anthrax was sent to certain members of Congress and news organizations.  Lies were told to support both the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Osama bin Laden was a known "asset" of the CIA and a convenient patsy.  The actual physics of the Towers falling makes no sense whatsoever.  New Yorkers were told to go about their business, when the dust in their homes and businesses was toxic.  Underground fires burned for at least 2 months after 9/11.  And Bush sat in that Florida classroom doing nothing and looking guilty as sin.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Floridatexan wrote:We're talking about 9/11.  Bush's approval ratings were tanking.  He wanted to invade least two reasons for that are obvious...Iraqi oil and the fact that Saddam had tried to assassinate Poppy.  The Bushes had a long association with both the CIA and the Saudi Royals...and Bush was more than cozy with the Israelis, including American Zionists in league with the Israeli government, many of whom served in high level government positions...Zacheim, Wolfowitz, Perle, et al.  The Towers, recently acquired by Silverstein, were in need of asbestos remediation.  Government agencies and private companies who were in the process of investigating stock market irregularities and money missing from the Pentagon were directly hit, including the hit at the Pentagon, for which the "plane" had to make a 360 degree turn.  Building 7 was reported down by the BBC long before it actually fell.  Jeb Bush was a member of PNAC, which called for "a new Pearl Harbor".  Anthrax was sent to certain members of Congress and news organizations.  Lies were told to support both the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Osama bin Laden was a known "asset" of the CIA and a convenient patsy.  The actual physics of the Towers falling makes no sense whatsoever.  New Yorkers were told to go about their business, when the dust in their homes and businesses was toxic.  Underground fires burned for at least 2 months after 9/11.  And Bush sat in that Florida classroom doing nothing and looking guilty as sin.

I see,  Bush and Silverstein and the neocons blew up the World Trade Center.  Bush and the neocons did it to invade Iraq.  Silverstein did it to solve the problem of asbestos remediation.
And in Plan 9 From Outer Space,  the chief alien Eros detonated the solarbanite bomb to resurrect recently human dead by stimulating their pituitary and pineal glands.
It all makes sense.



Bob wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:We're talking about 9/11.  Bush's approval ratings were tanking.  He wanted to invade least two reasons for that are obvious...Iraqi oil and the fact that Saddam had tried to assassinate Poppy.  The Bushes had a long association with both the CIA and the Saudi Royals...and Bush was more than cozy with the Israelis, including American Zionists in league with the Israeli government, many of whom served in high level government positions...Zacheim, Wolfowitz, Perle, et al.  The Towers, recently acquired by Silverstein, were in need of asbestos remediation.  Government agencies and private companies who were in the process of investigating stock market irregularities and money missing from the Pentagon were directly hit, including the hit at the Pentagon, for which the "plane" had to make a 360 degree turn.  Building 7 was reported down by the BBC long before it actually fell.  Jeb Bush was a member of PNAC, which called for "a new Pearl Harbor".  Anthrax was sent to certain members of Congress and news organizations.  Lies were told to support both the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Osama bin Laden was a known "asset" of the CIA and a convenient patsy.  The actual physics of the Towers falling makes no sense whatsoever.  New Yorkers were told to go about their business, when the dust in their homes and businesses was toxic.  Underground fires burned for at least 2 months after 9/11.  And Bush sat in that Florida classroom doing nothing and looking guilty as sin.

I see,  Bush and Silverstein and the neocons blew up the World Trade Center.  Bush and the neocons did it to invade Iraq.  Silverstein did it to solve the problem of asbestos remediation.
And in Plan 9 From Outer Space,  the chief alien Eros detonated the solarbanite bomb to resurrect recently human dead by stimulating their pituitary and pineal glands.
It all makes sense.

Whatever, Bob. Laugh all you want. Laugh at the architects and engineers...the pilots...the government whistleblowers...the first responders who heard explosions in the basement...the scientists...the photographer who fled the country...the building superintendent...even the members of the 9/11 Commission itself.

Laugh at this:

You seem to think it's a joke. I don't.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

It's not a joke and that's why I didn't put the usual "lol" after that reply.
What it is is the worst example of a lack of common sense in the entire modern world.  It results from a dumbed down,  gullible,  mentallity that permeates through just about every thought process in America.
It's sad,  not funny.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Floridatexan wrote:even the members of the 9/11 Commission itself.

Show me anything,  evidence,  rumor,  alex jones'ism or anything else that says the 9/11 Commission EVER believed the World Trade Center was destroyed by explosive demolition.
Either do that or stop making ridiculously ludicrous claims.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Floridatexan wrote:
  The actual physics of the Towers falling makes no sense whatsoever.

