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Here is a professional police officer....well trained, confident, and in control

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He deescalates  He does not bully the driver.  He lets the driver let off steam, and then gives a warning instead of a ticket on the insurance.  He respects the citizen, he understands it is a traffic stop and his job is to be polite and not allow the situation to escalate.  He does not respond to the profanity.  Can I explain it to you sir.....instead of reacting to his profanity or getting in a piszing match.


Oh shut up Seaoat! He should have drug him out of the car and beat the shit out of him.


You can take the girl out of Alabama, but you cannot take Alabama out of the girl.


LOL! I was just kidding. I wanted to rile you up. And again, I'm not from Alabama. I grew up on the east coast-NY and NJ to be precise. WE moved to California when I was 17.


boards of FL

boards of FL


Nobody likes to be abused, and all us unprofessional folks would have loved to have arrested this man, and felt good, but training protects officers.  By deescalating the man's anger, the man who otherwise probably is a law abiding citizen gets his anger off his chest and the officer maintains control.  Escalating a confrontation over a parking ticket or traffic ticket is dangerous to the public and officers.  Training protocols teach to deescalate.  As the new AG has said, we need massive training in America.  It starts with officers getting updated on the Supreme Court recent rulings, and understanding the rights of citizens.  Lazy and unprofessional police work must stop.....a 1000 have died at the hands of police this year, and more will die.....we have a crisis and we must address the same.  The behavior of the officer in Texas and the officer in Pensacola are more a failure of training than personality defect, or evil intent.  It is tough being a cop, but if they take their duty to serve and protect seriously, the training will help them protect citizens from themselves.



boards of FL wrote:

I would like to hit that guy one time, in the face. One upward blow just under the nose.


I would like to hit that guy one time, in the face. One upward blow just under the nose.

I always knew that you were a part time trainer for the Pensacola Police Department.



2seaoat wrote:I would like to hit that guy one time, in the face. One upward blow just under the nose.

I always knew that you were a part time trainer for the Pensacola Police Department.

Dammit! My secret is out.



And, as 2seaoat and the other hate mongers here, that is the behavior of 99.9% of the officers on the job today.

All their whining is in just that, childish whining. Everything else is going so bad that can't talk about anything else except when one cop in a thousand messes up.


All their whining is in just that, childish whining. Everything else is going so bad that can't talk about anything else except when one cop in a thousand messes up.

No whine.  If as the AG has stated this week that LEO training has to be drastically revamped, it is not I who is whining.  If the Supreme Court in Gant mocks the police officer stating what the law is in contravention of the constitution it is not 1/10 of one percent problem.  It is the majority of police officers in America who readily violate fourth amendment protections and are taught the same in training as the war on drug created carefully drafted exceptions to the warrant requirements of the fourth which have been bastardized.....yea.....I can do instructor told me what the law was......the Supreme Court said NO.  The AG is dead cinch correct.  Massive retraining and evaluation of current officers.  We have legislation in the house now in a bipartisan bill is talking about reducing prison sentences and next we need budget cuts in the criminal justice system.

no stress

no stress

"There is hope because I'm watching Bill Clintons acceptance speech tonite". Lmao Typical fuckin crazy democrats

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