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Hey Obama how about using some of that money we saved to fix our infrastructure ?

boards of FL
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"Interstate 10 is closed completely and indefinitely," said Terri Kasinga, spokeswoman for the California Department of Transportation.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Logic of the Republican Base

1.  Democrats propose $468 billion infrastructure bill which would be funded by closing tax loopholes on corporations that hide money overseas.  Thus, the bill is deficit neutral.

2.  Republicans block that bill.

3.  Republican voters blame Obama for our infrastructure woes.

When your collection base shares the IQ of ranch dressing...

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Damned republicans....guess they don't use bridges.

boards of FL

boards of FL


WASHINGTON – Republicans in the Senate Thursday dealt President Obama the third in a string of defeats on his stimulus-style jobs agenda, blocking a $60 billion measure for building and repairing infrastructure like roads and rail lines.

Supporters of the failed measure said it would have created tens of thousands of construction jobs and lifted the still-struggling economy. But Republicans unanimously opposed it for its tax surcharge on the wealthy and spending totals they said were too high.

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boards of FL

boards of FL


WASHINGTON — President Obama’s proposed budget envisions a nearly half-trillion-dollar transportation construction spree that would seek to upgrade the nation’s roads, bridges and ports by imposing new taxes on overseas earnings by American companies.

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Hey Obama how about using some of that money we saved to fix our infrastructure ? Jobs



polecat wrote:Hey Obama how about using some of that money we saved to fix our infrastructure ? Jobs

That's a great cartoon.

The only thing funnier would be a self-described libertarian complaining about the state of our infrastructure.



Hey at least I hate both parties equally. Besides with a smaller central  government we could afford to fix our highways. Government has buggered up just about everything it touches. I am all for small local and state government but Feds are just a big fat burden on the whole country. Washington DC is where all the moneys at...for a good reason...they are the biggest thieves...

McLean is the most expensive suburb in the Washington metro area, home to many government officials and wealthy politicians.

boards of FL

boards of FL

TEOTWAWKI wrote:Hey at least I hate both parties equally. Besides with a smaller central  government we could afford to fix our highways. Government has buggered up just about everything it touches. I am all for small local and state government but Feds are just a big fat burden on the whole country. Washington DC is where all the moneys at...for a good reason...they are the biggest thieves...

McLean is the most expensive suburb in the Washington metro area, home to many government officials and wealthy politicians.

Logic of the High School Senior Libertarian

1.  Point to Obama while complaining about infrastructure.

2.  After being shown that Obama, as well as other democrats, have repeatedly submitted an array of infrastructure bills that have all been blocked by republicans, make the claim that you hate both parties equally.

3.  Suggest that if government would just, like, get out of the way, or something, roads and shit would just get built on their own.  

They just would!!!  The invisible hand, or something!!

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The Federal government doesn't build roads they rob the states then dole out the funds the state uses to hire independent contractors to build the truth Free market enterprise, skipping the feds is the best way to build roads...why shouldn't those that use them pay for them ? toll roads...similarly why should I pay for someone elses kids "free" education....Sure it's how it's been done in the recent past but only a real fool trusts the bloated Federal government to get it right. They are really good at skimming from every bill they write. Pork anyone ?..I have to wonder what was in that infrastructure bill that made it unacceptable...maybe more money to see why lesbian women are fat....



TEOTWAWKI wrote:The Federal government doesn't build roads they rob the states then dole out the funds the state uses to hire independent contractors to build the truth Free market enterprise, skipping the feds is the best way to build roads...why shouldn't those that use them pay for them ? toll roads...similarly why should I pay for someone elses kids "free" education....Sure it's how it's been done in the recent past but only a real fool trusts the bloated Federal government to get it right. They are really good at skimming from every bill they write. Pork anyone ?..I have to wonder what was in that infrastructure bill that made it unacceptable...maybe more money to see why lesbian women are fat....

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant analysis!!!!



knothead wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:The Federal government doesn't build roads they rob the states then dole out the funds the state uses to hire independent contractors to build the truth Free market enterprise, skipping the feds is the best way to build roads...why shouldn't those that use them pay for them ? toll roads...similarly why should I pay for someone elses kids "free" education....Sure it's how it's been done in the recent past but only a real fool trusts the bloated Federal government to get it right. They are really good at skimming from every bill they write. Pork anyone ?..I have to wonder what was in that infrastructure bill that made it unacceptable...maybe more money to see why lesbian women are fat....

