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Lafayette shooter was conservative liberal hater, tea partier. Whoda' thunk it?

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Congratulations Semi Sane Markle, one of your own shot nine victims in Lousiana theater. You must be so proud!



" It is unclear whether officials in Georgia filed records about Houser's involuntary hospitalization, which would have been funneled to the FBI's database and therefore surfaced during a background check in any state, according to The Associated Press.

"Obviously somebody with this kind of history should have never been able to buy a gun," Jindal said, noting that Louisiana laws would have prevented Houser from legally buying a gun."

I guess the dailykos might not care that govt controls failed... while they promote more govt controls.

What a surprise.



Yes who woulda thunk it...most of the mass killers are drugged out liberals.



Although the question of why and how this conservative, fundamentalist Christian killer for Jesus and country got hold of a pistol, is pertinent, that isn't what this thread is about, friends. It's about another white male, conservative Christian fundamentalist who justified murdering other folks. Yeah, the records indicate the guy is whacko in the head, but he was also a right wing agent for the far, furry right -which group seems to be supplying an ISIS-like surge of brutal, unthinking killers.



Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter: Reg­istered Democrat and Muslim.
– Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter – black liberal/Obama voter
– Seung-Hui Cho – Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.
– James Holmes – the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occu­py guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians.

– Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.
– Andrew J. Stack, flew plane into IRS building in Texas – Leftist Democrat


Lafayette shooter was conservative liberal hater, tea partier.  Whoda' thunk it? ?



Let's keep the Daily Kos theme going, shall we? This guy is really funny. Check out his take on our gun laws & second amendment.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Yes who woulda thunk it...most of the mass killers are drugged out liberals.

Not true at all, but still reported as if it were true by Fox News and the various right-wing media.



Floridatexan wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Yes who woulda thunk it...most of the mass killers are drugged out liberals.

Not true at all, but still reported as if it were true by Fox News and the various right-wing media.

Of course it's true..your wishful thinking can't change the please don't kill me...



Why isn't the focus upon where the crimes take place and by whom it is committing them?



PkrBum wrote:Why isn't the focus upon where the crimes take place and by whom it is committing them?

Am I missing something PkrBum? The subject shooter of this thread shot his victims in a theater in lafayette, La. He is a white fundamentalist conservative, a strong racist, loves the Confederate flag, and has had mental issues. Something wrong with this focus?



The vast majority of gun murders take place in the inner cities and are gang related.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

There's no doubt about it. This proves that right-wing conservative republicans are serial killers.
And as teo points out, liberals are serial killers too.

This is why I sit on the fence. No fence sitter ever killed anybody. Fence Sitters are racists, but not killers.

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