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American Capitalism No Longer Serves Society ...

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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

PkrBum wrote:He said pt barnum... not me. Don't let him get to you bob. You'll never be able to explain yourself... he'll move the goalposts.

"He'll move the goalposts"  rofl

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

All of a sudden I can actually envision a football game and it's 4th down and one team needs the field goal to win.
And at about the time the ball is snapped,  the other team is actually moving the goalpost over to the sidelines.  lol


I am just saying with a building to keep your stuff, are you not selling anything? You sales tax rule on buying stuff certainly means you still have stuff....and you do not sell anything.....yep....not PK....Pt Barnum....and the goalposts are set.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

But back to capitalism.   If you want to learn about what I think is the greatest capitalism story ever told,  go see the movie and learn about Michael Burry and Steve Eisman and those other characters.  But after you watch the movie do a whole lot of research on google because that will be just as entertaining as seeing the movie.


All of a sudden I can actually envision a football game and it's 4th down and one team needs the field goal to win.
And at about the time the ball is snapped, the other team is actually moving the goalpost over to the sidelines. lol

That is PKs perception......he gets some of that moonshine this time of the year and he is hallucinating that the goal posts are moving.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:I am just saying with a building to keep your stuff, are you not selling anything?  You sales tax rule on buying stuff certainly means you still have stuff....and you do not sell anything.....yep....not PK....Pt Barnum....and the goalposts are set.

You just gave the explanation for how I live so cheap.  What I buy now is material possessions for my own uses (not to sell) and I buy it for less than ten cents on the dollar. 
I'm not out there buying collectibles to resell anymore,  seaoat,  because there mostly is no such a thing anymore at yard sales.  99% of the people who have yard sales are looking it all up on eBay and asking eBay prices at the yard sales before they realize they have to actually sell it on eBay.
I'm out there buying furniture,  appliances,  clothing,  shoes,  and all manner of crap that you and everyone else buy.  Except I'm buying it for less than ten cents on the dollar.  That's how I live cheap.
So sue me.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Hold your horses for a second,  seaoat,  and let me take a picture and post it and that will help me explain it all.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

You see these,  seaoat.  These are Sperry Topsiders that sell for about 80 bucks.
I bought this leather pair and another pair (blue and white) at a church sale about a month ago for $2 each.  They have little wear and fit me like a glove and damn are they comfortable.
These are two of the probably dozen pairs of shoes I've bought over the last year or so and I got the dozen pair for what you pay for one pair of shoes.

American Capitalism No Longer Serves Society ... - Page 2 Topsid10

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Actually the sale was at the First Assembly of God at 12th and Bayou.
Same church that inspired the two abortion clinic bombers.

Hey,  what can I say,  when it comes to saving money,  I'm a whore.



Bob I am pretty sure you bought at Jerry's that last time.....soo there goes your image...

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote:Bob I am pretty sure you bought at Jerry's that last time.....soo there goes your image...

Ah,  I'm so glad you brought that up.   The only real expense I have is my restaurant bills.  I have never found a way to buy those second hand.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

But the same is not true with groceries.  I buy bread and produce every Saturday from the produce guy at T&W.
He has that really good Pepperidge Farm bread that's five bucks in the supermarket for a dollar.  All varieties.


You are talking to someone who duct tapes his shoes and could care less what people think. If I like a pair of shoes, I keep them until they fall apart. My grandmother used to have a fit about my shoes.

American Capitalism No Longer Serves Society ... - Page 2 Shoes10

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Correction.  The bread is $2 on Saturday and $1 on Sunday.  I go on Sunday.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:Bob,
You are talking to someone who duct tapes his shoes and could care less what people think.  If I like a pair of shoes, I keep them until they fall apart.  My grandmother used to have a fit about my shoes.

American Capitalism No Longer Serves Society ... - Page 2 Shoes10

I used to wear em down to the nub too,  seaoat.  But now that I have more pair than Imelda Marcos,  it's no longer necessary.  lol



Bob you can never out rich or out poor seaoat..

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I just realized,  only us geezers even know who Imelda Marcos was.  She was too long ago.  lol


I used to wear em down to the nub too, seaoat. But now that I have more pair than Imelda Marcos, it's no longer necessary. lol

With me they do not get comfortable until they are falling apart.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Well I'll be damned,  didn't know this.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:

With me they do not get comfortable until they are falling apart.

