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I think that scumbag dentist murderer should get life.

Hospital Bob
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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I value that lions life as much as I do the life of that scumbag. That's why I call it murder.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

By the way, that's the opinion of a fence-sitter. What's the opinion of you liberals and conservatives?


I value that lions life as much as I do the life of that scumbag. That's why I call it murder.

You wear leather belts and leather shoes, and eat your whataburger, and get all soft and fuzzy about the lion king.  I have hunted since I was a child.  Not so much the last twenty years, but I ate everything I killed.  I have no trophies, and always followed the laws.  This dentist appears to have bribed and baited this lion.  He should be prosecuted if he participated knowingly with a conspiracy to break the law......but this holier than thou BS Bob......have you ever seen an animal slaughtered for food.....I have and hunting seems more humane.



Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I think that scumbag dentist murderer should get life. 2AEB836100000578-3178135-image-a-2_1438143381314

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

This is before these rednecks beheaded him like ISIS does.



He has a felony conviction for illegally killing a bear in '06.

I hope he loses his practice and is forced to go hunting with Dick Cheney.


2seaoat wrote:I value that lions life as much as I do the life of that scumbag. That's why I call it murder.

You wear leather belts and leather shoes, and eat your whataburger, and get all soft and fuzzy about the lion king.  I have hunted since I was a child.  Not so much the last twenty years, but I ate everything I killed.  I have no trophies, and always followed the laws.  This dentist appears to have bribed and baited this lion.  He should be prosecuted if he participated knowingly with a conspiracy to break the law......but this holier than thou BS Bob......have you ever seen an animal slaughtered for food.....I have and hunting seems more humane.

There's a big difference in hunting for simply the sport vs hunting for survival of mankind. I don't think this dentist ate lion, rino, tiger and bear meat to survive.

I believe in Oct they will start hunting black bear here in Florida legally for a limited time to control the population, while I don't agree with this, I can see the reasoning behind it since they are roaming into our yards and have attacked a few people in the past couple of years. I think if the fish and wildlife would answer calls when you see one or there is one in your yard, come out and tranquilize and relocate would have been a better solution. But they will not come out for most calls. Why they pick and choose I have no idea.



Okay to kill these......I think that scumbag dentist murderer should get life. ?

Not okay to kill these....I think that scumbag dentist murderer should get life. ?

Be outraged accordingly.....



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Okay to kill these......I think that scumbag dentist murderer should get life. ?

Not okay to kill these....I think that scumbag dentist murderer should get life. ?

Be outraged accordingly.....

I dunno if that's really a fair comparison, T.

Don't get me wrong, aborting babies is fun and all ....

.... but, you just don't get that same adrenaline rush.


If republican congressmen really gave a damn about abortion, they would be fighting to provide more and better access to birth control

They were young women, 14 to 19 years old, from the St. Louis area. They were at high risk of becoming pregnant themselves and, in fact, some already had. But then they heard about a study, in which they could get birth control and counseling for free. And it wasn’t just any birth control. There was an opportunity to get long-acting forms of birth control, like intrauterine devices, that are effective for several years. Nearly three-fourths of the participants chose the long-acting option and the results were dramatic. Nationally, the pregnancy rate for sexually active young women of that age group is 158.5 (per 1,000 people). The rate among participants in the study was just 34.0.

Results from NEJM study

These findings, from a study published Wednesday night in the New England Journal of Medicine, are getting a lot of attention already. But they shouldn't surprise anybody. Birth control reduces pregnancy and long-acting birth control reduces pregnancy by quite a lot, since it doesn’t depend on human beings putting on a condom or taking a pill. That’s why, earlier this week, the American Academy of Pediatrics revised its clinical guidelines, urging members to advise sexually active teens to use IUDs as the preferred form of contraception. My colleague Rebecca Leber wrote about that study, in case you missed it.

The new paper is also one more reminder of why the Affordable Care Act's contraception mandate, which requires that all insurance policies pay for birth control without co-payments, is so important. Critics have dismissed its significance, because, they point out, condoms and even hormonal birth control bills are frequently available for very little money. But pills don’t work for everybody and neither method is as reliable as an IUD, which is a lot more expensive. Make it available at no cost, and more people will use it.

The right’s objection to the mandate, of course, is a moral one. Some religious conservatives believe that IUDs are forms of “abortifacients,” even though that's at odds with the available science. (Read Jen Gunter’s primer on this, from a few months ago, if you want a fuller treatment of that question.) They'd prefer the devices not be used and they certainly don't want to pay for them indirectly, whether it's through taxes or through insurance premiums.

But here’s something to consider. Birth control doesn’t simply reduce unwanted pregnancies. It also reduces abortions. In the New England Journal study, the mean abortion rate among participants was less than one-fourth the rate for sexually active 14- to 19-year-old women nationally. That’s a pretty massive difference. Some social conservatives don’t consider that argument relevant, because they think women can and should avoid pregnancy through other methods. To the rest of us, however, those numbers sure look like a powerful case for making birth control free.

—Jonathan Cohn



More? It's the leading cause of death in the US... how many more do you want?


PkrBum wrote:More? It's the leading cause of death in the US... how many more do you want?

What? Birth control is the leading cause of death in the US?



2seaoat wrote:I value that lions life as much as I do the life of that scumbag. That's why I call it murder.

You wear leather belts and leather shoes, and eat your whataburger, and get all soft and fuzzy about the lion king.  I have hunted since I was a child.  Not so much the last twenty years, but I ate everything I killed.  I have no trophies, and always followed the laws.  This dentist appears to have bribed and baited this lion.  He should be prosecuted if he participated knowingly with a conspiracy to break the law......but this holier than thou BS Bob......have you ever seen an animal slaughtered for food.....I have and hunting seems more humane.

As you know, those animals you cite are raised for the express purpose of feeding hundreds of millions of people.

You'll just try to argue about anything. Sad really.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

No, this time seaoat has one valid point. And I've been struggling with my own hypocrisy for a long time because of it.

And it really wouldn't have to be hypocrisy if I could say the animals I eat were treated humanely. Because then it would be easier to take that position that we should kill only what we eat.
But now of course I now know fully well that they aren't treated humanely. They're tortured and treated like inanimate objects, not living creatures who feel all the pain and all the suffering they are made to feel.
And I still eat the meat so that makes me a hypocrite. There's no way to spin it to let me off the hook on that.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

And by the way, it's two things which allowed this to happen. One is people like me who give in to it. And the other are the corporate capitalists whose only motive in life is profit.
Yes I guess there was no way to feed the growing masses without turning our farmlands over to corporate capitalists.
But don't ask me to like this situation.

That's why I say I don't worship corporate capitalism like republicans do. It's nothing more than a necessary evil to me. Same as government.

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