Just more bullshit.  How and why the buildings collapsed has been thoroughly explained.


Bob is right. There is no intelligent debate on this subject anymore......just innuendo, suspicion, and tin foil hats. It made no logical sense to place explosives in the building and send planes.....none. Either one would suffice as a horrible act of terrorism. The best part is that this logic is so pure, that the tinfoilers had to revert to the position that there were no planes.........idiocy.



Oh well tex since the commission didn't look for explosive residue I am sure they never found any.....

in....3...2...1.....12 HOURS and the Dubai towers STILL STANDING! yeah yeah yeah ! - Page 2 ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.riffsy

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

It all resulted from a deep seated hatred of Bush.
It's absolutely no different than markle's hatred of Obama.

Left-wingers hate Bush so they make him become Ernst Blofeld.
Right-wingers hate Obama so they make him become a diabolical communist muslim intent on destroying America.

It's all so mindless and pathetic.  And as I already said,  it's a symptom of a dumbed down society that dumbs down further by the day.


Specialists in structural mechanics and structural engineering accept the model of a fire-induced, gravity-driven collapse of the World Trade Center buildings, an explanation that does not involve the use of explosives.[3][4][5] NIST "found no corroborating evidence for alternative hypotheses suggesting that the WTC towers were brought down by controlled demolition using explosives planted prior to Sept. 11, 2001."[6]

There has been NO explosive residue provided which meets any chain of custody standard. None.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Silverstein was part of a plot to blow up a big part of Lower Manhattan just because his properties had asbestos in them and since his name ends in "stein" that's all we need to know.  lol

Here's why that is so insane.  Kikes like Silverstein are not known for wanting to lose lots of money. 
Because he's a kike,  Silverstein went cheap and underinsured the World Trade Center when he bought it.
The last thing a kike like Silverstein would ever do is to destroy his own buildings when he knew full well he had underinsured them.

The only reason he didn't lose his ass is because a court happened to rule that two airliners striking two different buildings resulted in two different insurance claims and that allowed him to collect twice on the insurance.  Otherwise Silverstein would have lost billions by being a party to blowing up his own property.

Yea I know what comes next.  The goddamn courts were also a part of the plot.   Hell to explain this horseshit theory,  everybody and his fucking brother becomes part of the plot.



The extreme difficulty of explaining the collapse of building 7—-assuming that it is not permissible to mention controlled demolition---has been recognized by the official bodies. The report prepared under FEMA’s supervision came up with a scenario employing the diesel fuel, then admitted that this scenario had “only a low probability of occurrence.”[67] Even that statement is generous, because the probability that some version of the official story of building 7 is true is the same as it is for the towers, essentially zero, because it would violate several laws of physics. In any case, the 9/11 Commission, perhaps because of this admission by FEMA, avoided the problem by simply not even mentioning the fact that this building collapsed.

This was one of the Commission’s most amazing omissions. According to the official theory, building 7 demonstrated, contrary to the universal conviction prior to 9/11, that large steel-frame buildings could collapse from fire alone, even without having been hit by an airplane. This demonstration should have meant that building codes and insurance premiums for all steel-frame buildings in the world needed to be changed. And yet the 9/11 Commission, in preparing its 571-page report, did not devote a single sentence to this historic event.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote: it would violate several laws of physics.

List the laws of physics it violates and explain how it violates them.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

And if you choose not to do that,  then I'm going to start posting dozens of empty claims in a dozen different threads.  And I won't do anything to substantiate them,  just make the empty claims.



Bob wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote: it would violate several laws of physics.

List the laws of physics it violates and explain how it violates them.

Building 7 was the dark flat-topped 47-story skyscraper immediately north of the World Trade Center super-block, across Vesey Street. Its designation as 7 World Trade Center is somewhat misleading: whereas WTC 1 through 6 surrounded the WTC plaza and were completed in the 1970s, Building 7 was 300 feet from the plaza and its construction did not begun until 1985. 1   It was of an entirely different architectural style than the other six buildings. It was completely destroyed late in the afternoon on September 11th.

Building 7 was a 100% steel frame building...

   Newton's First Law of Motion states that in order for the motion of an object to change, a force must act upon it, a concept generally called inertia.
   Newton's Second Law of Motion defines the relationship between acceleration, force, and mass.
   Newton's Third Law of Motion states that any time a force acts from one object to another, there is an equal force acting back on the original object. If you pull on a rope, therefore, the rope is pulling back on you as well.

The building fell at free fall speeds in spite of the steel supports pushing back on the falling debris...that would have slowed the fall considerably due to didn' was like there were no columns inside and out supporting the building...

Now call lots of names and get the strays back in the herd so you can go on living a childs life trusting big daddy...

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