It's really interesting to see you say that.  Because that's exactly why I prefer the second hand shoes over new ones.  I like them to be broken in.  That's when they're comfortable.  New shoes hurt my feet until they get broken in. 



Matt 6: "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.


Bob you can never out rich or out poor seaoat..

never been poor.....started working at 15 and still working.....just like my shoes comfortable and worn out........Oscar to the core.



[quote="Wordslinger"]The system doesn't work anymore, and the majority of us are doomed to unending poverty.  Reality.

So, what is the alternative?  Are you offering a solution to your posit?

I read the article you posted.  It didn't offer "solutions" either.  What I did notice is two words: dispossessed and opportunity.

It mentions that the have-nots - the 99% are dispossessed.  Dispossessed means that their "stuff" was taken from them.  Last time I checked no one was having their "stuff" taken from them.

The other word - "opportunity" - was not to be found in the article.  Opportunity is what every American has, in some form.  The lowest among us has the opportunity to rise and become whatever they want.  Countless examples, from Lincoln to Carson.  The highest among us also have the opportunity to waste or squander and fall to become among the lowest. Sadly, also plenty of examples.  

Again, tell us your solution to this "system that doesn't work anymore".



colaguy wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:The system doesn't work anymore, and the majority of us are doomed to unending poverty.  Reality.

So, what is the alternative?  Are you offering a solution to your posit?

I read the article you posted.  It didn't offer "solutions" either.  What I did notice is two words: dispossessed and opportunity.

It mentions that the have-nots - the 99% are dispossessed.  Dispossessed means that their "stuff" was taken from them.  Last time I checked no one was having their "stuff" taken from them.

The other word - "opportunity" - was not to be found in the article.  Opportunity is what every American has, in some form.  The lowest among us has the opportunity to rise and become whatever they want.  Countless examples, from Lincoln to Carson.  The highest among us also have the opportunity to waste or squander and fall to become among the lowest. Sadly, also plenty of examples.  

Again, tell us your solution to this "system that doesn't work anymore".

I'll try -- first, take the money out of political campaigns -- end the influence of big business and the ultra rich via campaign financing and lobbyists. Second, make American companies pay their share of taxes and stop the tax breaks that encourage moving American manufacturing overseas to third world countries. Third: Stop pretending to be the world's policeman. No more unnecessary, unlimited and costly wars that never seem to end. Fourth: Start Medicare for all -- a single payer health system devoted to healthcare and not insurance company profits. Fifth: Raise the minimum wage to a level that allows a full-time worker to live above the poverty level. Sixth: offer a free college education to everyone -- if Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Great Britain can do it, why can't we? Seven: Acknowledge global warming and do ALL we can to decrease the use of fossil fuels.

That's not all that needs to be done, but it's a helluva good start. Thanks



But this is who you will vote for... while you wonder why things stay the same.

Billionaire liberal donor George Soros told a close Hillary Clinton ally in 2012 that he regretted supporting Barack Obama over her in the 2008 primaries and praised Clinton for giving him an open door to discuss policy, according to emails released Thursday by the State Department.

In an email to Clinton, Neera Tanden, head of the Center for American Progress, recounted a conversation she had while seated next to Soros at a dinner sponsored by the liberal major donor club called Democracy Alliance.

After Tanden informed Soros that she had worked for Clinton during her bitter 2008 campaign for the Democratic nomination against Obama, Tanden wrote that Soros “said he's been impressed that he can always call/meet with you on an issue of policy and said he hasn't met with the President ever (though I thought he had). He then said he regretted his decision in the primary - he likes to admit mistakes when he makes them and that was one of them. He then extolled his work with you from your time as First Lady on."

In 2012, The New Yorker reported that Soros felt snubbed by Obama after trying unsuccessfully to set up a White House meeting with the president. The two eventually met during “a low-profile, private meeting in New York, when the President was in town for other business,” according to the magazine.

Soros is now considered among Clinton’s most important major donors, having contributed $2 million to the pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC Priorities USA and American Bridge 21 Century in the first half of 2015.

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