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant analysis!!!!

Think I will go wash the sarcasm off me......




"Interstate 10 is closed completely and indefinitely," said Terri Kasinga, spokeswoman for the California Department of Transportation.

The bridge was washed out by a flash flood. There was nothing structurally wrong with the bridge.

Cute try.



Markle wrote:There was nothing structurally wrong with the bridge.

Cute try.

As opposed to the 61,000+ that have been deemed structurally deficient?



I think a bridge that can be washed out should be deemed structurally compromised Markle.....



Sal wrote:
Markle wrote:There was nothing structurally wrong with the bridge.

Cute try.

As opposed to the 61,000+ that have been deemed structurally deficient?

Do you know the meaning of structurally deficient? I didn't think so.

boards of FL

boards of FL

TEOTWAWKI wrote:The Federal government doesn't build roads they rob the states then dole out the funds the state uses to hire independent contractors to build the truth Free market enterprise, skipping the feds is the best way to build roads...why shouldn't those that use them pay for them ? toll roads...similarly why should I pay for someone elses kids "free" education....Sure it's how it's been done in the recent past but only a real fool trusts the bloated Federal government to get it right. They are really good at skimming from every bill they write. Pork anyone ?..I have to wonder what was in that infrastructure bill that made it unacceptable...maybe more money to see why lesbian women are fat....

Yeah, bra! Like, totally.  If government would just, like, get out of the way, or something, shit would just, like, work itself out on it's own, or something. Like, only statist sheeple see the value of an educated society.  Sure, there are, like, all sorts of research things or something that, like, show us that there is a correlation between education level and standard of living.  But, like, that's all bullshit that only sheeple believe, bra.  

And since those infrastructure bills were defeated, like, that must mean that they were bad, or something.  I haven't heard of them until today when they were, like, mentioned in this thread and I have no idea what they entail. But, like, they must be bad if the republicans defeated them.  Hey, and not that I, like, support the republicans or anything.  Like, I hate all parties equally, or something.  Something about pork and the, like, invisible hand.  

And, like, vaccines are all fake, and stuff.  And, like, all government numbers are, like, part of this huge conspiracy.  Just like climate science.  It's a world conspiracy, bra!  Like, totally!  Liberals, are, like, trying to take our guns, or something.  Buy gold!  The dollar is going to crash!

I'm, like, smart, or something, so, like, you should believe this.

I approve this message.



The attachments to the bill were bad, not the original bill itself. I am for voting on singlle issue bills and would like to see a Constitutonal amendment making it law. No riders, earmarks etc. A bill gets voted on its merit and nothing else

boards of FL

boards of FL

Demssuck wrote:The attachments to the bill were bad, not the original bill itself. I am for voting on singlle issue bills and would like to see a Constitutonal amendment making it law. No riders, earmarks etc. A bill gets voted on its merit and nothing else

Which bill and which attachments?

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boards of FL wrote:Logic of the Republican Base

1.  Democrats propose $468 billion infrastructure bill which would be funded by closing tax loopholes on corporations that hide money overseas.  Thus, the bill is deficit neutral.

2.  Republicans block that bill.

3.  Republican voters blame Obama for our infrastructure woes.

When your collection base shares the IQ of ranch dressing...

Logic of the Democrat Base.

Closing loopholes is an age old, failed argument.  Why not close those loopholes and reduce the DEBT from $18+ TRILLION accrued during the administration, so far, of semi-retired President Obama back to what it was when he took office?  That would be $10 TRILLION.

Money is not “hidden” overseas by corporations.  That is money earned by corporations doing business overseas and on which they pay taxes in that country.  You think it is a grand idea to force those corporations to pay the highest corporate taxes in the world to bring money into the US which has already had taxes deducted.  Would you do that?

Wasn’t the failed Stimulus Plan supposed to also go toward infrastructure?  Yeah, I remember, here in Tallahassee we got a $3.2 MILLION TURTLE TUNNEL.  For the kooks that wanted this boondoggle, it has turned out to be a fast food stop for the alligators.  

