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No Money for vA but money for Syrian refugees - Obama is a Muslim

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I will be glad to see this ahole go away. Americans have got to be the most gullible ignorant people ever walked the face of the earth to have elected this rat twice.


He hasn't met all the vet objectives but pretty close.

Republicans want to cut benefits:

I certainly don't want the U.S. to accept any more refugee's, but you better check your facts and what party wants to cut vet's benefits.



It's all smoke n mirrors and a liberal press ...there's no way Republicans would hurt the very troops they need for endless wars.  I am sure the Democrats have used some artful way to make them appear to cut VA funding. It probably has provisions for transgender surgery and steroids for women that want to be Rangers....

boards of FL

boards of FL

TEOTWAWKI wrote:It's all smoke n mirrors and a liberal press ...there's no way Republicans would hurt the very troops they need for endless wars.  I am sure the Democrats have used some artful way to make them appear to cut VA funding. It probably has provisions for transgender surgery and steroids for women that want to be Rangers....

And here we see the republican voter in the act of remaining willful ignorant. This is a common defense employed by the lowest common denominators of society in the hopes of blocking out any new information or possibility of learning. As we can see here, new information is introduced, though the republican immediately rationalizes that away by way of a liberal media conspiracy and political posturing on the part of democratic politicians. The republican underling therefore concludes that republican politicians could not possibly aim to cut benefits to veterans, in spite of mountainous evidence to the contrary.

This is the height of stupid on display in real time.

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boards of FL wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:It's all smoke n mirrors and a liberal press ...there's no way Republicans would hurt the very troops they need for endless wars.  I am sure the Democrats have used some artful way to make them appear to cut VA funding. It probably has provisions for transgender surgery and steroids for women that want to be Rangers....

And here we see the republican voter in the act of remaining willful ignorant.  This is a common defense employed by the lowest common denominators of society in the hopes of blocking out any new information or possibility of learning.  As we can see here, new information is introduced, though the republican immediately rationalizes that away by way of a liberal media conspiracy and political posturing on the part of democratic politicians.  The republican underling therefore concludes that republican politicians could not possibly aim to cut benefits to veterans, in spite of mountainous evidence to the contrary.  

This is the height of stupid on display in real time.

Thank you for your concise and ignorant summation. Very good use of will be a good little progressive someday.

boards of FL

boards of FL

boards of FL wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:It's all smoke n mirrors and a liberal press ...there's no way Republicans would hurt the very troops they need for endless wars.  I am sure the Democrats have used some artful way to make them appear to cut VA funding. It probably has provisions for transgender surgery and steroids for women that want to be Rangers....

And here we see the republican voter in the act of remaining willful ignorant.  This is a common defense employed by the lowest common denominators of society in the hopes of blocking out any new information or possibility of learning.  As we can see here, new information is introduced, though the republican immediately rationalizes that away by way of a liberal media conspiracy and political posturing on the part of democratic politicians.  The republican underling therefore concludes that republican politicians could not possibly aim to cut benefits to veterans, in spite of mountainous evidence to the contrary.  

This is the height of stupid on display in real time.

Thank you for your concise and ignorant summation. Very good use of will be a good little progressive someday.

And here we see the republican voter returned to a state of pure ignorance.  The new information has been discarded entirely without any research or deeper investigation.  A common theme among these cognitively-challenged voters is the belief that optimal solutions to complex problems arise naturally from within the brain without any deep thought or consideration, as opposed to stemming from actual research or real-world empirical examination.   This is why many suffering with this level of stupidity flock to oversimplified political models that are very easy to understand but that have never practically existed in reality (libertarianism, ancaps, etc.)  Many high school student flock to these ideologies due to a lack of real-world experience, and then most shed these worldviews in favor of more practical, nuanced views as they increase their level of education.  

But for some, unfortunately, the ignorance persists through the age of 20 and in worst cases, as far as middle age to retirement.

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Stop calling me a republican I am a stanch independent !  Both of YOUR parties suck somethin awful !

You are getting as verbose as your mentor and forum daddy seaoat .....chill dude nobody reads anything posted that long...especially when it is just bla bla gibberish.

boards of FL

boards of FL

And welcome back to another episode of "Guess who said it", where we ask you to pair quotes up with the people who most likely said them!!

And now for our first quote!!:

???? wrote:You are getting as verbose as your mentor and forum daddy seaoat .....chill dude nobody reads anything posted that long...especially when it is just bla bla gibberish.

Now it's time to Guess Who Said It! Here are your options:

1) A high school sophomore who recently discovered libertariansim

2) An elderly man

Scroll down for the answer! You'll never Guess Who Said It!!!


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