Remember too, President Obama and his “Job Czar” GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt laughing out loud when they mentioned “shovel ready jobs”.  Yeah I didn’t think so.



boards of FL wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:The Federal government doesn't build roads they rob the states then dole out the funds the state uses to hire independent contractors to build the truth Free market enterprise, skipping the feds is the best way to build roads...why shouldn't those that use them pay for them ? toll roads...similarly why should I pay for someone elses kids "free" education....Sure it's how it's been done in the recent past but only a real fool trusts the bloated Federal government to get it right. They are really good at skimming from every bill they write. Pork anyone ?..I have to wonder what was in that infrastructure bill that made it unacceptable...maybe more money to see why lesbian women are fat....

Yeah, bra! Like, totally.  If government would just, like, get out of the way, or something, shit would just, like, work itself out on it's own, or something. Like, only statist sheeple see the value of an educated society.  Sure, there are, like, all sorts of research things or something that, like, show us that there is a correlation between education level and standard of living.  But, like, that's all bullshit that only sheeple believe, bra.  

And since those infrastructure bills were defeated, like, that must mean that they were bad, or something.  I haven't heard of them until today when they were, like, mentioned in this thread and I have no idea what they entail. But, like, they must be bad if the republicans defeated them.  Hey, and not that I, like, support the republicans or anything.  Like, I hate all parties equally, or something.  Something about pork and the, like, invisible hand.  

And, like, vaccines are all fake, and stuff.  And, like, all government numbers are, like, part of this huge conspiracy.  Just like climate science.  It's a world conspiracy, bra!  Like, totally!  Liberals, are, like, trying to take our guns, or something.  Buy gold!  The dollar is going to crash!

I'm, like, smart, or something, so, like, you should believe this.

Talking stupid comes naturally to you doesn't it?



knothead wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:The Federal government doesn't build roads they rob the states then dole out the funds the state uses to hire independent contractors to build the truth Free market enterprise, skipping the feds is the best way to build roads...why shouldn't those that use them pay for them ? toll roads...similarly why should I pay for someone elses kids "free" education....Sure it's how it's been done in the recent past but only a real fool trusts the bloated Federal government to get it right. They are really good at skimming from every bill they write. Pork anyone ?..I have to wonder what was in that infrastructure bill that made it unacceptable...maybe more money to see why lesbian women are fat....

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant analysis!!!!

Think I will go wash the sarcasm off me......

It might be a good idea since the progressives will never understand.

*****NULL FACE*****




Sal wrote:
Markle wrote:There was nothing structurally wrong with the bridge.

Cute try.

As opposed to the 61,000+ that have been deemed structurally deficient?

Speaking of structural deficiencies have you used your Prep H like Boards asked you too?





boards of FL wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:The Federal government doesn't build roads they rob the states then dole out the funds the state uses to hire independent contractors to build the truth Free market enterprise, skipping the feds is the best way to build roads...why shouldn't those that use them pay for them ? toll roads...similarly why should I pay for someone elses kids "free" education....Sure it's how it's been done in the recent past but only a real fool trusts the bloated Federal government to get it right. They are really good at skimming from every bill they write. Pork anyone ?..I have to wonder what was in that infrastructure bill that made it unacceptable...maybe more money to see why lesbian women are fat....

Yeah, bra! Like, totally.  If government would just, like, get out of the way, or something, shit would just, like, work itself out on it's own, or something. Like, only statist sheeple see the value of an educated society.  Sure, there are, like, all sorts of research things or something that, like, show us that there is a correlation between education level and standard of living.  But, like, that's all bullshit that only sheeple believe, bra.  

And since those infrastructure bills were defeated, like, that must mean that they were bad, or something.  I haven't heard of them until today when they were, like, mentioned in this thread and I have no idea what they entail. But, like, they must be bad if the republicans defeated them.  Hey, and not that I, like, support the republicans or anything.  Like, I hate all parties equally, or something.  Something about pork and the, like, invisible hand.  

And, like, vaccines are all fake, and stuff.  And, like, all government numbers are, like, part of this huge conspiracy.  Just like climate science.  It's a world conspiracy, bra!  Like, totally!  Liberals, are, like, trying to take our guns, or something.  Buy gold!  The dollar is going to crash!

I'm, like, smart, or something, so, like, you should believe this.

You were smart enough to take the bait in the ESPY thread just like the dim witted fish you are moron.





Damn! Now I need to come up with a new list of words that might need to be 'replaced'.



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